Tag: gdm

12 How do I prevent GDM from running at boot on Ubuntu? 2008-09-16T23:41:54.377

9 What is the correct way to prevent non-root users from issuing shutdowns or reboots 2011-11-07T07:03:11.587

7 Linux: wmctrl cannot open display when session initiated via ssh+screen 2010-09-20T19:40:20.880

5 How can I configure gdm to allow X connections to other servers/workstations? 2012-06-04T19:11:53.227

4 How to boot into command-line mode and keep other services unchanged 2009-08-09T22:58:10.530

4 Zsh login shell in Ubuntu 2011-05-16T15:11:40.063

4 How can i auto-login with Fedora 15? So that it never ask it on reboot automatically logs in, as defined 2011-08-01T18:32:06.877

4 How to change the GDM default background wallpaper to my customized wallpaper or solid color? 2011-09-07T22:54:22.477

4 Choose between multiple keyboard layouts for different users in GDM3 2012-06-10T14:52:30.813

3 How to implement a volatile "user profile" 2009-10-26T15:00:09.053

3 How to automatically add a protected key to ssh-agent on startup? 2011-07-20T16:53:38.117

2 Ubuntu Login Screen Reloads 2010-02-05T21:49:11.167

2 GDM Won't Automatically Start After Boot 2010-05-18T04:57:10.473

2 How can I disallow normal users on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 (multi user NIS setup) from shutting down the system? 2010-07-26T19:59:32.257

2 restart gdm at linux terminal 2010-08-05T13:44:48.717

2 No login prompt displayed after updating Ubuntu 10.04, broken gdm 2010-10-08T21:51:50.640

2 A startup script on Ubuntu that only runs properly when ran manually 2011-05-10T18:17:58.310

2 login after ubuntu 11.10 upgrade - failed to load session ubuntu 2011-10-23T11:09:52.743

2 ubuntu12.04 hangs at checking battery state 2012-10-24T10:03:14.577

2 Ubuntu 14.04 gdm with multiple X servers doesn't work 2014-04-22T20:16:10.843

2 Desktop not starting after Centos upgrade 2014-09-02T10:58:18.787

2 How to set default keyboard layout for GDM 3.16? 2015-10-03T05:39:31.793

2 shell environment setup for virtualenv/virtualenvwrapper 2015-11-20T17:33:07.957

2 Text rendering issues in Gnome Desktop Manager 3 2015-12-16T23:08:27.077

2 GDM login loops. Startx works 2016-11-08T20:58:43.713

2 Computer suspends when not logged in 2018-03-29T22:36:46.267

1 I don't understand how GDM is starting 2009-11-06T18:38:04.170

1 How to repair login screen without reinstalling gdm 2010-02-25T03:39:39.973

1 Ubuntu 10.04 upgrade: gdm-simple-greeter no seat-id found 2010-05-12T21:39:02.367

1 Is it possible to log a user in a remote computer using ssh? 2010-06-09T22:00:25.167

1 Ubuntu lost GNOME installation, cyclic dependencies when reinstalling GNOME 2010-07-24T13:17:55.520

1 Connect to virtual KVM machine/VNC from Xorg 2010-08-24T16:05:15.577

1 XMonad with GDM on Maverick (Ubuntu 10.10) 2010-09-20T10:38:32.827

1 Xvnc4 started from xinetd only displays empty gray X screen 2011-03-20T20:06:35.120

1 How to set user picture on GDM? 2011-04-11T14:39:13.920

1 GDM guest session for Debian Squeeze 2012-12-31T16:57:09.880

1 How do I force gdm 3.6 stay on DISPLAY :0? 2013-08-12T09:39:32.127

1 How to change gnome session locale? 2013-10-26T20:50:29.593

1 How to set environment variables for a Gnome Wayland session 2015-10-27T00:49:40.463

1 How to use Intel controller to run Kali GUI 2015-12-28T06:14:21.673

1 Change GDM Background 2017-03-04T15:57:07.720

1 Login loop in Kali Linux after updating/upgrading 2018-04-19T13:33:25.380

1 Setting network namespace when GDM / graphical login is done 2018-10-02T07:20:56.060

1 Why does setting LANG=C break console login on CentOS 7 2019-03-25T02:24:06.130

1 Debian 3.2.57-3 external monitor detected but no image on it 2019-06-05T16:32:59.420

1 Ubuntu 19.10 - Changing default lock screen background 2019-12-13T16:10:49.580

0 (Linux) More than one X Session with ATI Catalystâ„¢ Proprietary Display Driver 2009-12-30T09:06:10.637

0 Possible to install Xmonad on Ubuntu separate from Gnome? 2010-06-07T10:30:21.707

0 Toolbars invisible after restarting gdm 2010-08-05T22:00:13.710

0 Laptop logging out of window manager a few minutes after boot up and login 2010-09-01T16:32:12.903

0 Why does gconf-edit not work to change the GDM icon? 2011-01-26T16:43:45.873

0 Rogue X session bombing my CPU 2011-03-25T21:24:54.300

0 Gnome 3 gdm fails to start after preupgrade from fedora 14 to 15 2011-05-27T02:34:34.657

0 Debian squeeze keyboard and touchpad not working / detected on laptop 2012-03-28T06:56:06.440

0 How do I change Login Screen Background in Centos 6.3 2013-02-02T19:41:46.997

0 Triple-head works in GDM, but not in Gnome 2013-02-05T07:07:40.200

0 Change default login manager on Fedora 18 2013-07-04T05:04:24.600

0 gdm3 on debian wheezy not remembering users after reboot 2013-08-23T11:32:00.713

0 Clear user login list of gdm3 on wheezy - where is it stored? 2013-10-18T10:26:52.763

0 Add option to GDM 3.x that does not have gui 2014-09-23T00:37:44.060

0 What's the official way of programmatically changing the GDM login background? 2014-09-30T10:03:14.263

0 Force XWindows Authentication 2015-10-28T09:57:29.733

0 Visual bug in GDM for Arch Linux 2016-02-12T19:47:22.130

0 Debian Multi Monitor setup lost after reboot 2016-03-02T18:26:50.200

0 Debian not logged in with proper password after upgrade 2017-08-15T13:06:05.550

0 gdm - Use a script to set the automaticlogin user 2017-08-29T14:07:37.960

0 Changing GDM Login Screen Behavior: No gdm.d directory 2018-05-17T18:17:44.383

0 How to autostart an application in GDM3? 2018-09-04T02:56:58.017

0 Why when I start window manager directly from tty does systemd not load my environment.d? 2019-05-06T07:04:15.473

0 How can I use gdm3 for the login greeter but at the same time lightdm for just the unlocking screen? 2019-05-17T16:13:34.553

0 No /run/user/1000/wayland-0 in ubuntu 18.04 2019-05-18T14:33:39.667

0 Fedora /usr/lib/gdm-x-session gets "--: invalid option" shell error 2019-05-22T20:52:23.733

0 Intel Integrated graphics GDM leaves ghosts/leftovers (also in gnome shell) 2019-05-24T15:28:09.800

0 Fedora 30 Suspends closes all applications 2019-06-05T15:12:54.563

0 Ubuntu 18.04, gdm3, X11 an fixed frame rate 2019-07-11T09:39:17.253

0 gdm can't start when i login as root in ubuntu 18 2019-07-18T11:27:18.593

0 How do I manually add a remote user to the gdm login screen? 2019-09-19T14:08:54.500

0 How to spawn/show linux login screen on right-side primary display? 2019-10-19T21:35:10.717