Tag: shell

30 Why run a Linux shell command with '&'? 2010-06-15T10:16:33.363

30 Bash/ZSH: Undoing 'disown' 2010-09-02T22:32:32.197

30 Any shortcut for "cd .."? 2011-03-19T15:06:40.560

30 How do I find (and kill) process running on a certain port? 2011-08-12T13:15:29.657

29 How do I rename files with spaces using the Linux shell? 2011-06-08T19:38:59.730

29 What is the difference between CMD and Command prompt in windows? 2012-07-21T13:29:16.593

29 Suppress execution trace for echo command? 2014-09-03T09:22:08.273

29 difference between ${} and $() in shell script 2015-07-02T08:37:14.453

29 How to change the default shell in Cygwin? 2015-07-14T16:10:39.277

29 Is it possible to restart a computer in response to an email notification? 2016-04-17T11:23:17.130

28 How do I copy file named starting with a dot? 2011-03-31T23:54:12.903

28 How to find my stolen Macbook 2011-11-09T19:04:40.577

28 What is the difference between /etc/environment and /etc/profile? 2013-10-23T11:14:40.497

28 What does % do in Linux shell strings? 2016-08-30T20:22:58.947

27 how to bring a background job to foreground 2009-12-14T20:02:46.770

27 What is the difference between bash and sh? 2010-03-30T15:54:03.530

27 Windows & Git Bash: Bash PATH to read Windows %PATH% system variable 2013-06-13T17:17:47.750

27 How can I get the uncompressed size of gzip file without actually decompressing it? 2013-07-14T09:15:31.440

26 Why is the size of a directory always 4096 bytes in unix? 2010-05-19T11:44:00.453

26 ZSH Completion colors and OS X 2011-05-28T15:09:49.367

26 How can I do Ctrl-Z and bg in one keypress to make process continue in background? 2012-01-13T14:12:11.147

26 Can I use pipe output as a shell script argument? 2012-08-15T13:11:32.653

26 Why does ‘tmux’ create new windows as login shells by default? 2015-09-06T02:58:01.750

25 Linux Shell: Copy output into clipboard w/o using the Mouse? 2010-02-05T00:42:15.473

25 Check number of pending security updates in Ubuntu 2010-10-15T17:16:43.153

25 Shell script echo new line to file 2011-07-22T20:18:22.703

25 How to set terminal size in Android adb shell? 2011-10-26T15:23:42.480

25 Get the parent directory for a file 2013-01-20T06:02:33.073

25 What's the ZSH equivalent of BASH's $PROMPT_COMMAND? 2014-03-31T02:13:22.297

25 How to update bash on Mac OS X Yosemite 2014-12-27T01:27:04.790

24 Screen a running process 2009-08-24T06:11:06.760

24 loading local shell aliases to ssh session dynamicaly 2012-11-08T18:23:24.570

24 zsh config - to export or not to export? 2013-05-22T22:53:53.113

24 Why am I having / how can I fix this error: "shell_session_update: command not found" 2016-02-22T19:11:40.037

23 Bash not loading '.profile' in new session on Linux 2010-08-16T14:23:03.037

23 Console like Gnome Terminal for Windows 2011-01-11T15:21:45.400

23 Why do we have login, non-login, interactive, and non-interactive bash shells? 2013-10-12T07:46:05.373

22 Use GNU screen as login "shell" 2009-10-07T15:12:33.027

22 Random password generator: many, in columns, on command line, in Linux 2010-02-15T19:16:52.537

22 HOSTNAME environment variable on Linux 2010-04-19T08:16:09.060

22 how to set ENV variable in windows CMD line 2010-11-18T02:15:29.500

22 Change directory using sudo 2010-12-11T18:46:41.433

22 BASH history truncated to 500 lines on each login 2013-03-29T22:33:54.780

22 Why does clang generate unintelligible text when redirected? 2016-04-28T12:30:46.707

21 How do I set my shell in Mac OS X? 2009-09-29T00:06:59.270

21 Will rm -rf * remove all files/folders in the current directory? 2010-04-02T01:16:08.217

21 How to change proxy setting using Command line in Mac OS? 2011-07-29T05:54:35.640

21 Opening Explorer shell with admin privileges on XP (with IE7 installed) 2008-08-17T18:26:37.333

21 Best practices to alias the rm command and make it safer 2012-01-25T17:36:15.797

21 How to remove a path from $PATH variable in fish? 2014-07-02T12:21:30.300

20 How can I launch a file properties dialog from the command line? 2009-07-26T19:47:20.157

20 What's the difference between /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc? Which one should I use? 2009-10-01T14:01:06.967

