Tag: dynamic-dns

28 Services that just return your public IP as text 2012-05-05T16:46:40.533

26 DD-WRT: How to allow port forwarding to apply to requests originating from inside the LAN? 2011-05-19T10:42:51.953

19 Can't set "example.com" as a CNAME record? 2011-03-31T13:57:00.693

16 How does DynamicDNS act immediately? 2012-07-25T23:31:30.247

12 Access my computer externally without port forwarding 2012-09-28T03:45:37.827

11 ddclient updating to local IP instead of public IP 2012-02-12T23:35:55.657

9 Why can't I access my own web server from my local network? 2010-05-08T19:22:20.377

8 How to ssh into home LAN behind ISP NAT (no public IP address)? 2010-10-07T16:07:12.903

7 how to clear Window DNS cache 2010-04-15T19:50:55.290

6 How can I configure a "global hostname" in Airport Utility? 2012-06-27T10:58:13.727

5 How to get dynamic dns entry for ipv6-only host? 2011-06-09T18:46:06.773

5 How to Create A Dynamic Dns and MX-record via freedns.afraid.org 2015-09-16T22:43:51.447

5 self signed certificate with openssl for server at home and no domain name 2016-05-06T18:26:52.993

4 Self-hosting a dynamic dns service? 2011-02-25T22:41:19.500

4 My dyndns domain doesn't point to the right IP from inside my network, how do I correct that? 2011-03-08T08:30:39.920

4 Dynamic DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 (using freedns.afraid.org or others) 2014-02-20T14:16:13.807

3 Own DynDNS Server? 2010-08-05T12:29:42.953

3 Connecting to my home router web interface from work 2010-11-28T08:25:40.413

3 Domain resolving to lan ip address under dynamic dns and tomato 2012-10-12T14:23:15.513

3 Dynamic DNS at freedns.afraid.org using a Fritz!Box 2013-10-19T21:01:22.090

3 How to remote access using command line to a computer using dynamic IP? 2015-12-05T18:23:45.330

3 Router with custom firmware (DD-WRT, OpenWrt, ...) with Teredo IPv6 2017-03-05T16:47:31.027

2 DynDns confusion 2009-10-15T02:12:40.647

2 Dynamic DNS (DynDNS, No-IP, etc.) security issues 2010-10-26T19:42:47.383

2 Running a home mail server using dynamic dns 2011-03-04T14:14:41.483

2 what's the difference between giving dyndns(hostname) to the router compared to giving it to a NAS in the network? 2011-06-04T17:21:26.693

2 Where to store short strings (with my key) on the internet? 2011-06-23T14:53:47.543

2 Config Issue with dyndns windows updater 2011-07-17T19:14:41.177

2 Can DynDNS work without port forwarding behind firewall? 2012-01-16T02:12:48.480

2 Dynamic DNS for the domain root 2012-02-26T22:33:13.170

2 Redirect Apache SSL traffic to subdomain with a proper certificate 2012-03-12T10:08:24.730

2 Hosting dynamic DNS website on Virtual Box with single open port - safe? 2012-03-15T13:28:26.380

2 Good dynamic dns service and client for mac server in 2012? 2012-06-14T08:05:16.820

2 Setting up Dynamic DNS for Wireless Cameras And Accessing them Remotely 2012-08-28T02:48:18.323

2 How to route a global url to a local computer on a Fritzbox 2012-10-26T12:03:22.697

2 How to share Twonky 7 library (running in NAS) over internet? 2013-03-19T02:50:27.883

2 Dynamic DNS on D-Link DWR-112 3G router uses a private IP address 2013-11-07T08:24:47.067

2 Are DynDNS providers safe to use? 2014-02-21T23:55:19.593

2 How do you debug broken home networks? 2015-11-17T02:18:09.423

2 Ways of dealing with dynamic IP 2016-12-12T09:47:52.030

2 How to resolve dynamic dns domain to internal ip WITHOUT NAT Loopback OR DNS change in /etc/hosts? 2017-02-18T08:52:49.663

2 How to force hostname to resolve to local address instead of public address? 2019-03-21T14:26:34.207

1 How to access my local host server from internet 2010-05-01T08:14:39.270

1 Dynamic DNS with Comcast 2010-05-31T01:40:12.720

1 If I ssh to a domain provided by dyndns, does my password go through them? 2010-06-11T15:00:41.287

1 Problem with 404 Page on Mac 2010-10-29T18:50:28.787

1 dyndns ddclient client on ubuntu, how to do a basic installation? 2010-11-16T18:22:52.590

