Tag: lvm2

42 grub2-install: "this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition" 2015-04-18T12:51:45.557

15 Is there a simple way to move/copy a logical volume from one volume group to another? (LVM2) 2010-12-01T20:36:15.383

7 mdadm volume works, but won't assemble/mount on startup? 2010-11-18T17:04:46.433

7 How can I shrink a Logical Volume, and re-allocate the freed space into a new partition on the same drive? 2014-03-27T21:45:06.900

5 Booting windows (any version) from an LVM volume 2011-01-20T18:48:26.660

3 LVM - Zero out empty space in a Volume Group 2011-12-01T21:27:37.283

3 Mounting LVM2 volume with XFS filesystem 2013-01-23T16:55:06.993

3 Remove a Physical Volume from VG with no free PE 2014-10-03T20:30:47.623

2 Gentoo Linux -> Ubuntu: Can I Preserve My LVM/RAID Devices, Or Do I Need To Reformat? 2010-05-23T05:34:54.130

2 How can I copy an LVM configuration to another machine? 2011-01-11T18:46:57.393

2 Can't boot Linux Mint 15 installed entirely in LVM. Where should grub 2.0 boot loader go? 2013-09-07T17:46:34.777

1 Migrating away from LVM 2012-11-13T08:28:29.687

1 How do LVM Snapshots work on the PE level? 2013-05-03T01:22:24.190

1 LVM Unable to remove physical volume 2013-10-12T11:09:35.573

1 extend lvm with existing partition 2014-08-11T06:55:40.777

1 Can I control which physical volume(s) in a volume group will be used first? 2014-08-21T12:13:29.303

1 how to mount a XFS filesystem in LVM volume with RAID0 having a bad disk? 2015-05-12T11:43:06.593

1 How to Glusterfs reload the gluster volume/bricks info 2015-06-22T11:46:30.173

1 install mint linux alongside ubuntu on lvm with EFI boot 2015-08-07T15:00:33.083

1 LVM2 RAID6 CentOS 7 not working 2015-08-12T00:06:20.680

1 This arch install not yet working, /sbin/init trouble 2015-09-06T15:31:09.703

1 How to undo vgchange --clustered y? 2016-02-29T18:13:27.307

1 allow non root user to lvm command 2016-09-20T16:07:31.270

1 Some file permissions have '??????????' under LxC - Is this a feature, or a sign of a corrupt file-system? 2016-11-04T05:49:38.860

1 Trying to recover encrypted partition, getting very confused 2017-04-10T11:19:34.300

1 udev rules for device mapper when lvm volumes are activated 2017-08-12T14:03:11.487

1 LVM2 Raid 1 "needs refresh", but does not refresh or scrub 2018-04-14T12:00:15.380

1 DRBD and LVM in combination 2019-06-08T07:20:51.700

1 Recovering LVM Raid-5 Array 2019-07-24T23:08:38.787

1 Removing lvm cache volume results in "Unknown feature in status" output 2019-08-04T21:54:30.297

1 LVM (seemingly) only using one device 2019-10-25T23:32:13.617

0 LVM2: Where is the volume backup file documented? 2012-04-14T16:25:48.443

0 How to add unallocated space to a logical volume? using LVM 2012-08-03T00:58:11.017

0 size of extent on LVM2 2014-03-30T22:28:13.820

0 linux refused to mount a valid partition 2014-08-21T23:27:30.553

0 Get current metadatasize for an physical volume 2015-04-01T14:11:26.843

0 "Re-attaching" an LVM volume/group 2016-01-09T19:33:55.913

0 Debian pvmove of root lv into raid10 device resulted in unbootable system 2016-04-28T19:59:37.240

0 Linux - LVM pvcreate command not working 2017-01-10T22:53:24.580

0 Fixing "Couldn't find device with uuid" error in RHEL 2017-11-08T18:07:31.243

0 lvm encrypted partition in arch linux giving not file system specified error after selecting grub option 2018-05-14T20:53:20.467

0 lvmcache: failed to connect to lvmetad on Debian Stretch during boot 2018-10-14T19:58:51.333

0 Why do an XFS volume need to be mounted in order to resize? 2018-12-20T18:09:48.820

0 Can open LUKS encyrpted partition but not scan volume groups 2019-04-19T00:46:56.297

0 Converting lvm2 pv to NTFS File system 2019-07-07T12:23:19.043

0 Recovering data from NTFS file system 2019-07-10T05:16:30.380

0 How to extend root logical volume 2019-09-04T07:34:52.753

0 Can a volume group have partitions from different disks? 2019-09-18T12:38:30.593

0 lvconvert asked to wipe an ext4 signature. I refused. But it says it succeeded. What's going on? 2020-01-31T09:59:35.950