Tag: drive-letter

29 How to assign permanent drive letters to removable USB hard drives 2010-02-12T20:58:50.750

21 How do I map a local path to a drive letter in Windows 7? 2011-06-21T12:56:14.927

19 How do I make an external hard drive keep the same drive letter permanently? 2010-01-21T20:50:00.507

16 How to remove "phantom" drive letters? 2015-11-05T00:24:17.757

14 Can I install Windows 7 in A:\ or B:\ partition names? 2011-09-01T18:48:46.713

13 Is there any way to ensure that a specific USB key always gets the same drive letter? 2009-07-31T07:21:57.837

13 Is it possible to mount a volume to a custom drive prefix, e.g. "myDrive:\"? 2011-11-15T00:10:02.353

13 How to limit Drive Letters Windows assigns to new removable USB drives 2019-04-26T11:02:38.187

12 Windows 7 will not automount (assign a letter) a flash drive, behaves really strange 2012-05-07T21:28:35.487

11 Is it safe to use letters A and B for drives? 2015-04-08T13:51:18.907

9 Windows 7: assign the same letter to an external hard drive 2013-03-28T13:49:28.907

8 Windows 7 loses drive letter mapping on reboot 2012-01-28T21:05:19.607

7 Windows 7 keeps losing drive letters 2010-12-17T11:23:35.377

6 Windows XP mounting USB drive to same letter as previously mapped network drive 2009-09-09T12:57:24.897

6 How to detect drive letters which are assigned twice? 2011-08-24T05:59:40.070

6 Add/Change Drive Letter Causes BSOD 2011-10-07T15:26:37.877

5 Windows XP consuming drive letters 2010-05-23T22:49:33.523

5 C:/ and E:/ drives swapped letters after reinstalling 2011-12-21T19:05:41.867

5 What are the Windows G: through Z: drives used for? 2012-04-01T07:01:55.590

5 How to permently assign (reserve) drive letter to SATA Hard Disks which will be mostly turned off (offline) 2013-10-10T08:17:32.507

5 Why is the system partition C:\? 2015-07-13T12:28:36.603

4 Cannot assign a letter to a FAT32 partition 2010-03-14T17:12:58.033

4 Why is my new internal hard disk is not showing up after reinstalling Windows 7? 2011-07-06T18:33:56.500

4 Windows Server 2003 hangs when I plug in any external drive. How can I prevent this? 2011-11-11T20:12:10.743

3 Force a USB device to use a certain drive letter 2009-11-13T21:36:20.917

3 Windows XP loses drive letter for existing partition on disk 2010-05-20T08:24:24.753

3 How does Windows (7) identify an (external) hard disk uniquely? 2010-08-18T07:44:26.890

3 if i have two external hard drives connected to my computer by USB (2.0 i think) will they load with consistent letters? 2011-01-10T07:17:22.907

3 Why can't I assign drive letters in Windows 7? 2011-04-11T22:16:14.240

3 How do I remove Windows drive letter information 2011-12-14T21:06:07.963

3 How to make symbolic link independant of drive letter 2012-01-21T09:26:01.687

3 In Windows 7, can an optical drive be made "Drive A:" ? 2013-03-05T04:48:15.213

3 USB hard disk doesn't get a drive letter automatically when connected (and vice versa) 2014-02-06T18:44:39.277

3 Windows 10: make drive letter unavailable 2016-07-15T00:42:37.243

3 Windows: "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator." 2017-03-01T18:34:16.850

2 Give the path to the inserted USB key to a script 2009-07-31T07:28:58.820

2 How to use Client for NFS on Windows Vista? 2010-01-21T20:00:28.797

2 Creating a shortcut to a program on thumb drive without drive letter 2010-02-24T23:10:55.113

2 My external hard drive letter is increasing each time i plugin it to my laptop, how to solve this problem? 2010-06-07T21:58:20.760

2 How to delete strange folders refering to my C: partition? 2010-11-20T16:45:07.143

2 Hard drive letter incorrectly reassigned 2011-06-08T04:11:28.520

2 How to fix "This disk doesn't contain a Windows-XP compatible partition"? 2011-08-19T14:13:46.320

2 Reassigning drive letter for cloned system partition 2011-12-21T10:18:15.520

2 How do I changes a USB drive letter without the Disk Management snap-in 2012-01-17T20:24:20.027

2 Why does Windows 7 assign the same drive letter to two external hard drives when they're plugged in simultaneously? 2012-01-25T14:31:47.590

2 Who added a drive to my pc? 2012-05-07T19:37:26.747

2 Can I safely remove a drive letter (using Computer Management) from another drive with secondary OS installed? 2012-06-05T19:12:18.830

2 Can't change drive letter to "D:" 2013-08-16T08:24:22.713

2 How to store a permanent drive letter on a USB device (so it gets that letter on all computers)? 2013-09-02T21:05:10.947

