Tag: mainframe

230 Purpose of a "mystery key" on an IBM PC 3270 keyboard 2011-05-31T04:43:39.917

7 What exactly is a mainframe and what exactly does a programmer do on that? 2011-05-12T10:02:00.823

4 Building an improvised 'supercomputer' by connecting a number of used PCs in a LAN 2011-10-24T08:03:57.110

4 Why were some early computer displays circular? 2014-08-09T06:26:00.717

4 How to audit who changed the limit on a GDG (Generation Data Group)? 2018-08-27T20:43:49.603

3 chtag does not work on z/OS UNIX 2016-10-28T15:26:13.893

3 IZUG846W: An HTTP request for a z/OSMF REST service was received from a remote site 2018-09-06T01:45:07.377

2 FTP ASCII file from Windows to Mainframe (iSeries) — special characters 2012-10-04T14:28:30.357

2 What is meant by distributed architecture in the context of old fashioned 1960s mainframes? 2014-02-17T06:32:06.637

2 ibm as400 model 9406-270 2017-12-04T15:54:10.350

2 SFTP processing from mainframe to server with Crush FTP software failing key authentication 2018-04-04T15:20:52.037

2 Is there a way for a USS shell process to easily access MVS symbols such as `&SYSNAME`? 2018-09-10T14:51:08.000

2 How do I specify an MVS data set name when using lftp? 2018-10-12T18:44:58.730

1 FTP file to Mainframe server copying only first record in the file 2013-05-07T10:41:09.930

1 How to sftp a file to a mainframe 2016-10-31T15:53:57.497

1 Setup for z/OSMF on z/OS 2.3 throws off a security error indicating libIzugJni64.so is not PROGRAM CONTROLLED 2018-07-29T01:26:35.547

1 GIM69207S SMP/E download fails with java.net.UnknownHostException: 2018-11-28T02:06:57.020

1 Trouble in starting Jenkins slave(agent) on the USS of z/OS 2019-02-15T14:56:47.500

1 Blue Prism attach Mainframe application 2019-04-09T10:51:28.320

1 Record Editor Cobol To Csv 2019-09-29T20:46:02.933

0 FTP DOS window closes always 2013-04-24T17:05:49.687

0 Write form on AS400 system 2013-09-19T06:51:02.880

0 Unable to set NOSHAREAS attribute on executable in USS. chattr() error: rv=-1, errno=8B, rsn=EF076043 2019-09-12T16:18:36.737