Tag: powercfg

19 Legacy Kernel Caller preventing sleep mode 2011-12-21T22:42:22.140

12 Windows 10 Hibernation not available 2015-08-05T00:29:02.577

11 USB Audio Device Preventing Sleep (Windows 10) 2016-02-19T12:09:06.737

10 My Windows 7 PC wakes up randomly and powercfg lastwake shows nothing. What to do? 2012-11-17T08:26:58.507

8 permission denied by powercfg on win7 while an administrator 2011-12-02T02:59:20.967

7 Where does `powercfg` get battery health information, and why isn't it in WMI? 2015-10-31T03:33:46.283

6 Vista laptop keeps waking up a minute after I put it to sleep 2012-03-06T21:02:16.770

6 Windows 8.1 Won't Sleep When Idle 2013-09-09T13:32:45.037

4 Windows 10 Computer Wakes During Night 2015-08-28T01:09:36.760

4 How to tell what wake source is when Wake Source: Unknown 2016-04-25T20:28:28.143

4 unwanted wake from sleep by Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft) 2018-09-05T02:35:35.827

3 Power Request Types: What's the difference between Display, System, Awaymode. (powercfg) 2017-02-21T13:38:13.277

2 I have a weird powercfg /a response and no Hibernate anywhere-Surface Pro 3 2018-10-14T05:10:08.997

2 powercfg won't honor -requestsoverride 2019-01-16T09:45:08.773

2 How to Access Hidden Power and Processor Options in Windows 10 2019-05-17T01:11:27.943

1 On Windows 2003 how can I get the active power scheme using powercfg? 2013-01-22T17:32:53.170

1 powercfg.exe not working properly 2013-09-22T16:39:23.820

1 Windows 8.1 64-Bit: Power Schemes gone 2013-11-04T22:12:45.813

1 Windows 8.1 Hibernation / WOL issues. Last Wake command never works 2013-11-12T17:26:20.710

1 Setting Windows 8 to disable USB-wake by default for all devices - powercfg pipes? 2013-12-17T20:26:52.227

1 Cannot open powercfg.cpl 2014-02-20T19:27:00.557

1 What does WindowsXP SetMonTime.exe command do? 2014-08-26T13:37:38.320

1 Win 8.1 not going to sleep 2016-01-26T16:02:27.577

1 Don't require password on wakeup while explorer.exe is killed 2016-05-31T19:21:04.660

0 Windows 7 wakes immediately from sleep - no wake history 2013-02-23T18:49:08.730

0 Changes made to powercfg.exe saved on your harddrive? 2014-06-06T10:19:28.567

0 powercfg gives invalid parameter error 2014-11-03T18:36:41.717

0 Run batch as ADMIN & use robocopy 2015-01-27T17:21:00.703

0 screenbright win7 powershell/commandline alternative 2015-08-12T21:09:16.570

0 Windows 10 keeps waking up at night, source unknown, what to do? 2015-09-10T04:46:39.953

0 PC keeps powering on automatically (Windows 10) 2016-07-26T09:39:30.793

0 Sleep doesnt work but Hibernate works 2017-07-13T08:42:40.147

0 Should I activate "Active State Power Management" as PowerCFG suggests? 2017-10-16T11:10:25.010

0 Creating a Windows Power Plan that can be restored to default 2018-03-22T17:23:05.123

0 Windows 8.1 powercfg.exe Power Settings Command-line Tool shows high CPU usage 2019-03-28T23:04:22.880

0 POWERCFG -ENERGY Z:\ENERGY.HTML error kernel log in use 2019-05-25T16:49:31.510

0 Stop keyboard and mouse waking up my PC 2019-07-16T11:29:06.447

0 Windows keeps asking for password when resuming from hibernate 2019-08-28T10:23:08.510