Tag: readline

103 How do I reload .inputrc? 2011-02-03T11:31:14.843

44 Bash vs. Gnu screen : Replace Ctrl-A with Ctrl-Shift-A 2010-05-18T20:56:43.530

31 How do I reload .inputrc using a bash script? 2012-05-02T15:10:37.203

23 Binding backward-kill-word to Ctrl+w 2010-11-18T20:12:08.793

19 SQLite with readline support on Ubuntu 2009-12-12T18:51:10.347

15 Terminal tab completion 2009-10-11T18:34:00.007

15 Bash readline deleting till the previous slash 2013-06-11T08:22:42.823

15 Mac readline - Library not loaded 2017-02-20T23:50:09.793

14 Why do `bind` and `.inputrc` behave differently? 2012-12-04T06:54:54.990

13 Ctrl-e and Ctrl-a not working on Ubuntu Hardy? 2009-09-28T16:33:44.097

13 Mac Terminal/iTerm history cursor problems 2010-11-05T00:32:28.230

13 Is there a way of using ctrl-r after typing part of command in bash? 2012-01-30T15:41:24.130

12 PowerShell: history enhancements (readline)? 2010-02-01T04:58:00.630

11 Is there any way to save a keyboard macro in bash? 2011-06-06T23:08:37.670

9 Strange keyboard when using sqlite shell on linux 2013-03-05T12:55:59.623

8 Readline in vi mode: how can I enable up/down arrows? 2011-12-18T01:01:56.587

7 Control-Backspace (unix-kill-rubout) for readline? 2010-01-14T04:26:31.320

7 readline: difference between vi, vi-move, vi-command, vi-insert keymaps 2011-05-21T19:42:28.503

7 Why you don't read lines with "for" in bash? 2011-12-01T17:30:38.380

7 Is it possible to control the whole Gnome desktop with vi-like commands? 2012-09-27T06:34:11.367

7 I'm using Bash in "vi mode". What's the hotkey sequence to edit the current command line using an external editor? 2014-04-01T15:47:59.843

7 Bind a key to newline in Bash, without submitting command 2015-03-29T02:52:11.023

6 How can I enable readline for PHP 5.4 on Ubuntu 11.10? 2012-04-03T23:26:37.550

6 readline / bash: How to map Escape key and Arrow keys? 2013-08-15T14:34:43.360

5 Way to move cursor by arguments in bash? 2013-01-24T19:23:56.337

5 How to disable the key 'V' in VI Editing Mode against bash 2013-03-01T11:18:14.167

5 zsh read input in zle widget 2016-02-25T23:50:52.883

5 Trouble with readline library on mac 2019-01-29T12:06:18.073

4 bash/readline for "move forward by whitespace-delimited word?" 2013-02-05T22:52:27.933

4 Common keyboard shortcuts for zsh zle and bash readline 2013-12-02T06:36:22.630

4 Keystrokes and commands for my inputrc — key-combination for “Shift-Space”, remap “Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown” to something without Page-keys 2013-12-05T17:14:07.083

4 How to change BASH "editing-mode vi" shortcuts? 2014-09-17T12:35:01.013

4 Tab completion for command arguments fail in Cygwin due to `.exe` extension 2016-05-03T10:33:57.607

4 How do I determine what version of readline bash is using? 2017-01-20T18:59:43.593

3 Bash readline blink-matching-paren not blinking matching parentheses 2010-11-22T20:03:28.767

3 Readline in vi mode: how can I access previously executed commands? 2011-06-23T03:43:49.357

3 How to override default bash key-bindings? 2012-05-29T13:47:18.727

3 How to bind up arrow in ~/.inputrc (readline) for vim insert mode? 2012-10-12T08:53:02.813

3 readline reverse-search-history C-r repeatedly finds next cmd, how to go back to previous? 2013-06-23T07:06:35.537

