Tag: exec

33 How can I run an untrusted executable on linux safely? 2016-12-11T11:35:02.980

31 How to combine the 'tar' command with 'find' 2012-12-01T14:23:50.280

13 Batch run mogrify including subdirectories 2013-10-20T02:22:42.080

8 Perrmission to run specific command by sudo as www-data users without password 2012-08-22T11:17:09.313

5 Why does sudo fork before executing the process? 2015-01-02T18:05:22.797

3 Why is find exec grep > file an Infinite Loop? 2012-02-22T17:22:36.797

2 execvp: No such file or directory 2012-03-04T00:37:58.030

2 ffmpeg working when SSH but not when PHP exec 2012-10-22T11:13:47.707

2 Pass result of the command to exec 2013-05-17T15:29:12.817

2 Argument list too long for xargs/exec 2013-07-10T05:05:47.513

2 Is there a way to use > operator in find -exec 2014-02-11T14:14:03.447

2 How to execute files which are found by find 2014-07-23T09:50:43.517

2 How to make a copy of file in the same directory 2014-09-26T08:22:52.950

2 Linux find command with multiple command -exec using chown and chmod 2014-12-25T03:55:28.950

2 Find files and group into directories 2016-06-28T04:27:30.303

2 How do I open fonts I've been sent which are showing up as 'exec' files? 2017-04-06T13:03:54.810

2 abort spawned program when it prints a specific warning 2017-10-19T16:33:19.767

2 Redirection or pipe inside `find -exec` 2019-03-06T07:47:38.507

1 Removing folder structure when making a tar from a folder 2011-05-23T13:28:38.983

1 How to invoke shell script while staying in interactive mode 2014-03-01T12:03:17.193

1 execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh' 2014-03-18T08:28:51.727

1 How to enable program execution blocked by domain group policy 2014-10-08T03:00:20.763

1 Empty line appears while merging different file contents in shell script 2015-06-22T11:24:43.600

1 Construct command for bash exec 2015-06-26T18:35:03.677

1 How to launch this particular script from any desktop at any location? 2016-01-08T06:50:13.013

1 How to kill a process that calls execv? 2016-02-01T23:07:38.290

1 find and exec on only filename 2016-04-13T05:30:06.047

1 who forks when the applications are double clicked on Linux? 2017-01-28T21:32:25.390

1 WsAppService.exe or Wondershare, is consuming all my RAM 2017-03-02T02:28:36.613

1 Opening a video through PHP's shell_exec fails on Mac OS X 2017-03-05T16:05:01.517

1 How to NOT include parent directories when using zip command? 2017-05-17T20:51:04.257

1 rm -irf -Irf with find 2017-11-21T22:58:39.540

1 Only last tee writes to file (possible overlap with exec?) 2018-03-26T15:27:09.237

1 Is there a way to execute software from EXT4 partitions on Windows 10? 2019-04-20T14:31:50.710

1 find -exec grep {} \; egrep -v string \; # the command chain brakes 2019-10-26T18:00:58.843

0 Expect: Modify Ctrl-C Behavior 2011-04-20T11:14:45.477

0 Script that runs a command with 'exec' doesnt end until 'Enter' is pressed 2011-08-04T08:55:49.113

0 backup time machine style 2012-12-15T20:24:47.757

0 GNU find .extension files and -exec, while new .extension files are being made 2013-01-02T17:35:50.933

0 PHP exec iconv doesn't work 2013-03-12T18:35:12.190

0 Preventing Apache to access root FS via exec 2013-07-10T08:40:47.677

0 Compile the kernel to increase the command line max length 2014-01-23T16:54:04.413

0 Stop execution of a function after a given time in PHP 2014-03-24T09:37:40.257

0 Open file using bash with unix executable 2014-11-15T12:07:08.737

0 Shell script force stop without waiting for the exit code 2014-11-19T00:22:39.663

0 How to rename files to monotonically incrementing sequence numbers followed by a suffix? 2015-01-10T18:09:39.143

0 Can't find executable (pipsi) in my PATH even though my PATH is set correctly and permissions are also correct in ZSH 2015-02-24T00:53:15.700

0 How to execute shell script from PHP with non-standard extension? 2015-11-09T15:14:08.553

0 Set volume using php exec and amixer 2016-04-26T14:07:44.623

0 find multiple files, and copy real files from symlink 2018-02-16T03:55:06.883

0 nohup process keep shutting down 2018-05-25T06:37:05.730

0 Tweaking sfx exe file not to be opened by WinRAR or any other extraction utility 2018-08-28T13:01:58.910

0 What does + mean in the bash `-exec command {} +`? 2018-11-16T02:40:26.807

0 How to copy grepped files using Find, Grep and Exec in Git Bash 2019-09-19T14:46:37.310

0 Prevent execution in Unix (like SRP/Applocker in Windows) 2019-10-04T12:08:08.037

-1 Difference between an install EXE and the EXEs found within the install folder 2014-07-22T14:23:28.553