Tag: modprobe

7 What does `modprobe option` do? 2013-12-20T19:19:55.153

6 Installing Arch Linux, issue with `modprobe efivars` 2013-11-21T19:07:04.793

6 IPTables module ip_tables not found for root 2014-09-18T05:39:22.127

4 Understanding modprobe.conf 2010-01-11T17:01:27.010

3 request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-0000 2015-05-08T04:45:17.157

3 Setting NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=0 on Centos 7 2019-06-13T17:40:23.670

2 How to fix module fuse not found error? 2011-09-27T04:40:58.070

2 Zentyal/Ubuntu SIP module doesn't stay unloaded 2013-02-26T08:44:43.307

2 modprobe.d error on boot, ignoring bad 2013-06-13T19:20:42.143

1 Fixing X11's startup Errors by Xorg.conf or modprobe 2009-11-23T19:05:48.360

1 ubuntu slow startup time - modprobe? 2011-05-21T07:07:28.113

1 How to disable Opportunity locking on Red Hat 5/CentOS 5? 2012-08-09T19:25:15.417

1 Linux Kernel-Module loading with modprobe - needs reboot 2013-07-17T15:33:26.640

1 s3fs fuse mount amazon s3 bucket not working 2015-01-07T05:46:19.690

1 black screen alienware m17x nvidia 2016-11-16T00:06:46.257

0 modprobe -k -q (missing parameter) 2010-05-04T04:29:24.133

0 modprobe ndiswrapper - not found 2011-03-05T21:52:14.667

0 Debian network is constantly restarting 2013-10-15T16:05:20.307

0 Where can I find the origin of specific modprobe conf option to erase it? 2014-11-15T10:20:34.010

0 How to view options tkernel module was loaded with? 2017-01-05T19:27:06.173

0 VirtualBox GuestAdditions 5.2.18 installation failure in RHEL7.5 2018-10-16T09:39:27.377

0 RAPL - modprobe 2019-07-21T22:21:24.497

0 How to remove unused kernel modules? 2019-10-09T22:49:44.573

0 How to unload a kernel module which is in use? 2019-11-25T19:17:47.707

-1 To control decibels in speakers by Ubuntu 2009-10-30T00:22:33.960