Tag: openpgp

13 Why is gpg --list-keys sometimes printing subkeys, sometimes not? 2014-11-04T09:59:33.577

13 gpg2 asking for passphrase when importing secret keys 2016-10-17T13:14:11.130

9 How long would it take to break a 1024 bit OpenPGP encrypted email? 2015-02-22T13:03:39.733

9 How to use gpg --gen-key in a script? 2015-11-20T23:15:38.557

8 How to list trust level of OpenPGP public keys in GnuPG? 2016-09-16T15:31:34.213

6 What is the relationship between an OpenPGP key and its subkey? 2016-08-14T00:58:47.480

6 How to use GnuPG to get the smallest possible output (symmetric encryption)? 2017-08-24T17:19:29.653

5 gpg2 on Mac: How to enter passphrase on terminal instead of getting a GUI prompt? 2012-11-08T03:27:34.817

5 gnupg: How to exchange keys with key server 2013-09-11T04:16:53.737

5 Error with GPG Smartcard fetching public subkey 2016-01-11T03:51:32.510

5 How does public/private key cryptography work, who generates the key pair? 2016-05-19T22:57:00.837

5 What determines the clearsign hash algorithm used by GnuPG? 2017-05-09T08:19:48.983

5 Retrieve public keys that signed a key I have 2017-05-27T10:31:19.273

5 How to setup SSH/PuTTY to use Yubikey OpenPGP authentication? 2018-02-26T13:08:53.720

4 How GPG generates an MD5 fingerprint given a public key? 2015-09-13T11:11:44.847

4 Synchronize GnuPG 1.4 and GnuPG 2.1 keychains 2016-07-09T10:04:57.217

4 Handling and security of GnuPG private key 2017-04-16T12:31:20.103

3 How to prevent an openPGP key from being uploaded to a keyserver? 2013-04-09T09:27:46.987

3 Is the PGP version number required? 2014-10-11T14:48:30.847

3 Why is the ASCII-armored version of my OpenPGP public key so long? 2014-12-31T22:29:53.243

3 Should my OpenPGP key used for storing documents in the cloud expire? 2015-06-14T23:53:58.700

3 Can uploading an OpenPGP key to a keyserver cause more spam mail? 2016-04-11T09:41:48.773

2 Using an OpenPGP card to authenticate with a public-key in SSH on Windows 2014-03-14T13:57:22.230

2 Is GnuPG symmetric encryption vulnerable to brute force attacks on the passphrase? 2015-09-19T04:42:00.227

2 What is the minimum amount of data I need to sign a file? 2015-10-16T19:56:10.897

2 Are OpenPGP-encrypted files vulnerable to data corruption? 2016-05-26T12:10:42.437

2 Why does PostgreSQL's pgp_sym_encrypt return different output although invoked for the same input? 2017-07-07T10:45:39.823

