Tag: ps

231 ps aux output meaning 2010-03-09T14:36:11.247

99 How can I know the absolute path of a running process? 2010-02-01T13:48:15.000

75 Is "ps -u" Really a Bad Syntax? 2014-10-14T06:49:07.357

44 ps: How can i recursively get all child process for a given pid 2011-11-30T21:25:19.460

33 In UNIX, what are the Ss, Sl, and Ssl proccess types I see with ps aux? 2010-04-30T15:16:41.323

27 Excluding grep from process list 2012-04-07T12:12:50.397

19 How to get only the user, the pid and the command run for a specific process? (Ubuntu 11.10) 2013-03-19T10:40:35.357

15 How to find out from which folder a process is running? 2011-06-20T16:37:53.467

13 Why does ps aux displays a number instead of a username? 2011-12-22T16:39:29.767

12 Is it possible to format ps RSS (memory) output to be more human friendly? 2013-10-24T22:12:29.260

10 Why does my system hang when I run ps, w and possibly other commands? 2011-02-26T01:56:50.683

9 Is it possible to 'hide' a process from the listing of `ps` or `top` on Linux 2010-10-13T14:53:21.797

9 How to get stdout of a "lost" session 2015-07-31T14:55:12.663

8 Multiple pages per sheet (PDF) 2012-11-24T16:09:39.353

8 How to list a process tree on Windows? 2013-01-24T17:56:16.843

8 watching output of "ps aux | grep blah" in tmux will not work? 2014-07-25T11:46:08.083

6 Unix : List children processes for a given pid 2011-05-20T13:23:15.293

5 PStree with memory use? 2012-11-06T01:58:13.317

5 why ps -ef show the time like this 2012-11-08T16:05:29.297

5 kill - no process found 2013-03-03T20:20:48.577

5 What units does `ps -o` report memory usage in? 2013-07-30T16:00:31.827

5 Finding all not responding tasks from the command line in Mac OS X? 2014-08-16T21:02:16.940

4 How to select processes by command name when using ps in Mac OS X 2012-07-26T08:53:52.460

4 Virtual memory usage vs resident set size 2013-05-23T14:35:28.013

4 How can I graph memory usage by user? 2013-09-29T12:50:53.497

4 How to print with ghostscript in silent mode 2014-09-04T04:19:52.617

4 List linux processes having windows 2015-10-06T17:03:21.133

4 Can’t get Nginx to work on port 80. Works fine on any other port 2015-10-10T21:13:23.420

4 Locating a process in a linux vm (it's complicated) 2016-06-02T07:54:10.277

3 Why is the reported user "root" when a "normal user" executes "ps ux" on OS X? Is this normal behaviour? 2010-03-23T07:32:55.633

3 GhostScript noob help - Breaking a multipage PDF file into many single page PS or EPS files 2010-12-26T18:23:31.897

3 find any script which is running for more than say 30 minutes in Linux System 2013-01-15T08:07:43.023

