Tag: dolphin-file-manager

7 Kubuntu cant add new ssh network folder 2011-06-21T04:59:10.770

7 Problems with using xdg-mime default. The default was successfully set but it is not used via xdg-open 2015-08-25T19:45:50.227

5 How to tell Dolphin which files to hide? 2014-10-14T16:02:56.103

4 Entering 'domain' information when connecting to SAMBA share in Dolphin 2010-05-26T04:53:53.517

4 How to access KDE's camera:/ from terminal? 2015-08-26T09:41:59.297

3 Dolphin/Konqueror wrong file type recognition 2014-12-22T11:21:05.807

2 Allow remote urls in Dolphin "Open File" dialog 2017-10-27T14:06:59.213

2 How do I make Dolphin of KDE Plasma search for files in Windows partition from dual boot Kubuntu 18.04? 2019-08-12T11:20:07.580

1 Save a shortcut to a samba share in KDE 2010-05-07T01:44:17.353

1 Hard drive writeable but not by file manager 2014-12-06T20:48:16.273

1 Copying Within Samba Share Downloads Locally 2016-05-17T02:48:53.323

1 Disable 'Do not ask again' on delete confirmation 2017-02-28T07:37:01.160

0 OpenSUSE "fstab" "mount" "An error occurred while accessing" "the system responded: mount: only root can mount" 2014-02-13T20:22:55.353

0 Transmission is using a weirdo file browser instead of my default kde file browser 2015-12-20T17:07:25.920

0 Can't connect to FTP using IP with KNetAttach 2016-04-02T18:41:55.693

0 Where can I find the dolphin-as-root executable for the dolphin file manager on Linux Mint 18 KDE? 2016-09-18T14:02:26.093

0 How To Set Wine Executable Location In KDE? 2017-03-12T10:01:46.223

0 sftp and SMB fail in Dolphin but work from console 2017-07-26T11:18:08.557

0 Kubuntu 17.10 / Plasma 5.10 / Default permission for new files created in Dolphin 2017-10-26T15:31:24.237

0 how to enable and disable double click mouse options in kde 2019-04-16T12:40:41.380

0 Set a keyboard shortcut in Dolphin for opening the selected file in a text editor 2019-09-11T11:56:10.157

-2 Can someone deciper this error message for me? 2016-11-28T18:21:33.550