Tag: ksh

21 How to set default screen colours in putty/ssh 2010-12-06T09:27:25.527

14 overriding user defined functions with the same name as system commands 2012-09-13T17:10:15.697

5 How can I keep reading from a pipe even after the pipe is closed? 2011-06-10T17:58:06.930

5 Does "ulimit -Su" limit the number of user processes created in interactive login subshells and tmux sessions created therein? 2013-12-11T20:20:09.770

5 What is the difference between "elif" and "else if" in shell scripting? 2014-10-17T21:09:40.197

4 Split a string in ksh 2009-09-22T13:44:33.417

4 Create a file whose size in bytes is the percentage of free space on a disk 2010-01-29T01:32:04.330

4 Unix history not working 2011-06-29T11:04:23.250

3 Unix HP-UX ksh recursive find and replace 2013-01-11T12:47:47.603

3 Delete old log files in AIX 2013-05-30T10:40:50.037

3 Unix find not working with a wildcard in the path when ssh'ing 2016-02-10T17:04:54.810

2 ksh equivalent of perl $! error reason 2009-07-23T10:36:55.097

2 unix command to see the last run command on command line 2010-06-24T17:57:14.753

2 Fastest way to get creation and last modification times of a lot of files 2012-07-11T15:51:54.743

2 Up key for XTerm, Korn shell (while vt100 through telnet/putty works) dont work 2012-12-03T12:18:15.100

2 How to read aliases in a ksh script 2013-10-06T11:19:22.673

2 Adding a month to an input date in unix 2013-10-10T00:19:38.353

2 Extract a single file from a tar file to another directory 2013-10-22T05:46:40.117

2 Convert Month Number to Month Name 2013-10-31T09:58:01.293

2 Infinite loop in Terminal (ksh) to launch commands 2014-02-14T13:30:04.573

2 Pipe standard error to file and keep it on standard error? 2014-09-30T20:38:23.860

2 unix - sort content of two folders then compare using diff command 2014-11-05T04:16:17.620

2 Issues using scp to copy a file in Unix 2014-11-15T06:25:11.643

1 How to repeat commands from history in ksh vi-mode 2010-03-05T00:39:44.940

1 ksh93 as default shell via ssh 2010-04-05T22:26:24.907

1 AIX : retrieving previous command using up arrow 2010-08-30T14:35:16.183

1 Re-redirect STDERR in K/SH? 2010-10-04T05:34:21.737

1 count words in LIST without separators 2010-10-05T09:59:12.917

1 Is there a BSD equivalent to "!!"? 2011-03-07T13:57:26.893

1 Using readline keyboard shortcuts in OSX korn shell 2011-04-04T18:48:26.993

1 How to write this script in unix? 2011-07-12T14:51:24.287

1 What will happen when I 'cat' 'ksh'? 2012-05-11T18:24:46.563

1 FIND operands and order of arguments 2012-09-24T14:53:10.203

1 Difference between running commands locally vs using SSH to make remote commands 2012-12-04T21:00:41.567

1 Using a while loop to read a file, randomly stops reading the file in the middle 2014-01-23T14:31:07.450

1 Is there a way to show "File not found" or a message alike when using the `find` command? 2014-05-13T14:46:15.233

1 using sed to replace 1 line with a multi-line variable in ksh 2014-06-10T01:42:24.780

1 Interactive Script; Prompt within a loop 2014-12-22T12:51:27.607

1 Using wildcard in unix find command's path 2016-02-09T15:23:58.010

1 unix shell tips to assign boolean value to variable from a test 2018-03-20T10:43:52.387

1 Ksh/Bash script to run commands based on kernel name 2018-05-29T14:44:56.723

1 What does asterisk (*) meant in Linux for-loop 2019-03-31T18:23:02.730

1 Using a variable with sed to return a section in an ini file 2019-11-29T20:37:55.917

0 Is There Any Danger in Closing a Parent Xterm Shell with an Active Child? 2009-08-31T18:19:17.217

0 Find last modified/created file of a certain extension 2009-09-01T16:25:18.103

0 Tab complete in VI mode KSH 'vi-tabcomplete' gives bad options 2009-06-18T23:36:27.823

0 How to create a new background process in a KSH "while read" loop? 2010-06-20T13:42:19.860

0 shell script + match word without echo command 2010-08-25T10:10:56.430

0 Start linux command with "su" and inline variable 2010-09-08T12:33:36.473

0 ksh Auto-Completion PuTTY Configuration 2011-03-07T21:47:20.100

0 Overlapping lines in AIX 5.3 2011-06-23T20:19:22.550

0 How to write code for this archival scenario? 2011-07-12T19:25:09.123

0 lines identical except for their first word, put the first word in a variable 2011-07-17T08:48:40.263

0 Script that runs a command with 'exec' doesnt end until 'Enter' is pressed 2011-08-04T08:55:49.113

0 Unix find command help 2011-08-18T19:09:51.023

0 How can I make an environment variable available outside of a KSH script? 2011-08-29T13:17:18.193

0 Sorting a list of directories that contain numbers with a different number of digits 2011-09-20T11:42:40.203

0 how to fix Permission denied on directory in unix? 2012-02-15T12:07:08.307

0 Generate new file with specific structure from text file 2012-04-17T14:26:18.013

0 Solaris/Linux - tput command + create bold text 2012-04-17T15:37:12.543

0 "shell not found" on start of backtrack 5 2012-05-31T10:43:27.283

0 dynamically allocating space for variable in ksh 2012-06-20T09:05:35.473

0 for loop non-ending, loop never procedes to second argument 2013-01-07T20:03:02.173

0 Queue commands to last subshel even if one of them launches new shell 2013-05-23T12:27:27.330

0 Korn Shell .kshrc 2013-05-23T20:40:06.960

0 How to search for broken links on the entire local file system of a server? 2013-07-08T16:34:56.893

0 ksh double quotes and variables 2013-10-24T11:56:40.150

0 Solaris: a simple script does not work, single command does 2014-05-27T14:45:42.040

0 ksh script using if break statements 2014-08-28T03:18:03.160

0 Assign Substr of a string to a variable 2015-02-26T22:14:22.343

0 Fold on “short form of here document” 2016-01-27T11:05:17.490

0 KShell script skips commands when scheduled in cron 2016-03-14T07:15:13.910

0 Suppress password in shell script debug mode 2016-09-02T14:53:00.733

0 keep the first line that matches a string search and remove all following lines that have the same string matched 2016-11-11T15:22:59.810

0 Posting SOAP request through curl command line in ksh 2016-12-27T19:43:27.490

0 How to write a script in ksh to exit from the terminal? 2017-07-03T11:19:30.420

0 ksh - Reading an unset variable into an array using the read command 2018-04-24T13:50:10.470

0 How to reverse-i-search in ksh through SSH? 2018-09-20T15:58:21.590

0 Setting up ksh task in Cmder 2018-10-17T08:56:42.467

0 Awk to get data from second line and column. (ksh) 2019-06-05T09:14:53.627

0 How to stop duplicate entries when appending using a script in Linux SUSE? 2019-08-06T09:58:24.190

0 While loop stopped working 2019-10-21T21:59:58.787

0 While loop is exiting before the end of the file 2019-10-22T01:46:30.117

0 A small mystery about commandline history in ksh 2019-12-06T09:06:54.333

0 How do I send my command history to two different history files? 2019-12-18T00:39:49.773

0 how to count the number of occurrences of a word in different files? -BASH 2020-02-13T15:40:33.877

-1 With KSH, how to convert “12345” to “” 2015-09-16T02:49:23.217