Tag: public-folders

5 How do I 'share' a folder to the public in dropbox? 2011-03-13T00:25:20.510

4 Cannot See And Share Files In HomeGroup 2014-01-03T19:04:51.193

3 Windows 7 Logs in to "public" user 2011-10-04T22:49:07.270

3 setup alerts to all users in public calander 2011-11-22T11:38:01.610

3 Public Folder vs Shared Mailbox 2015-07-27T22:23:04.890

3 Windows 10 - copying lnk file to all users desktop 2017-12-07T18:50:02.053

2 Exchange Public Folders in Snow Leopard Mail.app 2010-05-24T13:26:35.300

2 Is there a way to create a search folder on a public folder in outlook? 2010-07-12T15:51:36.327

2 How can I open a shared sub calendar in Outlook 2010? 2012-03-09T16:21:59.503

2 Windows 10 hide public desktop icons 2018-03-08T09:53:26.870

1 Moving items in public folders takes a long time 2010-07-05T06:45:39.897

1 Outlook 2010 rules to copy sent items to a public folder not working (permissions and manual drag/drop OK) 2012-02-27T15:13:13.743

1 How to delete other's file on the server in LAN environment? 2012-07-26T10:04:17.483

1 How do I prevent someone spamming a Linux public folder? 2013-01-25T00:47:43.730

1 Public folder contents not updating 2014-11-19T18:17:20.017

1 Why can't a user see a specific directory in public folder in outlook? 2015-05-20T13:46:11.157

1 Folder structure for GUID named files 2015-08-01T00:04:43.967

1 How to let users view a public folder's calendar content without letting them see details within appointments? 2015-12-09T20:08:23.923

1 How to change the look of folders? 2016-11-28T05:23:35.437

1 How can I separate my work life from my play life in Linux (Ubuntu)? 2019-07-15T20:28:13.027

0 How do I monitor changes to an Outlook contacts folder within a public folder? 2010-06-15T10:49:21.553

0 How to write a `.bat` script to change folder security automatically? 2011-04-07T10:59:29.440

0 How can I create a mailing list for internal discussion in my firm 2012-06-25T06:07:23.967

0 RPM User specific updates 2013-10-22T18:07:06.017

0 Is it possible to restrict access to public folders in Exchange online? 2014-04-30T01:16:19.723

0 The public folder was created on Outlook did not display on Address Book 2014-08-25T04:55:13.543

0 wamp server seeing folder in all network 2014-11-17T22:42:52.913

0 Can't rename a folder but can rename every folder and document within it? 2015-06-26T13:31:27.927

0 How to prevent files in Public Folder (C:\Users\Public) from regenerating? 2016-02-08T06:32:57.643

0 difference between sharepoint and public folder - trustworthy source 2017-04-26T12:34:46.137

0 How do "Public" folders technically work on Windows? 2017-11-26T04:01:56.430

0 Taking files in Folder A from Folder B 2018-03-22T10:37:44.770

0 O365: Create or Share rules on public folder mailbox 2018-07-09T14:57:27.437

0 Why I have 2 'Documents' and 2 'Images' folders in my User folder? 2019-12-20T15:57:07.140

-1 user\<myuser>\Deskop folder not showing all shortcuts from Desktop 2015-11-12T13:50:21.207

-1 How to know which apps are in User folder and which are in Public folder? 2017-05-15T08:48:15.817