Tag: ps1

28 Right align part of prompt 2010-09-11T17:09:51.597

24 Linux: coloring bash prompt will break carriage return 2011-12-12T19:58:22.687

9 Set $PS1 differently on local computer and in ssh session 2011-06-21T20:06:59.497

6 Powershell Get-ChildItem Include\Exclude - simple script not working properly 2017-03-20T01:26:54.787

5 Windows task schduler keep showing 0x41301 2016-02-08T17:36:37.840

4 Why is my bash prompt repeating its last line twice, when I ls, or cd or issue misc commands? 2010-07-24T00:23:15.540

4 How can I change my prompt to include box drawing Unicode characters? 2010-12-05T17:02:03.517

4 Make Bash's PS1 show original directory name and not symlink? 2012-05-08T19:47:03.770

4 PS1 window title under PuTTY with GNU screen 2012-09-11T10:47:40.027

3 bash's command number ( \# ) equivalent in zsh 2014-01-03T17:11:52.440

2 What prompt is sh using when you type sh into Terminal? 2011-07-01T23:44:05.880

2 How can I set `less` or `more` max lines (scrollable height) limit/boundary in linux? 2012-06-12T21:10:58.410

2 How to insert bash scripts inside the PS1 variable 2014-01-18T08:48:48.980

2 Limit git prompt branch name width in oh-my-zsh 2017-06-27T14:49:34.763

1 Formatting my $PS1 to x amount of character 2011-06-22T18:04:57.800

1 PS1 problem, cmd is looping 2011-07-17T10:29:09.300

1 Colored PS1 string 2012-09-17T20:04:12.437

1 Is it possible to have environment variables in the path of the working directory : PS1? 2012-10-26T10:13:09.333

1 executing powershell scripts via command prompt - win7 2013-09-04T21:51:43.983

1 Is there a command to get bash to print a new prompt string and redraw the current line? 2018-09-03T22:06:42.337

1 PowerShell does not run Script from Batch File 2019-04-22T16:15:32.147

0 How to change the PS1 value. 2012-06-29T05:00:52.827

0 Prompt Customization Query - PS1='[\u@\h]\!:echo $? $ ' 2012-07-04T03:23:29.670

0 Sending special bash characters to a custom function 2013-05-04T20:23:30.043

0 How can I style the command being entered in a bash prompt? 2013-11-01T03:20:34.117

0 Bash echo color as function output in PS1 2014-01-09T19:56:47.963

0 Using \r in bash PS1 2014-04-04T21:09:13.790

0 Making PS1 prompt refreshable 2014-04-16T19:02:46.020

0 A task inside my windows task scheduler will cause my server to stop responding 2016-02-13T04:08:28.270

0 Bash PS1 and single vs. double quotes 2016-08-04T06:43:43.903

0 How to read HDD from an IBM PS/1 model 2133 2018-02-13T00:14:52.083

0 PS1 Customization 2019-09-12T18:14:22.143

0 How to get the length of a prompt? 2019-10-29T18:23:14.833

-1 NullReferenceException error in powershell 2014-09-25T15:32:13.557