Tag: mariadb

37 Can't reset MySQL (MariaDB) root password 2015-08-02T17:20:31.360

23 mysql (mariadb) ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' 2015-08-15T16:12:13.553

9 Setup a Docker container to work with a local database 2017-09-28T15:04:53.980

4 debian stretch upgrade - mariadb removed libmysqlclient.so.18 - how to get it back? 2017-06-27T03:16:31.570

3 Unable to install MariaDB on Centos 6.5 server - "No package available" in yum although Repo is present? 2014-01-21T22:33:42.737

3 How to expose Linux socket file from Docker container (MySQL, MariaDB, etc.) to host 2019-03-05T10:55:02.913

2 Can't start MySQL on Fedora 20 2014-02-13T06:30:14.430

2 apt-get wants to remove MariaDB on Debian Wheezy 2014-04-22T17:34:51.163

2 How to display key to a file using OpenSSL? 2016-03-31T14:32:38.783

2 Can't setup/clean reinstall MariaDB/MySQL on Debian Stretch 9 2017-07-29T13:24:18.737

2 Can not start MariaDB service on windows 10 machine although I have full admin rights 2019-10-25T08:55:09.063

1 Unable to install MariaDB on Debian 7 2013-08-03T21:09:19.010

1 Is there any harm in using the MariaDB client to connect to a MySQL server? 2013-11-14T22:24:29.943

1 MySql service start fails without anything meaningful (CentOS 7) 2015-04-22T09:00:56.160

1 MySQL connection works on CLI, but not on Workbench 2015-04-24T14:38:57.013

1 Can't change MySQL/MariaDB server collation option 2015-06-16T18:18:11.140

1 How to uninstall MariaDB 5.5 completely (including configurations) from CentOS 7 2016-01-10T05:54:58.813

1 mariadb server broken after failed package update 2016-07-20T21:40:49.703

1 MariaDB root user 2016-11-29T10:39:30.633

1 Connect MySQL Workbench on PC to remote MariaDB server 2017-05-25T16:41:49.003

1 MediaWiki with MariaDB on Docker 2017-10-23T11:27:36.963

1 mysqldump: specify per-user db name in ~/.my.cnf 2017-12-01T11:46:06.977

1 MariaDB on Linux Mint: trouble setting root password 2018-05-15T16:25:16.190

1 XAMPP upgrade MARIADB 10.1 to 10.3 2018-12-23T18:53:48.413

1 MariaDB ColumnStore & Ubuntu 14.04 2019-01-19T00:20:51.773

1 "character encoding hell"- Configuring mariadb for utf8 end to end 2019-02-13T15:44:47.883

1 Why does MySQL decide to check tables? 2019-02-19T10:25:25.747

1 MariaDB Server Installation 2019-03-25T11:39:56.427

1 How to fix MariaDB when it gets stuck during shutdown (Waiting for page_cleaner)? 2019-04-03T04:24:26.997

1 Mysql/Mariadb command concern 2019-04-08T05:10:18.540

1 Installing NextCloud on Windows (IIS/PHP/MariaDB) 2019-04-16T20:14:49.837

1 Restoring InnoDB-Table does not work 2019-05-09T12:14:35.130

1 *** buffer overflow detected *** in mariadb 10.3.11 2019-05-13T14:28:37.970

1 Make MariaDB run on boot without networking 2019-08-02T08:06:36.923

1 Cannot install RMariaDB on Ubuntu 18.04 2019-08-05T18:18:03.137

1 Latest version of MariaDB 10.4.7 does not launch on Windows 10 2019-08-30T21:24:10.717

1 How to add existing DBase to phpmyadmin 2019-09-08T15:40:19.730

1 phpmyadmin not working after php verion Update 2019-09-20T03:08:53.850

1 mariadb-server-10.1 fails to install on MX Linux 2019-09-30T18:48:55.217

0 Can't install Galera on Ubuntu 12.04 2013-09-20T14:02:19.963

0 Issues installing MariaDB (5.5.34) on Debian 7 (Wheezy) 2014-01-22T21:08:23.467

0 MariaDB Galera on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS trying to overwrite /usr/bin/mysqld 2014-03-13T00:26:30.257

0 Do I need RAID1 in a galera cluster? 2015-11-10T19:14:00.057

0 installing mariadb 5 on centos 7 Unit mariadb.service failed to load: No such file or directory 2016-01-12T15:28:00.373

