Tag: elisp

14 How do I complete file paths in emacs? 2009-11-07T15:20:40.623

12 How can I write a emacs command that inserts a text with a variable string at the current cursor position? 2012-02-13T11:48:00.130

10 Is there a way to print the definition of an existing function in Emacs? 2011-11-10T22:50:08.413

9 Loading all org files on a folder to agenda 2013-08-19T15:32:20.740

8 Is there any way to convert camel-cased names to use underscores in emacs? 2010-04-01T14:00:09.850

7 Emacs + git: auto commit every 5 minutes 2010-04-18T06:29:06.200

7 Setting default Emacs window margins 2011-07-07T04:18:48.727

7 Combining two operators in Evil-mode Emacs 2012-09-02T21:48:14.060

7 How to make emacsclient uses differnt themes in terminal and X window? 2013-04-07T16:11:04.017

6 How can I apply a color-scheme (.el file) in emacs? 2010-04-08T14:07:43.953

6 Emacs modify quit-window to delete buffer not just bury it 2012-03-07T07:02:52.493

5 How do I get emacs to insert text into an arbitrary file? 2011-06-15T23:12:28.580

5 How to get emacs to highlight and link file paths 2010-08-12T21:12:46.500

5 Can I customize Emacs via the command line, during startup? 2013-05-28T12:19:21.897

4 With ERC in Emacs, how can I automatically alias server buffer names? 2012-02-17T10:28:28.257

4 restarting shell process in buffer 2012-04-26T19:08:13.197

4 Emacs - move cursor back after mark-whole-buffer & indent-region 2014-08-09T09:31:46.703

3 Disallow closing last Emacs window via Window-Manager close button 2011-07-08T10:11:53.360

3 Emacs face mode in local file variables 2011-08-29T10:21:16.803

3 How to define a shortcut (key combination) to insert "<tag></tag>" in Emacs? 2012-02-28T02:49:38.810

3 How to open a file whose name is given within another file in Emacs 2012-09-20T12:25:14.250

3 Is there an extension that previews markdown instantly? 2013-03-21T17:42:01.890

3 Emacs -- packages that provide vertical line column indicators 2013-12-20T05:35:52.587

2 What is the preferred way to set environment variables at emacs initialization? 2009-11-13T17:09:32.687

2 Is there a way to use C-C for copy and C-V for paste in emacs? 2010-01-07T13:12:34.713

2 add files opened in Emacs to GNOME's recently used document list 2010-05-31T09:24:05.200

2 emacs smart html syntax highlighting 2011-05-12T23:10:35.807

2 How to prevent delete confirmation in Emacs Dired? 2011-09-06T18:41:33.913

2 Showing file permission bits in the modeline? 2013-02-07T09:03:19.427

2 configuring slime in emacs 2013-06-30T20:34:35.073

2 How to programmatically create a new Emacs frame with a given name? 2014-09-13T06:18:50.940

2 how to set outline-minor-mode heading levels in outline-regexp 2015-03-22T01:58:40.150

2 How to enable tab complete only in term-line-mode 2015-04-01T02:02:51.980

2 Emacs config lisp code that changes electric-indent-mode before and after pasting from clipboard 2016-09-03T22:11:34.917

1 carbon emacs yank results in images 2009-11-10T03:51:50.387

1 Copy/Yank entire Lisp form in Slime 2011-01-11T09:13:27.290

1 How do I bind CMD+W to kill the current buffer in Emacs on OSX? 2011-04-06T17:37:12.927

1 How do I get Dired to not display certain files? 2011-05-03T00:26:15.173

1 How to disable ecb and cedet when running emacs in terminal? 2011-06-30T14:57:58.520

1 Emacs: cannot turn on auto-revert-mode by default 2011-08-16T10:48:01.967

1 How to override ctl-tab keybinding in textmate.el minor mode 2012-02-04T20:34:05.307

1 How to replace a keymap in emacs? 2012-07-13T18:04:02.070

1 Font lock face in emacs 2012-10-17T15:02:35.813

1 Emacs org-mode: how to apply a change in configuration file to agenda? 2013-01-29T14:34:44.487

1 Emacs TRAMP not activated with Dired 2013-05-23T21:29:33.990

1 get-buffer-window-list throws error in Emacs 24 if name not found 2013-09-11T19:10:15.497

1 What function is M-. (for following functions through TAGs) bound to in emacs? 2013-11-22T19:29:07.243

1 How to highlight-string and unhighlight-string in buffer -- make-overlay 2013-12-15T18:54:52.827

1 In Emacs, a combination of visual-line-mode and toggle-truncate-lines makes C-e not go to the end of the line. How do I fix that 2013-12-27T19:38:53.167

1 How to load emacs org-mode settings during startup? 2014-01-13T09:51:22.427

1 How can I make emacs ignore bell when recording macros? 2014-05-06T10:27:07.973

1 Highlighting all compilation errors in emacs 2014-07-03T03:23:15.000

1 Emacs: make debug-on-error catch errors 2014-07-12T15:28:04.703

1 Emacs: dolist doesn't work with dot 2014-07-12T19:17:10.487

1 Adding syntax highlighting for a comment section in Emacs 2014-10-17T15:22:41.790

1 how to set a kill string length criterion for storing in kill ring 2015-04-12T22:28:21.560

1 Emacs major mode key map definition fails 2015-05-14T00:15:03.080

1 yasnippet and evil mode : how to switch to normal mode without exiting the snippet environment 2015-05-19T00:03:28.287

0 emacs/elisp setup files when loaded 2010-09-02T04:06:25.503

0 How to stop Emacs from opening binary files 2012-01-02T00:37:09.697

0 Can we integrate the radio into EMMS playlist? 2012-11-17T11:07:11.063

0 any hierarchical list editor (Vim / MS Word / LaTeX / Lisp / ..) 2013-12-13T23:46:15.950

0 Emacs / OSX / Calendar-Mode: Ideas for more spacing between dates 2014-01-02T06:11:57.573

0 how to cd to pwd of emacsclient when exiting 2014-04-03T15:29:48.417

0 Don't show tabs in Emacs whitespace mode 2014-04-10T05:24:29.843

0 emacs remove spaces to the edge of the page 2015-07-26T09:25:29.433

0 How to config Emacs to fit screen size on startup? 2016-05-13T09:07:10.993

0 How can I increase or fix my neotree performance in emacs? 2019-06-03T13:04:56.497

-1 Emacs - Specific Bracket Behavior Customization 2013-06-01T21:40:40.763