Tag: metacity

5 Alt-tab icon list in Gnome and metacity? 2011-09-09T03:23:45.863

4 Shortcuts to move windows across multiple screens in Gnome 2009-10-21T17:42:38.387

3 Double click on left hand side icon to close window? 2009-08-20T09:21:09.573

3 set firefox window to open in specific position 2015-09-14T09:09:10.373

2 X11 and Window Manager Confusion 2011-01-12T17:11:08.147

2 Gnome: run program w/o window decorations 2011-03-04T15:52:09.090

2 Way to make display switchable between two windows 2011-08-29T19:45:48.990

2 Emulating WinKey+ArrowKey Functionality from win7 to linux 2014-08-01T16:47:35.060

1 Metacity toggle fullscreen not working under Lucid; worked with Karmic 2010-06-17T10:35:12.623

1 How to add new entry in context menu in Gnome? 2010-06-20T18:37:25.400

1 Metacity: Remove title bar from XTerm windows and true maximize 2010-10-22T08:21:49.163

1 Metacity, put "roll up" back in context menu? 2011-03-31T20:35:31.930

1 Multi-row Layout for Workspaces in Metacity 2011-04-28T09:52:07.583

1 How to disable the keyboard shortcut for inverse video on ubuntu gnome (metacity)? 2011-07-27T06:22:41.850

1 In Debian Gnome, windows are maximizing over multiple monitors 2011-12-23T20:10:25.870

0 assign numbers to windows and use those to switch between them (gnome) 2010-02-21T17:11:22.407

0 Metacity/GNOME full screen as default 2010-03-14T19:43:08.697

0 Lucid Lynx login issue 2010-05-06T12:46:26.353

0 Combining Window Keybindings in Metacity? 2010-09-09T20:33:52.950

0 Metacity/Compiz not staring upon Login Ubuntu 10.10 2011-02-26T21:08:15.987

0 Configure a hotkey for switching viewports in Compiz? 2011-03-29T09:44:15.170

0 install and configure metacity on crunchbang 2011-11-26T09:58:09.210

0 Linux Mint KDE - USB mouse left clicks do not work 2017-09-15T19:23:16.240