Tag: stat

17 how to know if noatime or relatime is default mount option in kernel? 2011-08-01T20:09:02.827

7 How to get actual creation time of a file on Unix? 2013-12-11T08:46:32.400

7 Windows equivalent to the unix "stat" command? 2016-09-16T16:49:32.930

6 stat and ls show wrong file size (terabytes wrong) 2013-06-30T20:49:22.330

5 Mac OS X 10.6 /usr/bin/stat command, what is the default output showing me? 2010-08-12T18:36:50.713

4 stat command in Mac OS X 2012-11-14T10:17:44.043

3 What's up with stat on Mac OS X/Darwin? Or filesystems without names 2010-02-02T10:40:54.120

3 Faster du/stat alternative for directories 2015-08-04T19:44:01.163

2 what is faster, du or stat? 2011-07-17T23:47:47.417

2 Can not stat over a file name having space in it 2013-02-04T05:18:14.207

2 how to modify the "time offset from UTC" of files 2015-12-18T21:52:26.270

2 Why is the modification date of my swapfile not changing? 2019-09-04T05:01:05.250

1 tar --files-from complains "Cannot stat: No such file or directory" 2010-08-02T14:51:19.520

1 Does stat/lstat on nonexistent file cause a disk seek? 2011-10-14T11:25:12.967

1 cp: cannot stat error - when filename has Asian characters 2015-04-03T23:52:23.353

1 what do +0100 +0200 mean in linux command `stat` results 2015-12-07T02:13:11.257

0 Why mongostat is not defined? 2016-09-05T13:22:26.700

0 Meaning of time output from stat 2016-09-13T17:39:15.323

0 How can I move or delete files created in certain time range? 2017-07-22T16:52:42.203

0 permission script with stat command trouble awk special character 2018-12-30T10:55:59.657