Tag: htaccess

62 How do I rename a file to .htaccess in Windows 7? 2009-10-17T12:30:37.583

8 How to show .htaccess files in specific folder in the Finder 2009-12-03T09:36:53.300

8 .htaccess 301 redirect with regular expressions 2010-06-21T19:43:41.353

8 pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable 2010-07-08T15:02:31.337

8 How do I block a host by ASN? Example - AS16276 2014-09-12T14:46:43.930

7 Using .htaccess with IIS 2014-08-19T23:51:03.783

7 How can I highlight .htaccess code in Notepad++? 2015-09-17T17:51:34.730

7 How to show the whole file name while using .htaccess to list files in a directory? 2016-12-07T01:19:27.273

5 Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS including subdomains 2017-07-06T06:23:34.230

4 configuring cgi-bin using .htaccess 2011-06-10T17:29:34.033

4 why Safari always GET status 200, never 304 for my .swf file? 2013-11-02T00:45:20.217

3 How to hide the PHP file extension using WampServer and .htacess file? 2011-10-25T18:15:42.593

3 Proper Apache redirection from http to https 2015-05-15T19:11:19.403

2 AllowOverride for userdir 2010-05-26T17:20:00.433

2 htaccess how to redirect if all other rules fail? 2012-03-22T20:45:02.457

2 how to redirect a url with port via htaccess 2013-11-23T14:28:11.733

2 .htaccess Allow access not file by link only 2014-02-05T09:52:04.043

2 Keeping Firefox from adding ".html" to url 2014-02-17T15:03:34.467

2 Multiple htpasswd user entries 2014-12-18T17:35:00.923

2 How to have .htaccess inherit defines from httpd.conf 2015-09-23T12:16:23.963

2 Cross-origin directives in httpd.conf? 2015-11-27T01:44:00.773

2 Restart apache on Docker 2016-04-26T15:40:41.490

2 Redirect multiple domains and subdomain with .htaccess 2017-11-05T19:22:41.597

2 How to use .htaccess to block Russian IP addresses? 2018-02-19T23:10:22.527

2 Query about htaccess 2019-08-08T10:28:16.040

1 Aptana show .htaccess files 2010-01-22T00:44:23.853

1 Is it possible to rsync your web site to another backup server and use the same .htaccess files? 2010-06-07T02:32:46.797

1 How Does One Make Apache htaccess 301 Redirects Absolute? 2010-07-27T21:57:49.000

1 How secure is .htaccess? 2011-05-30T15:10:44.077

1 Is .htaccess necessary for Apache httpd? 2011-09-09T14:44:12.737

1 403 Forbidden Acces via .htaccess clean url but can be accessed directly 2011-11-19T23:06:26.827

1 .htaccess not working 2011-11-25T23:35:25.910

1 .htaccess in subdir gets ignored by Wordpress' own .htaccess in / 2011-12-14T16:53:25.183

1 allow public access to subfolder of protected folder on apache 2011-12-18T00:14:02.137

1 How to move from MAMP to native Apache on Mac OS 10.7 2012-04-17T20:01:47.757

1 CentOS 5, cannot accept htaccess 2012-06-11T15:45:58.863

1 How to configure XAMPP to list all files and directories, including index files? 2012-09-02T17:54:17.283

1 Multiple .htaccess auth sources 2012-10-08T23:09:44.333

1 Redirect invalid paths using .htaccess (e.g. "home.php/xyz") 2013-01-26T04:04:25.860

1 How can I prevent dead podcast links on our server being crawled by iTunes 2013-02-25T12:16:10.640

1 Apache rewrite downside? 2013-03-27T00:16:08.537

1 Forwarding of root URL only? 2013-04-18T13:57:36.777

1 HTACCESS / ErrorDocument - How to serve 410 instead of 403 2013-04-29T13:31:56.037

1 mod-rewrite rule not working properly for files in sub directories 2013-04-30T12:11:30.007

