Tag: sectors

15 Can prematurely powering down a computer cause bad sectors in a hard drive? 2013-09-17T06:49:04.627

10 Western Digital Green drive from 512 byte sectors (jumpered) to 4k byte sectors (removal of jumper) 2011-06-02T09:02:18.703

10 Is it possible to create a software RAID 1 with different sector sizes? 2011-12-13T02:01:52.930

10 What does the output of fdisk mean? 2013-01-09T19:40:59.087

10 Unable to Write Zeros to Bad Sectors/Hard Disk Not Counting Reallocated Sectors 2013-10-18T22:56:27.933

8 NTFS; marking sectors bad using Linux 2011-02-20T16:50:11.607

8 What are the differences between Host Protected Area (HPA), Device Configuration Overlay (DCO), and service area of a HDD/SSD? 2014-02-27T17:10:59.917

7 Number of sectors per track in hard drive? 2011-11-26T11:19:03.460

6 hard drive pending sector count 2009-11-13T02:33:08.120

6 Migrate Win7 upgrade from 63 sector to 4096 sector advanced format disk 2012-03-14T14:49:18.770

6 What are disk sectors for? 2012-06-04T05:55:41.057

5 4k Sectors: Which Drives Don't Lie About Having 512b Sectors and Correctly Report 4k Sectors? 2010-11-10T16:37:35.520

5 Does NTFS (or any file system) support files outside of the partition? 2012-12-21T15:37:40.380

5 GPT PMBR Size Mismatch will be corrected by w(rite) 2018-08-24T17:22:07.030

4 What is the difference between a disk block and a sector? 2016-08-05T20:11:06.903

3 When referring to filesystems and disks, are "disk sectors", "disk blocks", "chunk size", and "disk records" the same thing? 2011-10-25T18:38:29.577

3 Is it possible to detect the previous byte position on a hard drive after it has been overwritten? 2012-05-22T18:22:29.160

3 System randomly freezes yet mouse still moves, SSD out of reallocatable sectors, should I replace it? 2012-09-08T08:57:37.170

3 Is it possible that an SD card has 100% bad sectors? 2012-11-01T00:36:25.867

3 Is the first sector of the hard drive in the center or along the edge of the drive? 2013-02-24T01:18:43.783

3 How to read MFT on USB Hard Drive (NTFS, 1TB)? 2015-04-30T16:35:13.047

3 Bad sectors in RAM, fixed or not? 2018-06-17T20:28:09.117

2 Fixboot won't stay fixed 2009-09-15T21:32:57.107

2 Determine which sectors of a hard disk a given file occupies? 2010-06-22T02:33:50.517

2 Realocated Sector Count showing weird number 2012-07-22T21:38:44.293

2 Clone a 2TB WD Green internal drive with bad sectors to a 3TB partitioned external 2012-08-28T22:22:56.667

2 File size on disk gets minimum equal to memory page size instead of disk sector size? 2013-01-14T16:44:22.443

2 Could there be data loss on hard drive due to reallocated sectors? 2013-01-31T17:12:45.817

2 Linux command to get FAT32 sectors of a file 2013-03-20T19:59:54.383

2 Getting a 4TB USB drive (4k native sector size) to work with Xen and Windows 2008 guest 2015-01-06T20:53:35.907

2 File slack / RAM slack: why does Windows write arbitrary RAM bytes to disk? Does Linux too? 2016-03-29T10:16:30.390

1 How to get a file's sector location/number? 2011-05-19T09:06:29.177

1 Boot Sector Missing in External hard drive 2011-05-20T22:48:32.953

1 Reallocated bad sectors cause my HDD to slow down? 2011-12-04T11:05:28.247

1 Mismatch between CxHxS and "total number of sectors" 2012-03-03T03:30:04.367

1 GRUB: ELF sectors outside core 2012-07-30T10:44:47.287

1 Recover Bootable USB disk data 2013-11-14T20:07:33.493

1 Can a USB pen drive have sector size > 512 bytes? 2014-02-05T12:44:55.593

1 Cloning a 512 sector size to Advanced Format WD Black drive 2014-05-19T01:49:29.797

1 Remapping bad sectors from sectors not in the spare sector pool 2016-08-08T15:08:36.450

1 Is it possible to find out which sectors are pending without full disk read? 2016-12-25T18:00:24.697

1 What is a valid block size in a disk? 2017-03-04T17:49:05.180

1 Do new USB flash drives use advanced format (AF)? 2017-03-10T15:14:38.360

1 Reading a file using LBA addressing 2018-07-10T17:55:41.980

1 How to spot or match the specific sector of the DVD disc in the movie? 2019-01-19T01:25:09.927

1 Is it possible to remove sectors from a disk? 2019-10-13T20:16:25.837

0 Sector-precise partition editor with resize NTFS? 2011-12-13T12:34:43.747

0 Find out what sectors are a file on a hard drive? 2012-03-25T06:17:03.917

0 How to check if a particular disk sector contains data? 2012-04-13T06:59:45.400

0 Why would the last sector be unused? 2012-09-08T04:03:54.427

0 Is it possible to make certain disk sectors readonly 2012-10-02T19:27:06.463

0 Restore boot sector from a hard disc to another 2012-12-01T07:24:28.810

0 Copying a Partition-Empty Sectors and All 2013-01-26T20:16:34.453

0 How do I find the sectors that populate a hard drive track? 2013-02-05T14:10:59.170

0 Partitioning an SSD with sfdisk 2013-08-27T06:03:41.747

0 Unable to access 15 GB partition? 2014-01-25T11:50:08.060

0 Partition Hard disk with start sector 1 2014-05-01T19:06:59.830

0 Is the beginning file on a SATA HDD the same as an SSD? 2014-08-18T17:48:45.080

0 Wiping only part of a partition on an HDD 2014-10-06T15:21:02.000

0 Emulate 512-byte sectors with Xen 2015-01-10T19:52:29.670

0 How can I calculate what sector of the partition an offset resides in? 2015-12-09T10:43:34.820

0 What actually happens with the hard drive when we resize(shrink, extend) partitions? 2018-05-09T05:54:08.520

0 Is it possible for the filesystem's logical block size to be less than the physical sector size? 2018-05-28T06:47:20.070

0 Block defective RAM sectors 2018-06-17T21:09:05.460

0 Converting Logical sector to CHS tuple on an SSD 2018-11-05T21:30:18.490

0 Why the different arc length sector have the same size data capacity? 2019-01-14T08:16:14.463

0 Is it possible to fix number of sectors in the USB enclosure? 2019-02-21T18:46:46.623

0 What is the "write page" size of a WDS200T2B0A/WDS200T2B0B? 2019-05-20T21:18:35.787

0 Determine sector-size of a drive 2019-09-03T10:52:33.717

0 I Think I'm Due For A New HD (reallocated sectors) 2019-10-24T03:37:49.543

-3 How do I determine what is the best block size for a 960 PRO M.2? 2018-07-04T06:02:12.883