2 Is it possible to use macOS 'Keychain' + 'TouchID' for pinentry-program? 2019-07-19T17:13:50.460

1 Using OpenPGP Smartcard on Ubuntu on Command line 2013-04-17T04:18:32.270

1 Trying to verify file signature in GPG4win: Not enough information to check signature validity 2014-07-20T12:59:56.647

1 GPG 2 decrypt from STDIN via pasting inconsistency 2015-03-04T05:47:38.103

1 Switching keys in GnuPG without losing encrypted files 2015-09-03T11:08:21.040

1 How to Install Public Keys with GPG 2015-11-11T22:28:42.170

1 OpenPGP 2.x Smartcard Lifetime? 2015-12-29T16:09:04.180

1 How to set a custom creation date for OpenPGP certificates? 2016-02-26T14:43:20.307

1 How to query for all recipient OpenPGP keys with GnuPG? 2016-03-04T15:50:46.007

1 Best way to signal no longer used (lost) key 2016-03-05T06:58:05.390

1 Another people's OpenPGP key in my computer? 2016-03-13T13:31:20.050

1 Updating OpenPGP keyserver adding and removing identities 2016-04-07T09:20:34.387

1 GPG2 Encryption - No public key error 2016-05-20T00:18:11.903

1 Github not verifying with OpenPGP key? 2016-06-07T15:51:49.537

1 How to prevent an OpenPGP private key from being exported? 2016-08-03T20:08:30.340

1 How to encrypt and sign a file using OpenPGP on Mac 2016-08-26T15:37:14.953

1 Paperkey output file significantly larger than original secret key 2016-10-26T22:18:55.303

1 What makes OpenPGP keyrings trustworthy? 2016-11-10T23:05:21.667

1 Thunderbird Enigmail does not recognize key - "error - no matching/private key found" 2016-12-24T22:13:24.093

1 gpg2 --edit-key addphoto / keytocard without password prompt 2017-03-24T13:47:53.380

1 GnuPG with CAPI smartcard / NOT an OpenPGP card 2017-04-04T09:02:38.243

1 Is it possible to find signer's email address(es) from an OpenPGP (GnuPG) signed message? 2017-09-22T13:59:38.427

1 Minimum length of detached PGP signature 2017-10-31T14:51:28.990

1 Do I need a PGP key? 2017-12-18T22:10:39.433

1 GnuPG: Add passphrase to passphrase-less key 2017-12-20T16:56:10.847

1 How to convert gpg4win's binary to ascii, with Notepad++ 2018-11-14T16:37:00.703

0 portable opengpg? 2012-07-05T04:19:00.017

0 gpg --verify gives a bad signature warning 2013-02-21T10:55:59.353

0 GPG4WIN Keys and Transferring them 2013-03-11T02:09:44.890

0 Restoring OpenPGP Keys from an Ubuntu Backup 2013-06-21T04:52:40.740

0 How to rebuild the gpg web of trust when all keys are expired? 2013-07-09T15:05:32.513

0 What's the standard (or accepted) method to use several encryption subkeys in GPG? 2014-07-07T21:51:14.547

0 GPG truncating lines 2015-02-12T15:50:28.377

0 Best practice to send OpenPGP encrypted messages to K-9 Mail on Android 2015-12-05T19:31:49.850

0 Is it possible to encrypt an email for two keys but the same email? 2016-01-26T13:28:45.313

0 How to remove OpenPGP private keys from computer? 2016-02-02T14:03:29.260

0 How can I retrieve original data from a signature with GnuPG? 2016-08-27T02:16:47.630

0 Decrypt file using a different public key 2016-10-03T10:21:44.117

0 Signing and verifying a file using GnuPG 2016-10-13T13:16:52.290

0 sFTP Encoding in Cleo VLTrader 2017-04-20T08:31:12.047

0 How to load data from a old virtual disk generated using PGP 6.0.2? 2017-09-12T13:52:15.453

0 When should I backup my primary OpenPGP key? 2017-10-27T15:56:51.663

0 Unable to descrypt mp3 file via gpg 2017-10-29T11:40:46.317

0 Is using OpenPGP for long term encrypted files bad practice? 2018-02-01T09:17:25.930

0 Make git ask Kleopatra to unlock GPG key for specific e-mail address 2018-04-13T11:45:06.877

0 Verifying/decrypt email using PGP signature/public key 2018-05-24T13:33:50.147

0 How to convert gpg4win's ascii to binary? 2018-11-12T19:35:03.943

0 Convert GPG private key to QR code? 2018-11-19T17:40:24.823

0 Verify PGP Signature on Fedora 2019-05-13T10:08:51.283

0 OpenPGP: smart card / device not found on Windows 10 2019-08-03T19:24:42.063

0 GnuPG `addcardkey` command does not ask for RSA key bits 2019-08-03T20:25:45.660

0 Cannot upload my GPG keys to any key server - "Server indicated a failure" 2019-08-08T14:27:14.557

-3 Remove unnecessary under-the-hood GPG public key cryptography 2016-08-02T02:42:17.627