3 Use a separate history for 'read -e' (readline) 2014-02-01T01:16:59.237

3 how to disable `alt-numkey` in bash shell 2014-06-19T13:35:52.470

3 Setting Vim key bindings for the MySQL client 2014-11-20T22:09:36.387

3 Completion when pasting Bash command beginning with tabs 2015-06-10T08:09:46.957

3 Move vi mode string to end of bash prompt 2019-07-31T15:39:56.127

2 Bash readline move cursor to previous forward slash 2013-03-21T06:51:23.730

2 How can I iterate through possible completions in gnu readline? 2013-08-03T13:44:50.470

2 Bash variable READLINE_LINE always empty 2015-02-07T18:48:43.470

2 Enabling readline? 2015-09-03T07:56:48.780

2 Unbound keys in ReadLine 2015-11-17T02:49:00.357

2 What is a close option in zsh to readline's `completion-prefix-display-length` 2016-04-30T09:25:42.397

2 Node.js serialport readline parser - response devided to each sign in new line 2019-01-22T19:00:28.483

2 Readline for Python 3.6 on Mac 10.14 2019-02-12T05:44:47.477

2 Mouse support for GNU Readline 2019-02-23T00:04:36.617

2 How to make Ctrl+D detach tmux, while retaining GNU readline capabilities in Bash? 2019-08-01T23:01:13.990

1 (Perl) Cannot do `initialize' in Term::ReadLine::Gnu in Mac OSX 10.6 2010-11-08T18:28:59.513

1 Why doesn't iPython see readline? 2010-12-11T19:13:19.260

1 libreadline history lines combine 2011-01-29T00:37:30.593

1 Using readline keyboard shortcuts in OSX korn shell 2011-04-04T18:48:26.993

1 changing bash hotkeys 2011-11-08T18:44:16.787

1 Bind CTRL+W to werase (default bash behaviour in Linux/PuTTY) in iTerm2 2011-12-18T10:39:53.153

1 Can't install GNU readline on CentOS 5 (Amazon EC2) 2012-03-07T16:52:46.017

1 Making M-u, M-l, and M-c apply to whole words in readline 2012-09-02T12:59:46.263

1 Bash default command line editing mode 2012-10-16T15:53:58.650

1 Switching between readline editing-modes in GNU octave 2012-12-05T12:54:08.623

1 .inputrc, TAB and CTRL-i 2013-08-30T10:51:31.890

1 Meta keybindings for bash readline from .inputrc not working 2014-06-08T04:57:21.543

1 readline - deleting word under cursor 2015-03-25T13:11:47.267

1 How do I get vi-style line editing in Vim command mode? 2015-11-03T09:05:37.867

1 bash/readline doesn't autocomplete directory name 2015-11-17T17:10:29.377

1 Changing the "Meta" key for the readline library 2015-12-09T15:55:23.850

1 line wrapping breaks intermittently (R, tmux, readline) 2017-01-05T04:30:05.553

1 can bash be configured such that ctrl-W deletes words correctly? 2017-03-23T19:52:07.103

1 Difference between "backward kill line" and "unix line discard" 2019-06-29T08:09:30.753

1 vim-tmux-navigator to use tmux prefix instead of C-[hjkl] 2019-08-05T12:31:22.237

1 Cannot backspace across wrapped lines in terminal 2019-08-22T23:49:50.167

0 Installing Heroku on Lucid Lynx reveals missing dependencies 2010-07-19T15:38:34.903

0 When an ssh session is forcibly disconnected, readline breaks (mac) 2011-11-13T16:42:48.077

0 Cursor keys leave insert mode in irb in vi mode 2013-11-21T07:59:32.987

0 What does "vi-move" keymap in Bash's vi mode actually do? 2014-02-18T02:42:51.970

0 Readline stops working randomly 2015-04-03T06:42:44.537

0 How to change readline scroll behaviour on OS X? 2015-07-08T08:42:15.497

0 Changing terminal buffer scrolling shortcut 2017-07-17T11:48:47.220

0 Bash: history-search-backwards broken after ssh 2018-06-27T18:33:00.887

0 Cut region out of bash input 2018-07-02T12:59:01.640

0 Bash vi mode: simulating Enter in binding 2018-07-10T23:53:37.493

0 Prevent Python from quitting on ctrl-D 2018-10-30T06:16:21.380

0 Spacebar doesnt work in python shell or pdb 2019-07-18T00:33:49.517