Tag: gvimrc

8 how to turn off gvim error highlighting? 2013-10-05T23:55:35.190

7 How to make gVim transparent on Ubuntu 10.10? 2010-11-22T21:32:03.407

7 How to configure MacVim to quit on exit? 2011-07-18T20:41:12.990

4 Gvim paste using Control+Shift+V, while leaving Visual Block Mode Control+V 2011-07-27T19:23:28.637

4 Is it possible to get gVim to execute external commands in cygwin by default? 2012-04-17T09:36:23.337

3 vim - What's the best way to set statusline color to change, based on mode 2018-01-14T13:32:18.023

2 .vimrc use filename that is currently editing 2011-05-26T02:17:46.967

2 Having files opening in tabs in GVim 2011-09-12T20:15:01.343

2 Using vim autocmd with edit problems 2012-12-29T22:37:59.610

1 Vim mapping acts different when switching between Mac OS X/Linux 2010-08-18T06:27:13.277

1 Running gVim on a USB Drive 2011-04-17T06:55:51.110

1 Opening files from Eclipse in gvim skips vimrc and gvimrc 2012-01-13T15:03:03.900

1 VIM disable highlighting upon search deletion 2012-04-04T17:05:51.077

1 Should I bother moving stuff from vimrc to gvimrc? 2013-12-22T14:26:42.537

1 Vim not making font italic when it should? 2014-01-05T22:30:51.630

1 Vim completion based on language 2014-02-13T04:59:45.050

1 Why is there a difference in the popup dialog from .gvimrc and command line? 2014-03-21T18:34:02.057

1 How to determine what buffer was changed externally with gVim? 2014-03-21T19:19:50.237

1 Stop Vim from automatically tw=78 line-break wrapping text files 2015-04-23T05:30:21.373

1 How to map commands in Vim? 2016-10-28T12:30:09.533

0 Ubuntu 10.04 problems - GVIM and Sound 2010-06-26T20:01:38.053

0 GVim Stop at end of line with arrows 2011-06-30T16:09:42.223

0 Vim remap to change directory 2012-11-13T14:52:44.373

0 Vim; Executing another application by :MyCommand 2013-03-18T09:17:54.107

0 How to make my vim recognize filetype and load the corresponding syntax file 2013-07-16T08:42:37.283

0 What vim settings do I need so vim ftp write does not convert to dos format? 2013-07-24T14:27:06.383

0 Gvim 7.4: how to save the default font setting? Any improvements from gvim 7.3? 2013-11-02T19:20:35.097

0 How do I open multiple files as part of gVim's launch procedure? 2014-10-13T23:14:47.133

0 how to cmap <tab> like the tab in the termimal? 2015-07-06T19:23:20.650

0 Cross-platform .vimrc/_vimrc 2015-08-10T18:44:42.580

0 Vim: Error message on sourcing, but not on start up 2016-07-21T19:40:07.497

0 Unable to include plugins using vimrc . Error for each line of my vimrc 2019-05-01T09:30:59.087