2 Using a .BAT file to change a USB drive-letter 2013-09-03T15:30:54.163

2 Why can't I use more drive symbols than letters A to Z? 2013-10-03T15:43:04.697

2 I want to install Windows 7 on a blank hdd on a partition called X:(instead of C:) Is it possible? 2014-04-22T17:20:48.830

2 How can I assign the same drive letter for any USB thumbdrive connected? 2016-05-01T00:29:30.913

2 Fix invalid link targets after changing drive letter of 'Program Files' folder 2016-05-03T20:11:11.010

2 Preserve drive letters when installing Windows 7 2017-04-11T21:27:43.950

2 How do I stop my C drive appearing also as D on Windows 10 file explorer? 2018-10-13T15:58:40.377

2 Remove a phantom drive letter 2019-03-05T09:34:51.553

1 Is there any problems caused by having Windows XP installed to a drive letter other than C:? 2009-09-27T12:05:14.417

1 Windows: Changing an External Hard Drive's Drive Letter 2009-11-27T22:10:41.250

1 Mapped network drive missing from My Computer and Explorer 2010-05-30T19:59:48.300

1 Vista cannot map network drive 2010-06-29T13:44:21.483

1 How to force Windows to call the partition it installs on C:? 2011-02-02T13:34:06.280

1 Windows XP-64 loses audio sounds, drive letters... why? 2011-02-08T07:25:50.440

1 Can I back up my Windows 7 Installation, change the OS drive letter, then restore it? 2011-03-25T03:58:19.023

1 Changing CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive Letter from D: to E: 2011-04-14T06:19:40.970

1 Change default drive letter assignment 2011-06-13T15:44:02.140

1 Windows system drive letter changed after repair install 2011-10-16T16:31:15.520

1 how change drive letter of system boot drive from another operating system (dual boot) 2011-11-25T15:11:54.803

1 Windows drive letters for non-Latin languages 2012-02-01T19:07:13.993

1 TrueCrypt messes up its drive letters 2012-04-23T01:17:42.730

1 System Reserved Partition has Drive Letter After Applying a WIM Image with ImageX 2012-11-04T13:16:42.520

1 External Hard Drive Recognized on One System But not Another 2012-11-05T16:03:35.930

1 Is It Possible To Have Drive Numbers (In Windows)? 2013-02-04T16:25:53.297

1 Drive Letters get switched 2013-02-13T13:33:07.610

1 How do I find the hex values that I need to use to hide a drive letter? 2013-09-15T23:39:26.647

1 "Documents" set to a drive that no longer exists 2013-12-04T21:10:44.247

1 Command Line Script Issue 2014-01-04T10:21:39.337

1 SUBST referring path without drive letter 2014-04-17T06:37:46.773

1 Trouble Connecting to FTP Server on Android Smartphone 2014-04-18T16:04:36.570

1 Mount NTFS disk in Windows 7 formatted in Ubuntu 2014-06-17T11:05:33.330

1 How to change the label of USB flash drive that gets assigned to default drive letter ("F" in this case) 2014-12-27T22:02:44.110

1 Use 3 different USB HDDs always on same drive letter 2015-05-22T12:58:05.247

1 Windows 7 - Drive letters spontaneously changed, can't boot 2016-04-04T08:35:46.053

1 batch file prompt drive letter 2016-09-11T16:24:34.800

1 Finding out the drive letters previously used by my PC 2016-12-30T09:35:24.710

1 I have two external drives on a server, but I cannot assign volume letters to them using DISKPART 2017-01-18T17:35:50.017

1 Permanent Windows drive letters not permanent? 2017-01-25T02:06:28.960

1 Changing default location to applications installed on hardware after changing its assigned letter 2017-03-03T11:35:06.960

1 How to change BCD internal drive letter assignment 2017-04-11T22:18:56.117

1 Windows XP: Hard drive is called letter "H:" instead of "C:" 2017-07-02T03:17:40.900

1 Assign a permanent drive letter across different computers 2019-03-05T22:34:40.763

1 Mount USB flash drive or external hard drive on Windows as drive letter A: or B:? 2019-12-30T19:48:35.707

0 Cloning a USB flash drive to another larger one, is it safe to do so? 2009-11-25T12:51:45.903

0 Windows has automatically mapped my network drives to my local disk - how do I stop it doing so? 2010-06-03T09:20:00.450

0 How to remove a drive mapping on win xp 2010-06-19T00:08:23.897

0 Internal Drive Changes Letter on Boot 2010-12-07T04:08:48.430

0 Rename drive letter of the system partition on Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 2011-10-12T11:00:09.797

0 Booting Google Chrome causes error message "There is no disk in the drive [...]" 2012-01-10T06:53:39.833

0 SSH to drive letter in Windows 2003 2012-03-15T19:48:33.967