Tag: public-key

111 Is it ok to share private key file between multiple computers/services? 2010-09-16T13:15:18.293

72 Are GPG and SSH keys interchangable? 2011-11-23T00:03:34.583

30 sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10 command returns error 2013-07-17T08:10:36.017

25 No supported authentication methods available in FileZilla 2014-12-13T07:34:34.437

22 Human-readable dump of gpg public key 2014-01-04T14:16:13.757

22 Can't import public key into OSX Keychain 2014-01-21T07:18:54.660

19 How to create additional gpg keyring 2012-03-12T21:52:16.223

19 public key always asking for password and keyphrase 2012-11-20T21:30:11.427

19 What is the difference between the .pem and .pub and non suffixed ssh credentials files? 2013-01-02T18:52:11.877

19 I got "BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" attached to an email and I don't know what it is 2018-10-30T16:04:53.423

15 GnuPG / OpenGPG: Recovering public key from private key 2014-09-20T19:26:38.657

14 In Keychain Access on OS X, Find matching public and private keys 2010-12-06T02:04:53.150

12 How safe is it to make my SSH Public key, very public? 2012-03-24T11:33:50.877

11 Problem using git on Windows 7 with msysgit and .ssh keys 2011-03-26T02:13:29.693

11 SSH: known host with dynamic address 2013-06-01T14:50:33.687

10 How can I add my picture to my public key using GnuPG? 2011-07-13T14:34:58.770

9 Isn't it dangerous to use SSH keys to login to an unknown/compromised server? 2012-12-20T15:49:45.140

8 How can I export public key in PEM format with GnuPG? 2013-04-08T10:48:31.530

8 Secure remote editing of root-accessible files over SSH 2013-04-11T08:46:34.937

8 How to list trust level of OpenPGP public keys in GnuPG? 2016-09-16T15:31:34.213

7 How can I export public keys in PEM format with GnuPG? 2012-06-11T15:20:46.420

7 How to ASCII-armor my public key without installing GPG? 2014-06-06T13:34:24.170

6 SSH keeps requesting my password if I use a keyfile other than default 2010-09-12T19:27:39.027

6 SSH asks for password, even with public key installed 2010-10-19T16:21:33.090

6 SSH key authentication with another user 2011-05-13T22:44:44.797

6 SSH publickey autentication - server accepts key but auth does not succeed 2012-02-11T11:35:23.763

6 Receiving a key from a keyserver in gnupg 2015-06-24T03:23:27.350

4 SSH Not Accepting Public Key 2010-06-21T14:37:27.810

4 SSH Public RSA key fails to authenticated after restore 2011-07-24T01:45:33.713

4 Public key repository - does this exist? 2011-11-18T00:40:18.083

4 How to setup ssh, key-based ("password-less") logins to a Linux/MacOSX sshd server via Windows, Linux, or MacOSX clients? 2011-12-11T22:16:38.587