1 DynDns not updating on NAS 2010-11-22T09:58:55.597

1 How to create a TCP tunnel in windows to allow remote->local connections in NAT environment? 2010-12-01T09:44:19.740

1 Enable Port Forwarding on UTStarcom UT300R2T 2011-05-03T10:28:42.943

1 Dynamic DNS for two machines on the same network? 2011-06-20T20:08:26.123

1 Connecting to multiple computers via SSH behind only only one public IP? 2011-07-18T06:20:26.997

1 Does DynDNS always point to my external IP? 2011-09-04T08:19:37.547

1 What could be blocking my DynDNS? 2011-11-03T16:23:46.543

1 Does it make a difference if I specify IP or domain name with a local server? 2011-11-30T03:40:50.060

1 Should I use a static IP address? If so what kind? 2011-11-30T19:40:45.713

1 Remote Desktop Connection Randomly Stopped Connecting to Windows 7 Ultimate x64 2012-01-20T00:07:24.080

1 Dynamic DNS, connect subdomain to internal NAS and laptop 2012-04-02T08:32:55.567

1 Can I manage my own domain using a web sever at home without having a static IP address using NO-IP? 2012-05-30T19:17:42.490

1 Remote Desktop with Dynamic DNS 2012-08-02T18:11:59.897

1 Will upgrading my home connection actually give me better speeds through WebDav? 2012-08-19T18:56:35.527

1 Can't connect to router behind other router from outside 2012-11-02T19:08:33.130

1 MAC OSX as server cannot be seen by dyndns address - router is blocking access 2012-08-16T18:04:07.260

1 DynDNS configuration - second to last packet is timed out during tracert 2012-12-21T20:59:53.357

1 Unable to resolve dynamic IP for home web server 2012-12-29T21:30:56.047

1 Home hosting using no-ip 2013-02-04T12:20:08.110

1 No-IP on Linux: What am I doing wrong? 2013-03-29T00:55:28.880

1 DNS fallback from VPN-provided DNS 2013-04-23T20:19:44.553

1 How to configure ddclient to refresh every 30 days? 2013-05-11T21:17:47.003

1 Which IP address do I enter at dlinkddns.com? 2013-05-25T02:13:24.643

1 Dynamic DNS with tunnel/proxy to the public? 2013-06-21T22:27:33.463

1 site to site vpn between peers, all with dynamic ip? 2013-07-14T12:18:21.223

1 Mac connects to server through dyndns loop back instead through local network 2013-10-31T12:11:21.427

1 SSH to computer on LAN from DynDNS host name 2013-12-30T03:55:23.637

1 SSH to my company's server 2014-03-31T11:39:47.203

1 Setting up local DNS connected to a dynamic DNS service like NoIP 2014-04-18T01:21:04.297

1 What is wrong with my Dynamic DNS settings? 2014-11-08T09:45:32.587

1 Set up my own Dynamic DNS on a subdomain 2014-11-15T17:13:26.613

1 2 servers behind single IP using DD-WRT and Dynamic DNS 2015-07-08T12:18:13.090

1 Why can't WHS2011 publish xxx.homeserver.com address for using DynDNS? 2015-09-25T23:30:03.733

1 Host domain on local Windows machine 2016-04-06T12:49:35.510

1 Efficiency of using external IP to reach LAN device 2016-04-16T16:12:10.797

1 Using dynamic DNS with a NAT'd IP 2016-08-17T01:47:22.000

1 IPV6 Dynamic DNS (cgnat/teredo) 2016-09-05T09:05:40.900

1 How to assign DNS names to different web server under local network 2016-09-13T13:03:15.240

1 DDClient with OpenVPN 2016-09-16T21:51:34.940

1 How to set up port forwarding without a router to access a virtualbox vm via noip dynamic DNS 2016-12-01T16:37:18.487

1 Systematic attacks on multiple services & ports (getting past NAT) on hobby server 2017-01-12T10:38:27.487

1 How can I configure the DDNS update client in my Draytek router to work with Google Domains? 2017-01-21T15:14:42.373

1 Dynamically update forwarding IP in nginx 2017-09-18T09:18:55.463

1 DynDNS CNAME Best practice 2018-02-02T09:01:22.090

1 Linux mint ddns and iptables ssh,ftp connect 2018-06-04T12:30:48.963

1 Can't connect to Remote Desktop over the internet while VPN is active 2019-01-24T01:19:42.440

1 How can I whitelist my IP address for my company’s needs when my ISP provides with with a dynamic IP address? 2019-05-03T15:41:09.567

1 How to setup Synology mail server (not MailServerPlus) under noip.com 2019-06-19T00:06:44.227

1 Dynamically-linked DLZ modules in BIND9 2019-07-24T14:07:33.243

1 Connecting to Raspberrypi from external network 2019-08-25T15:27:54.910

1 I want to cut out "no-ip" et al, is GnuDIP what I need? 2020-01-22T02:57:59.390

0 Configure EasyBox (Vodafone) with DynDNS 2009-08-10T17:22:45.797