0 MySQL and MariaDB instances on the same server 2016-01-21T02:04:02.920

0 Mariadb failed remove / install on Ubuntu 14.04 2016-05-15T11:29:18.747

0 Not able to install SNMP on CentOS 2017-06-26T10:54:24.280

0 How to configure MariaDB to accept any username/password combination? 2017-08-27T16:47:14.073

0 Install phpmyadmin with MariaDB 2017-08-30T13:56:05.363

0 How do I start the mariadb service on NixOS? 2017-11-06T10:54:54.577

0 Docker MariaDB instance not starting after update 2017-11-12T13:45:46.413

0 MariaDB automatic back-up mode 2017-11-28T04:03:45.693

0 Accessing GnuCash sql from Linux doesn't work anymore 2018-01-23T10:58:10.957

0 MYSQL service error & cannot start 2018-01-31T03:00:30.033

0 Unable to insert with blank value in MariaDB not in strict mode 2018-02-16T01:07:12.970

0 Where are the MySQL status messages/log are stored? 2018-06-12T21:10:37.810

0 How to create a service to start my mariadb? 2018-08-28T03:16:22.847

0 De-duping a table based on an expression using one field 2019-02-13T22:04:22.297

0 Root user from another VM (local network) on Mysql 5.7 while using plugin auth_socket 2019-02-18T16:42:12.140

0 mysql (maria) memory calculation & usage creep 2019-03-06T13:35:51.213

0 MariaDB refusing to start after moving data directory on Fedora 29 2019-03-18T19:03:20.857

0 LuaSQL on centos7 wont install 2019-03-25T16:35:32.237

0 Mariadb 10.1.37 on debian 9 randomly playing the same request multiple times 2019-03-28T11:06:07.327

0 Mariadb on open-shift with persistent storage gives error? 2019-03-30T00:53:31.690

0 Is it possible to use NAS instead of AWS? 2019-04-04T03:11:48.470

0 Navicat dump Mariadb table with system versioning? 2019-04-07T02:24:37.277

0 Where to find libmyodbc5.so library after mysql-connector-odbc installation? 2019-04-10T08:43:47.237

0 Testlink new installation "DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START" 2019-04-11T10:04:04.750

0 MariaDB Server cannot start: "InnoDB: No valid checkpoint found." 2019-04-15T01:19:55.400

0 Is it possible on mariadb/mysql to snapshop the db and revert it back later? 2019-04-18T15:32:27.633

0 Does the MariaDB server_audit plugin support MySQL 8.0 community edition? 2019-04-26T12:51:03.003

0 MariaDB won't work after moving database to external drive 2019-04-27T22:39:54.290

0 raspbian-lite: mysql shell only as root user? 2019-04-28T18:10:49.900

0 How to restore corrupted .IDB files on a MySQL server? 2019-05-04T17:08:00.020

0 systemctl and where programs are installed 2019-05-13T17:44:18.757

0 MariaDB ERROR 2006 (HY000) only in information_schema database 2019-05-20T00:48:35.897

0 MySQL/MariaDB won't start 2019-05-22T15:25:13.733

0 Issue changing column names when using Spoon/Kettle 2019-05-23T15:46:51.480

0 MariaDB won't restart / InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 11 2019-06-06T21:56:27.220

0 How to log in to MariaDB MySQL root via Webmin on Debian? 2019-06-09T15:03:50.017

0 Could not make connection between gunicorn flask container and mariadb conatiner 2019-06-14T09:09:12.763

0 mariadb always resolv external ip_host to ip_localhost 2019-06-22T08:51:56.353

0 Since MariaDB 10.1 aggregate functions return different field type for columns with date values 2019-07-02T15:08:54.160

0 Mariadb failover issue with a master/slave configuration 2019-07-04T13:46:08.593

0 MariaDB, tomcat connection pool access denied Error 2019-07-08T06:34:38.610

0 Connecting to a SQL database using a UDL 2019-07-10T23:17:17.973

0 Server slows down for 2-3 minutes randomly around 3 times per week 2019-07-16T15:17:33.533

0 Need help about MariaDB always stop to run 2019-07-18T17:15:54.997

0 Two different version of MariaDB on server, but only need one. CentOD 7 / Plesk 2019-07-30T10:38:50.660

0 MariaDB slave replication stopped after slave upgrade to 10.1.41 2019-08-03T08:33:50.677

0 Why !includedir means import file? 2019-08-21T07:23:59.390

0 MariaDB performance degradation over time 2019-08-28T20:43:14.933

0 Replication Error: 'Binary log is not open' 2019-08-29T10:00:07.483

0 MariaDB/Galera SST sync, foreign key issue? 2019-08-29T19:00:48.490

0 MariaDB 10.4.7 consume all memory 2019-08-30T17:03:04.107

0 SQL data not displaying properly when selecting multiple columns 2019-09-04T13:12:49.683

0 Can I update / delete / insert database records via power query? 2019-09-17T09:11:46.330

0 MariaDB getting error "1038 - Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size" when sorting on TEXT field 2019-09-19T11:39:26.637

0 MariaDB is not running, but PID file exists 2019-09-30T11:22:48.300