20 how to `tail` the latest file in a directory 2010-03-08T13:46:38.223

20 What's the usage of -exec xargs and -print0? 2010-03-11T09:41:45.997

20 Shell SIGKILL Keybinding 2011-05-26T05:23:09.983

20 Linux command to find files changed in the last n seconds 2011-06-21T17:41:40.257

20 Retrieve Linux command line history by date 2012-03-06T14:32:05.290

20 Why can't I highlight text in a linux terminal emulator with shift+arrow keys? 2013-02-22T17:22:58.480

20 How to cut a file to a given size under Linux? 2013-08-08T14:27:41.697

19 A command before every bash command 2010-03-07T19:16:32.500

19 How to delete files on the command line with regular expressions? 2010-05-06T12:00:17.113

19 How to "undo" unzip command? 2012-02-01T03:09:33.477

19 Writing shell scripts that will run on any shell (using multiple shebang lines?) 2012-11-08T17:54:41.803

19 Setting pipefail for a single piped command 2012-11-24T13:46:21.353

18 How do I combine stdout and stderr for different shells? 2009-07-30T17:10:03.730

18 How to calculate a relative path from two absolute paths in Linux shell? 2010-05-13T03:56:57.640

18 Command aliases in Command Prompt? 2010-06-08T17:55:14.047

18 How to retrieve the absolute path of an arbitrary file from the OS X 2010-10-30T09:53:51.013

18 Is there any functional-like unix shell? 2012-04-18T18:42:44.113

18 ZSH tab completion of git commands is very slow. How can I turn it off? 2012-08-08T01:30:01.063

18 Shell Shortcuts in Windows OS 2013-11-10T08:09:53.683

18 How do I check the ulimit for another user and change open files? 2014-09-12T18:09:34.240

18 Prevent currently running linux task to be killed after logout from SSH 2014-11-03T16:53:53.193

18 Is it possible to print out the shell expansion? 2015-01-06T00:51:26.997

18 Cannot execute script while its permission is 'x' 2019-06-24T21:01:20.000

18 Why is 1>a.txt 2>&1 different from 1>a.txt 2>a.txt ? (Example shown) 2019-12-12T08:36:32.040

17 Unix: How to merge two directories 2011-02-07T11:54:20.870

17 How to properly end a KDE session from shell without root privileges 2012-03-01T16:09:40.190

17 zsh post command function/hook 2012-09-09T03:59:38.090

17 what does it mean a red filename shown with black background? 2013-01-29T13:31:16.863

17 How do I make "find" exclude the folder it searches in? 2013-05-02T07:10:57.370

17 What does $@ mean as a bash script function parameter 2013-12-29T14:39:40.980

17 What is the difference between set, env, declare and export when setting a variable in a Linux shell? 2014-10-05T12:26:03.507

17 Remote SSH Commands - bash bind warning: line editing not enabled 2015-03-22T20:43:46.160

17 dir C: vs dir C:\ 2015-12-20T05:46:38.147

17 What is the maximum value of a numeric bash shell variable? 2016-01-22T21:05:37.043

16 How to diff directories for different files, but not line-by-line 2009-10-09T16:52:18.117

16 Mac OS X - Could not start Terminal.app - shell has illegal value 2009-11-13T12:40:22.877

16 How long is long for the Unix 'file' command? 2010-01-05T11:00:39.753

16 http get from the shell in Mac OS X 2010-12-23T23:14:26.593

16 Want to try out Linux, what do? 2011-06-05T01:40:15.653

16 unix - split a huge .gz file by line 2012-01-23T11:21:32.467

16 Prefix to each output of a command on runtime 2013-07-23T10:58:18.490

16 How to escape "!" and "&" in docker's environment varibles 2014-06-30T16:04:22.460

15 How to show the current Vi mode when using Vi keybindings in the shell? 2009-08-05T17:27:07.157

15 Mouse cursor in Terminal? 2010-05-29T20:04:05.800

15 How to use a pipe to edit a file with vi 2011-05-31T04:57:27.570

15 Aliases in subshell / child process 2011-08-05T15:54:06.653

15 When creating a symbolic link, how do I troubleshoot 'too many levels of symbolic links'? 2011-08-12T11:33:44.310