Tag: grep

6 Pipe grep exit code away 2010-07-20T15:49:32.603

6 Search with "grep" for folder names 2011-04-05T19:29:07.363

6 Grep command, to remove lines containing a specified word 2011-10-27T12:04:40.087

6 Print back-reference in regular expression 2012-03-16T21:18:51.633

6 Grep file in GVIM on Windows 2012-04-16T15:34:20.490

6 Why is the grep/-r/--include combination slower than the find/-exec/grep combination? 2013-01-18T02:49:48.963

6 Use different colors for every another grep 2013-11-15T07:59:48.187

6 does grep regex work differently on mac? 2018-04-17T23:15:14.040

5 grep - match anything but given filetype 2010-02-17T12:47:47.747

5 Filter/grep some output only by certain column? 2010-08-25T07:25:29.430

5 How do you search for strings in a file which in turn is in an archive? 2010-11-24T05:29:32.963

5 Using find or grep to locate filenames with accented characters from a different encoding system (Windows to Linux) 2010-12-06T00:37:58.140

5 grep simply fails when used on a few files 2011-01-10T19:11:28.857

5 How do I get grep color in the file names before each match? 2011-03-16T21:05:50.190

5 Showing the line count of a specific file 2011-03-30T06:48:51.357

5 grep in Powershell 2011-04-07T14:13:58.903

5 Difference between grep -l and find in UNIX 2011-04-09T14:43:45.290

5 How can I find all files in a folder with a certain text string and an extension? 2011-05-31T06:46:32.517

5 How to do the equivalent of "grep something * -Rin" on list of tar.gz files? 2011-06-08T09:20:36.943

5 Grep for many arguments 2011-11-21T09:58:43.873

5 Search for files with more than one term (grep, awk?) 2012-07-11T12:18:47.437

5 Can bash consume the same fifo from two separate commands? 2013-03-05T16:27:07.193

5 linux: is tree -i -f -L $depth supposed to be faster than find -maxdepth $depth? 2013-04-12T08:49:43.933

5 grep with colored output returns several empty lines 2013-04-12T16:50:57.060

5 How can I open a set of files in sublime based on their contents 2013-07-03T20:09:47.990

5 Vim: How do you use external grep on windows to search for quotation marks? 2013-09-14T01:48:39.990

5 Filter tail command through multiple grep commands to separate files 2013-10-01T23:09:40.473

5 How to search a text file for strings between two tokens in Ubuntu terminal and save the output? 2014-06-04T11:19:28.003

5 split a file by a line prefix 2014-07-15T21:11:33.833

5 How can I perform a second grep on the files returned from a previous grep? 2014-08-04T16:57:11.237

5 Preserving newline in find/grep search results 2014-10-09T23:22:21.867

5 Grep to filter gigantic CSV file 2014-10-17T02:28:35.710

5 grep -l output filenames with spaces 2015-04-22T19:21:11.037

5 Shell command to find files containing one word but not the second word 2016-08-07T17:26:05.073

4 Linux grep or find usage 2009-08-11T19:41:30.110

4 What is the use of ? in grep command.. And practical use 2009-08-15T15:13:41.740

4 Finding files that do not have a particular line 2009-11-09T23:15:31.703

4 grep --color=auto with -i option disables the matching text color, why? 2009-11-20T20:12:17.373