3 rsync ... blocked for more than 120 seconds 2013-02-19T17:41:14.970

3 ps comm format always cuts the process name 2013-03-18T08:51:54.913

3 ps and top give different CPU usage 2013-09-10T12:40:20.743

3 how do I continuously do a ps auxw on OSX? 2014-01-03T21:47:22.860

3 What does the suffix letter mean in the PRI column of "ps -M pid" under MacOS/X? 2015-02-26T20:36:05.783

3 DD command running for over 17 hours on external 1.5TB drive 2015-06-23T14:34:53.910

3 Diffrent output of "ps -a" on Ubuntu and Fedora 2016-05-22T07:30:51.657

3 Full command text with ps on cygwin? 2017-09-06T10:44:18.967

2 CMD in ps command in linux 2011-02-10T03:09:58.533

2 Unix ps -l priority 2011-05-21T18:03:36.613

2 How to convert PDF to ASCII Postscript so the contained text can be searched/replaced? 2011-06-16T15:28:27.057

2 grep -c gives inconsistent outputs 2011-10-01T20:15:47.403

2 flag to 'ps' command that can filter on arguments? 2013-01-09T13:33:07.873

2 Why can ps know about the process that runs after it? 2014-01-14T10:24:24.553

2 ps aux status column meaning? 2014-11-21T03:08:19.027

2 What is the difference between the processes listed by `ps` and `ps -A`? 2015-04-15T18:38:15.687

2 Linux command to output each new process PID 2018-03-06T03:36:54.367

2 Why do I often receieve `no such process` in response to a process I want to kill? 2019-01-07T11:54:30.437

1 Groff ignores line breaks from my shell 2010-04-13T18:34:59.283

1 In ps -ef, what information does the fourth column show? 2010-08-18T10:07:34.653

1 pdf file resists converting to ps and printing 2011-07-21T12:42:13.723

1 Running ps with clauses as AND instead of OR 2012-04-30T08:47:32.590

1 Kill a process in Unix 2013-01-31T17:25:42.847

1 ps - Summing up memory usages 2013-02-04T17:19:11.033

1 awk - max value of a rolling average 2013-03-21T17:54:47.707

1 What determines the process name in ps aux? 2013-04-12T15:23:37.613

1 Linux Command to display only mingetty's info 2013-05-10T20:57:45.243

1 How to determine full command with args given a pid (or port in use) 2013-05-30T21:30:58.437

1 remove the zombie process from the output of ps 2013-06-06T14:11:47.180

1 How do I extend unix "ps -ef" command to see more info 2013-07-12T11:53:54.170

1 What memory statistics does Linux' ps command really display? 2013-08-19T06:15:57.353

1 How to get a list of background processes in freebsd 2013-11-01T07:17:38.527

1 Using systemd-cgls and cgroups as a user configured pstree 2013-11-02T00:29:28.097

1 ps aux and processes between [ ] 2013-12-29T16:21:15.423

1 How to access different tty session 2014-01-14T13:27:35.743

1 What is the AIX's `ps -T PID` equivalent for Linux? 2014-03-13T02:24:57.683

1 Show last 5 opened processes in terminal? 2014-07-23T09:44:15.107

1 two processes are listed for one shellscript? 2014-08-17T05:01:42.917

1 How many volumes should I add in my btrfs? 2015-01-16T18:42:19.657

1 How to filter processes with "ps" to match all conditions? 2015-02-24T07:06:34.043

1 how to view all process details from ps –ef command 2015-03-09T10:54:47.880

1 what does CPU% means in `ps auxf` for processes with parent/child relationship? 2015-03-31T09:13:42.917

1 Many cron -f processes on unresponsive server 2015-11-19T08:42:25.787

1 What's the equivalent of top -H -p <pid> on OS X? 2016-04-16T17:34:36.020

1 Grep by all filenames in a directory 2016-05-25T14:20:17.080

1 The nohup process isn't listed using `ps` 2016-09-07T02:24:13.530

1 A process is opening a tty but "ps t tty" cannot see it 2016-11-08T02:53:01.473

1 Portable way to find all PIDs by cmdline 2018-03-21T18:10:10.817

1 what is the SI value in powershell ps? 2018-05-19T02:58:22.187

1 How to get process command line arguments in execsnoop 2018-11-23T09:12:27.660

0 how to check process tree in hpux, just like ptree in Solaris? 2010-12-01T02:32:14.613

0 How to Split a Big Postscript file (3000 pages) into one individual file per page (using Windows 7)? 2010-12-26T21:03:30.027

0 How can I convert a PostScript file into a PDF where text can be selected? 2011-05-03T14:40:20.737

0 csh script to return number of process running 2011-10-01T05:23:47.380

0 memory usage by using ps in linux 2011-10-19T21:42:54.363

0 Listing processes for a certain timeframe 2011-11-21T09:08:35.267

0 ps warns me about bad syntax with "aux" options 2012-02-27T05:15:27.727

0 How to get the current timestamp when using 'ps' in a Bash script? 2012-03-12T19:39:27.727

0 How to kill all process of a program? 2012-06-20T11:20:30.177

0 Why do processes on Mac not add up to total physical memory? 2012-08-23T07:09:26.337

0 How do I get my Unix ps version number? 2012-10-01T18:06:21.137

0 Which processes were running yesterday? 2013-04-10T15:03:38.120

0 Name of Rake task in ps output? 2013-04-13T12:11:51.110

0 Start java process with different names? 2013-06-13T08:26:59.007

0 Please explain the ps -aef on rhel 2013-08-11T15:24:42.860

0 "ps -ef | grep java" using java program 2013-08-22T12:17:31.833

0 New process being created while checking with 'if' in bash 2013-10-03T10:18:59.580