Tag: head

36 Opposite of tail: all lines except the last n lines 2013-01-30T13:30:38.447

15 Using 'head' or 'tail' on HUGE text file - 19 GB 2012-02-20T23:59:19.923

8 Creating a large file of random bytes quickly 2014-08-04T21:26:02.160

5 How to easily break up a text file into pieces smaller than a threshold? 2013-09-11T01:09:17.533

4 Stopping after first line of output 2011-06-09T14:23:32.927

4 How to echo only 1st line from 'curl' command output? 2016-02-19T11:19:59.387

4 tail/head all line except X last/first Lines 2016-04-29T23:29:08.497

3 How to grab a random section in the middle of a huge file? 2011-04-23T17:57:33.887

3 How to copy head of files to another folder, keeping tree structure? 2011-07-11T20:04:32.777

3 Head on very large files 2015-05-18T08:07:16.220

2 zcat | head : write error from large gz file 2013-04-26T18:16:33.290

1 How to solve "Broken Pipe" error when using awk with head 2011-11-28T15:23:41.500

1 Unix tool to output first n characters in an UTF-8 encoded file 2012-07-18T06:09:17.087

1 What's the best way to view lines X through Y of a large file? 2012-12-07T18:41:18.493

1 head hangs or doesn't terminate on Linux 2013-09-18T18:53:48.360

1 How to resolve conflicts when two binaries have the same name 2013-10-23T10:55:20.417

1 head and cat don't recognize Microsoft Excel text files 2014-01-09T11:52:40.947

1 Extracting part of a large SQL dump 2014-06-26T17:18:52.020

1 Using head to see up to a character 2014-07-08T21:03:12.800

1 Head waits for full stdin before printing 2015-03-13T00:53:06.043

0 Read a Section of Lines from a File in Linux 2012-10-07T22:34:04.133

0 Copy huge file skipping first line using dd in Linux 2015-01-29T16:33:11.563

0 How to grep for line numbers in a binary file? 2015-04-06T19:14:34.427

0 Automatic head in ms-word 2018-02-11T15:45:19.720

0 How can I detect/remove special characters from this short text file? 2019-04-28T02:26:40.100

0 Linux head/tail commands' man page does not show the '-LINES' argument 2019-11-06T10:56:41.803

0 Command Line Number Line Not In Sync 2019-12-03T17:28:23.897