4 Setting up sshd_config in cygwin for AES encrypted file transfer 2013-04-23T19:30:32.560

4 How to Debug Public Key SSH Authentication Failure 2014-01-07T21:37:08.653

4 How should GnuPG's `--desig-revoke` command be used? 2014-09-21T01:58:46.163

4 How to generate the revocation certificate after being made a revoker with GnuPG 2015-02-25T00:55:15.070

4 Permission denied (publickey,password) 2015-05-08T22:24:13.270

4 How GPG generates an MD5 fingerprint given a public key? 2015-09-13T11:11:44.847

4 OpenSSH public key file format? 2019-08-31T10:48:46.890

3 ssh-copy-id and duplicates in authorized_keys 2011-03-30T09:05:05.457

3 How is encryption handled when different email clients send emails securely? 2011-05-26T15:33:04.387

3 Authenticating and adding public key for apt 2011-06-23T00:05:57.610

3 PGP private key password change and relationship to public key 2011-08-26T20:57:04.940

3 Fetch GPG public keys for thunderbird address book contacts 2012-11-27T13:55:19.253

3 There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 7638D0442B90D010 2015-05-29T04:31:40.150

3 SSH2 in Bitvise terminates unexpectedly 2017-07-10T14:57:43.710

3 How to find public key of the server using any SFTP/SSH client 2017-11-23T10:31:57.427

3 SFTP partial authentication using publickey,password preferred authentication methods 2018-03-27T14:20:54.963

3 How to check if a GPG encrypted file is encrypted using a specific public key? 2019-02-26T10:32:22.807

2 How does gpg handle multiple keys in a keypair? 2011-09-14T21:06:22.200

2 Incessant prompting for id_rsa passphrase 2011-11-02T23:14:09.613

2 Can SSH into remote server but can't SCP? 2012-02-15T10:55:16.887

2 Does the use of Tor makes additional encryption unnecessary? 2012-06-19T21:57:54.020

2 Copying files over ssh without password 2013-07-08T17:34:26.370

2 SSH auth by public key not working for one user on a system 2013-11-15T06:13:47.850

2 SSL failure fallback 2014-05-09T08:45:00.410

2 Open SSH - issue logging in without password - public key 2014-06-29T03:25:38.843

2 Strange behavior on SSH public key login 2014-07-27T02:01:44.183

2 SSH authentication fails when trying to access Bitbucket from Jenkins 2014-11-07T13:49:05.087

2 How to import OpenPGP key given the key ID in GnuPG? 2015-10-20T23:59:11.057

2 How to extract public key from attestation certificate to use it for signature verification? 2016-01-07T21:03:15.223

2 Can I use the same key for SSH from different clients with the same username? 2016-01-18T10:17:16.360

2 How does Pageant work when it has multiple keys loaded? 2016-03-06T16:23:54.440

2 Getting "rpm: -–import: unknown option" when tryihng to import public key on Amazon Linux 2016-04-11T19:24:23.497

2 Is it possible to use common AuthorizedKeysFile for a group of users without disabling StrictMode in sshd_config? 2016-11-04T14:40:07.323

2 SSH user public key info 2017-12-17T19:22:32.940

2 Why is ssh ignoring my ~/.ssh/config? Cannot commit to github 2018-01-27T17:11:19.583

2 Decrypt SSL traffic with the openssl command line tool 2018-07-20T14:09:21.280

2 How can I convert a public key generated by PuTTY to RFC 4716 format? 2019-03-22T13:06:03.123

2 Load key “ec256.pem”: invalid format is thrown on trying to generate public key from private key 2019-03-29T05:10:58.937

2 How to verify an ssh key is valid for a given a host? 2019-10-22T20:18:58.220

1 SSH and Public Keys 2012-03-19T12:03:36.950

1 Windows Script for connecting to remote SFTP server with public key authentication 2012-09-26T22:37:28.333

1 Blocked out of server because I don't have access to usual ssh public key, any solution? 2013-01-12T11:31:05.077

1 Windows PowerShell doesn’t use my SSH keys 2013-01-23T10:36:53.933

1 WinSCP does not recognise key file 2013-02-07T16:39:14.317

1 ssh can't use key, but password works 2013-03-07T14:58:36.083

1 Create Public Key from Private (ECDSA Encryption) 2013-04-02T22:43:30.610

1 Transfer files using authentication 2013-04-09T11:04:28.200

1 How do I get the 16-byte representation of my GitHub public key from my .pub file? 2013-10-13T09:14:08.957

1 How to update PGP public key after new uid is added? 2014-09-08T16:59:30.873

1 PGP Public Key expiration GPG 2014-09-08T17:32:20.113

1 Unable to use "transient-key" when generating a batch GPG key 2014-09-19T05:35:20.010

1 FileZilla public key not working (Successfully loaded 0 key pairs from file) 2015-04-27T20:46:01.257

1 Launchpad says I don't have an SSH key, but I do 2015-08-10T00:05:33.397

1 Generate RSA2 key in OpenSSH format 2015-10-21T15:20:46.237

1 Can I use GnuPG connect to PGP public key servers? 2015-12-11T15:24:14.900

1 Can PGP messages be verified with just the fingerprint of the public key? 2016-02-14T16:18:40.947

1 Best way to signal no longer used (lost) key 2016-03-05T06:58:05.390

1 Who generates the keys? 2016-03-16T08:39:58.883

1 rsync throws error when using priv/pub key 2016-10-11T10:33:32.453

1 GnuPG --> How do I list only the keys that have my signature 2017-01-03T06:00:25.417

1 Generate .pem RSA public key file using base 10 modulus and exponent? 2017-04-17T22:43:54.353

1 How to setup private key ssh connection? 2017-09-15T06:18:50.073

1 Unable to login to host via ssh, just see 'Connection closed' in authlog 2017-10-16T15:17:43.660

1 SSH proxyjump with identityfile in the proxy only 2018-05-16T17:32:25.597

1 Decrypt SSL traffic with the openssl command line tool - continued 2018-07-24T19:08:25.583

1 Decrypt SSL traffic with the openssl command line tool - continued part 5 2018-08-06T19:23:12.433

1 How to delete public key by fingerprint? 2018-09-10T04:17:50.313

1 I've generated a public key: 2976 bits ...? 2018-11-30T15:54:20.817