1 How to send an alert when a user logs in via .htaccess? 2013-09-26T04:35:58.563

1 .htaccess not working with SVN 2013-10-18T09:08:06.263

1 Unhide all .htaccess files on mac 2013-11-09T10:49:07.317

1 webserver serve file request with delay (htaccess) 2014-03-12T14:19:41.607

1 htaccess redirect to port 2014-04-01T12:43:25.370

1 mod_rewrite path info postfix and per-dir prrefix 2015-02-13T12:33:31.377

1 Chrome htaccess cache not enabled 2015-05-03T17:15:57.583

1 Make static site from wordpress site using bash 2015-07-07T23:05:00.673

1 Apache is requesting .htaccess from user directory which is parent dir to DocumentRoot 2015-07-09T02:57:08.563

1 How to block website visitors from accessing image files? 2015-09-18T10:04:45.043

1 Rewrite without url changing 2015-12-03T14:30:42.923

1 How can I compress a jpg images for google insights optimisation 2016-01-19T22:32:36.103

1 Deploying web.py project to Bluehost, WSGIServer: missing FastCGI error 2016-03-27T19:19:51.790

1 Folder password with Apache and Nginx for external connections 2016-10-02T20:41:16.350

1 How to fix AddType or AddHandler problems 2016-11-20T06:50:21.000

1 Forward subdomain1.example.com to subomain2.example2.com using .htaccess 2017-01-03T23:17:28.387

1 Cannot load mod_rewrite Apache module 2017-01-22T00:45:26.300

1 How to define parameters/constants in Apache .htaccess files 2017-02-06T18:10:56.583

1 How to block the htaccess login dialog box in pop-up ads? 2017-04-03T12:02:01.567

1 Forcing HTTPS with .htaccess on site with Wordpress in subfolder 2017-08-01T19:43:23.963

1 Allow http access only from two selected IPs and get alerts for other attempted logins 2017-12-06T05:04:30.557

1 How to point URL to directory? 2017-12-16T20:42:54.517

1 redirect subdirectory requests to alternate server:port 2018-03-05T17:21:47.100

1 SSL forwarding for just one subdomain in .htaccess 2018-04-10T10:14:04.147

1 Redirecting another domain to a current domain assigned to a Wordpress website 2019-01-30T14:18:13.170

1 Can't figure out a htaccess rule 2019-02-23T09:58:56.007

1 Nextcloud service discovery not fully working 2019-04-08T21:58:30.503

1 Apache 2.4 .htaccess Require statements ignored 2019-09-06T19:49:06.070

1 phpmyadmin not working after php verion Update 2019-09-20T03:08:53.850

1 I'm running Apache 2.4.7, but my .htaccess files are only working with pre-2.4 directives & syntax 2019-10-25T05:03:41.417

0 .htaccess to restrict access to only select files 2010-06-16T04:13:22.390

0 How to redirect http://mysite/css/ to http://server1.mysite.com/css? 2010-06-16T13:54:46.307

0 Wildcards using .htaccess to redirect to index page 2010-06-24T07:34:45.830

0 problems when computers outside the network connect to my localhost 2011-01-20T13:20:05.123

0 Understanding this generated .htaccess file and solving my problem_ 2011-07-05T02:40:55.583

0 Why is redirecting inside the nginx config file inefficient? 2011-10-29T18:48:50.063

0 Allow Verified Users Only To View Directories 2011-12-01T23:09:05.473

0 .htaccess file ignored on Ubuntu server 2011-12-10T09:48:07.980

0 Trouble handling zip files? 2011-12-16T23:14:41.760

0 ftp server connection timed out 2012-05-03T17:49:25.200

0 .htaccess speed vs. symlink or DNS setting I don't know about? 2012-05-12T16:33:41.193

0 Allow access to url with htaccess 2012-12-07T01:45:52.187

0 301 redirect with special characters 2012-12-08T02:36:48.187

0 How can I create a filter defining which invisible files to un-hide? 2012-12-21T16:52:21.960

0 htaccess rename mp3 on the fly 2013-01-31T15:19:44.417

0 Allow access from internal files, but denying access externally 2013-02-19T02:16:48.083

0 Allow other instances of files that is globally blocked in htaccess? 2013-04-10T04:46:41.833

0 Enable .htaccess on ubuntu server 2013-04-24T03:03:13.293

0 .htaccess and .htpasswd throwing 500 internal server error 2013-04-27T20:31:24.793

0 HTACCESS - Server 404 for "deny from" instead of 403 2013-04-29T14:21:22.823

0 mod_deflate - possible to compress 1k or higher only? cache? 2013-05-09T02:15:20.063

0 How to choose php version in .htaccess 2013-09-07T06:07:16.703

0 Redirect with .htacess - URL with regex to URL 2013-10-23T19:24:28.000

0 MAMP .htaccess file not working 2013-10-26T16:28:48.630

0 remove the question mark from url using htaccess 2014-02-06T17:54:44.717