Tag: drobo

17 Share single iTunes library across multiple computers 2009-07-24T20:30:58.193

9 Drobo-FS config files exhibiting input/ouput error 2011-12-05T05:22:08.653

5 Debugging a Drobo that chokes Windows 7x64 When Plugged In 2010-09-25T00:42:06.983

5 Drobo FS vs Lime Technology unRAID vs FreeNAS 2011-04-12T20:53:50.100

5 Does hard drive cache size matter in a RAID? 2012-01-31T14:32:25.413

4 Would a Drobo benefit from TLER (Western Digital) or ERC (Seagate)? 2009-09-01T17:52:23.920

4 Why are both of these Drobo daemons running? 2011-04-26T13:42:48.290

4 Reuse drive after it's been in a Drobo 2011-06-18T23:17:28.027

4 Dual sets of HDs in a Drobo D5 2014-03-22T15:23:23.420

3 Truecrypt on a Drobo 2009-10-18T21:15:36.170

3 How to I set up nfs using the Drobo Unfsd app? 2011-03-20T00:07:39.367

3 What is creating the "Temporary Items" folder on my NAS 2012-02-26T17:15:53.497

2 Windows Home Server NAS: HDD vs Drobo 2009-08-05T09:33:04.170

2 Can I use plain RAID on a Drobo? 2009-12-03T06:17:24.747

2 Are folders and filenames starting with "icon" illegal in SMB? 2010-05-05T21:42:07.007

2 Is there a command line interface to the Drobo tools in Windows? 2010-05-26T12:53:13.287

2 Transfer speed of Drobo vs. internal drives? 2010-08-18T12:05:16.797

2 Can external harddrives be permanently mounted for routine backing up? 2010-09-07T18:08:52.307

2 Drobo redundancy 2010-12-09T18:55:56.103

2 How can I mount an HFS+ Drobo volume in Windows 7? 2011-10-01T23:21:53.587

2 Problems streaming media to Samsung TV from NAS, possibly due to DLNA issues 2011-11-24T15:46:15.690

1 Drobo Stops Responding on Vista x64 2009-07-15T16:52:02.550

1 Drobo and Airport Extreme 2009-08-18T12:42:01.170

1 How do I use a Droboshare over a wireless connection? 2009-11-04T22:29:43.177

1 Drobo questions 2009-11-12T04:13:31.320

1 Can I get my drobo to let me use a whole (single) drive instead of reserving half of it for expansion? 2010-01-17T19:51:38.803

1 Drobo not mounting. Disk repair doesn't work either 2010-06-15T07:17:46.050

1 What sort of hard drives should I get for a Drobo that I’ll use for an iTunes TV show library? 2010-08-24T01:47:59.270

1 Can I use a Drobo FS over the internet? -Or alternative? 2011-01-06T19:22:51.843

1 What happens if a Drobo experiences a power failure during a rebuild? 2011-02-28T11:06:40.923

1 Drobo FS recognizing only 1 of my 5 3TB hard drives 2011-10-27T19:10:46.647

1 Drobo Dashboard isn't finding Drobo FS 2011-12-22T01:50:03.223

1 File sync and version control on LAN with a Drobo? 2012-02-03T20:36:02.500

1 Why doesn't DroboElite mount all my volumes? 2012-02-09T04:33:30.677

1 DroboApps share not accessible 2012-03-09T13:33:30.680

1 How does Chrome OS handle playing video & audio files off of a network drive, specifically Drobo 2012-05-31T12:52:45.040

1 Replacing lower capacity disk for Drobo on Linux 2012-08-17T07:57:49.497

1 Automatically mount and repeatedly check for Drobo mount 2013-05-06T09:09:46.170

1 Install OpenSSH on Drobo 5N 2013-09-17T20:40:36.203

1 Drobo-like NAS unit or NAS OS 2014-07-14T10:10:35.337

1 Windows Backup problems with a NAS 2017-01-05T02:11:31.587

1 Is there a way to get outbound email working from with Apache and PHP on a Drobo 5N without compiling source code? 2018-11-11T06:23:01.027

0 Reset SSH password on DroboShare 2009-08-15T20:51:20.393

0 How safe is DiskWarrior? 2010-01-30T22:07:58.303

0 Managing DroboShare SSH usernames and passwords 2010-04-10T07:46:38.400

0 Can iSCSI be used with Windows Home Server? 2010-05-05T19:58:56.187

0 Drobo doesn't power up after Windows7 hibernation 2011-02-19T21:24:51.660

0 Drobo Firewire 800 to iMac not working 2011-05-30T21:38:39.730

0 Is it possible to connect a Drobo to a Terastation 2011-09-26T13:59:53.813

0 banshee can't write to my Drobo FS SMB shares 2012-02-28T08:18:29.437

0 Is it safe to enable jumbo frames on my Drobo? 2012-06-08T05:11:02.133

0 Change Drobo directory permissions 2012-07-08T14:26:20.493

0 Ensure network shares are constantly mounted 2014-02-03T21:15:14.400

0 Drobo FS on Fedora tar backups fail w Input/output error, Child returned status 1 2017-01-30T16:36:25.417

0 Daisy-Chaining 2 Drobo DAS's — Becomes 1 device or 2? 2017-06-14T19:17:51.727

0 Manually Install SSMTP On Drobo 5N NAS Without APT-GET Package 2017-06-30T18:47:14.977

0 Drobo issue with hard drive 2019-07-02T19:16:57.277

0 Drobo5N Has Gone Completely Deaf 2019-08-28T02:24:56.527

0 Drobo asking to replace larger drive 2019-10-18T22:08:19.803

0 Drobo 5N giving me network errors 2019-12-01T10:22:08.280