Tag: mysqldump

57 Escaping a password using mysqldump console 2010-03-25T09:49:57.753

13 installation mysqldump 2010-07-20T07:11:49.227

5 how to use mysqldump? 2010-07-20T05:02:39.320

5 mysqldump alternatives --hex-blob doesn't convert geometry binary columns to hex 2013-06-22T16:21:34.463

4 How to tune MySQL for restoration from MySQL dump? 2011-02-17T00:15:58.103

4 Shell script of mysqldump works fine when run manually, but does not run in the cron job? 2012-02-29T07:06:07.687

4 How to dump and compress MySQL database in Windows only using command line 2014-11-28T12:08:55.660

3 Where Are Databases Located - MySQL File Location 2010-05-26T17:17:34.853

3 MySQL - Avoid table locks during backup 2012-05-27T19:28:32.030

2 MysqlDump Long Load Times 2010-08-02T15:33:10.963

2 Can't create a MySQL dump on Windows, fails before password prompt 2011-08-08T14:02:39.187

2 Creating database from dump, InnoDB tables created, ISAM tables not 2012-05-24T16:54:37.390

2 mysqldump command when you don't specify path outputs to terminal? 2012-07-13T18:27:46.373

2 Crontab command not executed 2015-09-03T22:15:07.757

2 mysqldump from a local machine, no ssh access to remote 2018-06-07T15:28:19.407

1 Having trouble running a cron job in Unix which generates a dynamic filename for an output data dump 2009-12-15T12:19:36.073

1 Convert MySQL backup (dump script) to MS SQL? 2010-10-22T18:10:14.517

1 mysqldump cron not dumping 2010-12-30T15:22:01.300

1 Ubuntu 10.04: mysqldump: command not found and wouldn't install mysql-client 2012-09-19T13:17:00.147

1 MySql dump restore from Run Dialog (not the cmd prompt) 2013-09-13T18:37:48.130

1 Crontab job doesn't create db backups with `mysqldump` command 2013-09-16T16:58:02.640

1 How to dump all MySQL databases for one specific user? 2013-10-11T17:23:34.060

1 mysqldump not on wamp server 2013-12-23T03:09:01.297

1 command executed in nohup is killed as soon as the putty terminal is closed 2015-02-11T08:09:28.250

1 Include current timestamp in filename? 2015-09-17T07:44:41.913

1 mysqldump: specify per-user db name in ~/.my.cnf 2017-12-01T11:46:06.977

1 How to disable mysqldump command 2018-02-01T09:04:13.217

1 Extract portion of text file from first occurrence of one string to first occurrence of another 2018-04-10T14:50:26.210

1 Best method to transfer/clone large MySQL databases to another server 2018-08-15T11:51:25.757

1 Restore SQL Database from full system backup 2019-01-10T15:37:35.360

1 My mysqldump script keeps failing, says there's no preceding group in my.cnf 2019-07-03T07:11:27.753

0 What is the most efficient way to implement a cron job to back up a MySQL database and e-mail it to myself? 2010-06-26T01:23:53.367

0 Simple question about using mysqldump 2010-08-02T07:44:21.413

0 How to setup crontab on dedicated server to dump WordPress MySQL database and email it to a Gmail account 2011-05-19T16:01:39.407

0 How to prevent directory contents from changing while doing a backup? 2012-02-22T12:03:41.750

0 How can I get a mysqldump file encoded in utf-8 for psql? 2012-02-28T22:43:56.080

0 sending the date in the subject in crontab 2013-09-15T00:03:15.257

0 Trying to migrate a mysql server to AWS 2013-12-13T13:23:05.243

0 Wy is mysqldump producing structure only 2014-04-02T10:46:43.310

0 How do I create & restore a mysql database dump with Chef? 2014-07-29T20:31:38.923

0 Possible to export/import remote DB to WAMP server? 2015-01-20T17:34:28.123

0 MySQL dump permission error 2015-02-02T10:37:18.783

0 How do I find out how long a command has been running for using time command? 2015-07-31T14:40:46.913

0 Windows Server 2012: how to automate the dump and zip of a MySQL database 2016-01-18T10:42:11.520

0 MySQL & Terminal: Permissions Issue 2016-07-15T15:14:49.180

0 Attempt to import dump-file into remote MySql server generates error -"1449" 2017-01-10T13:31:22.437

0 MySQL backup using cmd 2017-11-03T11:33:28.597

0 Why mysql 5.6 is not installing 2019-02-01T06:32:14.510

0 mysqldump from Windows to Linux, text encoding gone wrong 2019-05-21T17:24:27.023

0 Mysqldump works but not mysql client 2019-08-19T08:09:18.027

0 XAMPP Mysql shutdown unexpevtedly 2019-10-14T15:19:08.477

-1 Ubuntu 14.04 unable to install/find mysqldump 2017-08-22T23:02:58.137