4 FreeBSD flag to ignore permission errors when searching file for a string 2009-09-18T10:54:25.830

4 grepping a substring from a grep result 2010-04-09T01:18:27.530

4 How to grep a line start with "*" using grep 2010-05-13T15:54:54.287

4 'grep' for Windows? 2010-08-09T17:42:27.613

4 grep not functioning correctly 2010-08-17T15:22:05.047

4 How to use grep to match domain names? 2011-01-10T03:51:45.383

4 Which regular expression standard is used in grep? 2011-04-12T10:07:09.847

4 What is a Linux command to find files containing some strings but not another? 2011-06-13T13:33:02.100

4 tar - exclude certain files 2011-06-26T15:52:06.040

4 Search text in list of files 2011-11-23T09:15:18.660

4 Get additional data around match from grep 2011-12-15T16:31:44.510

4 Checking if any data exists on a presumably empty storage device 2012-01-07T16:09:39.953

4 Running a command on all files that contain a string 2012-05-10T12:12:36.947

4 How can I retain grep's match highlighting when piping find into grep? 2012-05-25T19:39:23.490

4 Matching a number sequence in grep 2012-07-22T12:22:28.187

4 Continuously check netstat output for a particular program 2012-09-07T07:38:39.017

4 How do I grep multiple keywords from a file? 2012-10-06T05:39:02.023

4 Using grep to display second character in string? 2012-11-15T16:58:06.237

4 Grep the whole body of a function 2012-11-27T22:34:29.143

4 Is it possible to open a file to a specific line number as formatted in grep -n results? 2013-04-19T17:55:45.437

4 Using grep to remove lines from a file which contain a string from another file 2013-05-10T18:40:41.253

4 What are the advantages, if any of grep over egrep 2013-05-28T23:52:30.953

4 Efficient way to search string within file find and grep 2013-06-19T15:45:11.963

4 Sort files with grep 2013-09-06T08:18:29.523

4 Why does grep need a dot in a regex using '$'? 2013-09-17T00:18:34.343

4 How to grep a line with a backslash at the end of the line? 2014-01-23T04:16:30.080

4 Using grep on URLs not working 2014-07-31T17:46:31.313

4 Can I create a "file" that, when opened, actually gives the output of a command? 2014-12-11T06:02:14.247

4 Keep grep output on one line? 2015-12-03T03:20:01.943

4 Find | grep doesn't work in Cygwin 2015-12-09T09:46:01.877

4 How to grep and get only matching string? 2017-02-28T13:23:08.233

4 How to find files with specific text inside and specific extension? 2018-01-11T08:26:57.703

4 Testing grep exit status with pipe and variable unsuccessful 2018-03-17T20:59:43.730

3 Grep on the whole server in Ubuntu 2010-01-05T15:42:06.793

3 Recovering text files in terminal using grep on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 2010-02-18T17:40:50.543

3 Using grep to find a string in files 2010-04-29T21:37:27.893

3 finding surrounding lines with grep 2010-08-07T22:35:44.877

3 Getting rid of 'grep: line too long' 2010-09-07T10:07:32.823

3 tail -v a file while excluding a list of words 2010-10-08T21:00:46.120

3 Regular expression and grep not working 2010-12-20T00:58:21.713

3 Match exactly (and only) the pattern I specify in a grep command 2011-01-03T20:09:13.183

3 Search for and print only matched pattern 2011-02-09T13:24:02.863

3 How do I grep help output in linux? 2011-02-09T15:52:22.990

3 Simple (?) Unix Grep Command 2011-02-14T06:27:13.460

3 grep -r not working on Solaris 2011-04-29T19:52:35.080

3 how to find (grep) paragraph start with word and ending with other word and ignore new line? 2011-06-02T09:50:52.197

3 Bash operator < , > , | and grep / kill 2011-06-07T20:00:28.837

3 I'm having trouble with a text file being marked as a binary 2011-08-18T16:02:31.583

3 Can't pipe or redirect Cygwin grep output 2011-11-17T16:16:53.177

3 Aren't egrep, fgrep supposed to be aliases to grep? 2011-11-18T23:39:42.150

3 ack doesn't recurse when specifying a file pattern 2011-11-30T00:12:54.043

3 Exclude long lines from grep results 2012-02-04T02:05:40.590

3 Bulk renaming files 2012-02-12T03:28:14.410

3 Why is find exec grep > file an Infinite Loop? 2012-02-22T17:22:36.797

3 How to remove lines from large text file using bash 2012-03-10T02:02:06.563

3 Why does grep return no results (list all files in directory) 2012-04-09T11:59:16.453

3 Faster grepping through lots of bulky text files 2012-04-23T18:37:25.127

3 Grep all files in a directory and print matches with filename 2012-06-25T15:15:15.520

3 unix command to verify span of word in text 2012-06-27T02:14:15.613

3 What does grep do when using a dollar sign in the search term? 2012-07-23T19:03:25.690

3 Why doesn't ack recursively search all files by default? 2012-08-07T21:08:43.147