Tag: kate

23 How to make Kate remember to always show line numbers? 2015-05-22T10:58:48.013

7 Disable KDE sounds in GNOME Ubuntu 2011-05-08T22:50:39.530

6 Kate gives out debug messages on the console from which it is started 2012-03-29T12:08:31.943

6 Can Kate automatically convert spaces/tabs? 2014-07-24T04:05:58.413

5 Automatically saving files on edit with kate or any text editor 2011-03-27T01:10:51.970

4 How do I make kate the default text editor in gnome? 2010-02-17T11:42:28.907

4 How can I tell kate to use CSS highlighting for .less files by default? 2012-04-23T15:36:29.310

3 Create a new directory in KDE Save As dialogue 2014-01-02T08:08:36.610

2 Count found text on Kate 2013-03-10T19:30:05.657

2 Kate - select whole word under cursor via shortcut 2016-03-11T12:45:22.243

2 How to reorder tabs in Kate? 2016-08-10T20:45:00.413

2 How do you insert a tab character in Kate? 2017-01-09T15:57:13.820

1 How to keep Ubuntu 11.10 and Kate editor w/terminal from changing command line when changing tabs? 2012-09-30T03:45:38.463

1 set environment variables when KDE is starting using source (using Intel Compilers under Kate) 2013-03-07T20:59:27.593

1 Kate changes inode 2013-08-08T18:27:54.003

1 kate's "open file" doesn't show all files 2013-12-16T18:28:23.290

1 Kate wrap selected text 2014-05-23T07:43:47.333

1 kate search/replace with special characters? 2014-07-24T03:52:43.450

1 How do I cut a line in KDE Kate? 2016-05-25T19:53:41.513

1 In-document highlighting hint for Kate 2017-02-13T13:02:02.127

1 How do you filter text in Kdevelop? 2018-02-14T11:04:54.493

1 How to alter date format in page header in Kate (kde text editor) 2019-01-19T16:10:19.573

0 add quotation marks (or square brackets or parentheses) to selected word via shortcut 2012-05-04T09:39:24.143

0 How to launch kate from cscope? 2014-12-26T14:45:53.843

0 Delete all lines that do not contain a specific word in kate 2015-07-02T11:27:34.000

0 Visual Basic highlighting for Kate text editor 2016-11-13T11:31:53.343

0 No option for "External Tools" in Kate plugins 2017-03-19T20:00:50.770

0 How to persist line numbers option in Kate? 2017-06-06T08:57:55.193

0 How to change the colour of KATE text editor's UI 2017-08-11T16:38:47.070

0 How to see what lines have been modified recently and what lines in kate? 2019-05-21T11:56:01.497

0 Set a keyboard shortcut in Dolphin for opening the selected file in a text editor 2019-09-11T11:56:10.157