Tag: recursion

14 Resume recursive scp transfer (with rsync?) 2010-06-01T15:52:16.867

7 How to Recursively Remove .svn Directories? 2011-06-01T15:34:55.560

6 How can I remove files containing whitespace recursively? 2011-07-12T01:13:20.747

6 How to get rid of folder containing just three dots [...] (pointing to its parent folder) 2015-12-08T10:52:24.803

4 When running `rm -rf`, is it possible to exclude certain subdirectories? 2010-09-28T13:12:06.660

4 How to do recursive calculations in Excel? 2013-01-27T20:21:19.493

2 ncftp - recursive deletion 2013-01-25T20:42:04.053

2 Recursively md5 files compared to stored .md5 file 2015-12-15T01:08:19.607

2 Merging Scripts...Wrong Type of File-Object (Maybe)? 2016-02-26T21:15:49.693

2 powershell select-string with recursion to specific file 2016-10-03T23:59:21.243

2 Recursive DNS server answers with CNAME but does not return the A record 2018-03-05T16:53:19.827

1 A program to tell me what filetypes are in this directory 2010-01-14T16:06:37.670

1 How to rename files and subdirectories in bash command line? 2012-10-24T19:31:26.437

1 Recursively touching directories' last modified datetime as the same datetime of the last modified file inside 2013-05-13T09:57:32.630

1 Linux recursive rename files only 2014-12-13T08:12:41.560

1 How to recursively create a hash file (sha512sum) inside each folder of a tree? 2015-07-12T05:59:13.593

0 Does Send mail can turn on external recursion in BIND DNS Server? 2012-08-01T08:59:06.923

0 Recursive Batch File 2012-10-24T09:08:21.597

0 Recursively compare file identities in Windows environment using only standard Windows commandline tools 2014-06-17T05:28:28.120

-2 Will this program terminate for every Integer? 2018-06-14T11:24:03.437