Tag: dm-crypt

14 How do I determine what ciphers & cipher modes I can use in dm-crypt/LUKS? 2014-06-28T19:43:16.253

10 LUKS on Ubuntu 16.04 : unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS' 2016-10-12T21:56:57.323

3 Is there a tool like dm-crypt/luks using RSA encryption? 2014-07-11T11:59:38.413

3 dm-crypt+luks: Can I have a separate header without storing it on the luks encrypted device? 2014-10-11T16:13:45.773

2 Is it possible to add a key to an open luks volume whithout providing a current key? 2014-06-12T13:02:28.073

2 Setting up remote git repo that is on an encrypted drive? 2014-10-17T02:24:53.167

2 Can I make a encrypted image by using openssl encrypt tools instead of dmsetup? 2015-06-10T11:10:18.903

2 dm-crypt/LUKS, won't mount encrypted drive. Requested offset is beyond real size of device 2017-04-25T14:52:58.203

2 How to configure grub.cfg to decrypt root partition? 2017-11-06T22:33:44.767

2 dmcrypt : What happens when userspace crypto wrapper not present? 2017-12-05T08:08:06.150

1 How to recreate encrypted dm-crypt/LUKS partition with predefined UUID on Linux? 2015-01-05T13:53:37.570

1 can we do the full disk encryption of a already installed Linux machine? 2015-04-10T05:26:30.373

1 Arch - GRUB with dm-crypt LUKS on LVM 2015-12-03T06:16:52.887

1 dm-crypt+LUKS performance and influence on RAM usage 2016-12-16T12:46:21.693

1 LUKS - Detached header - where is encryption key stored? 2017-11-10T06:45:09.390

1 LUKS - change keyFile using cryptsetup 2017-11-28T09:38:13.483

1 What is the default encryption key-size for dm-crypt / cryptsetup in LUKS mode? 2019-04-23T18:58:44.250

1 Load dm-crypt on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS in Windows Subsystem for Linux 1 or 2 2019-11-04T21:32:05.320

1 Command requires missing /run on read-only filsystem 2020-01-30T17:28:51.403

0 Set parameters for Linux Full Disk Encryption? 2014-12-04T17:25:06.740

0 dm-crypt with LUKS - /etc/crypttab using either keyfile or passphrase 2015-05-26T09:01:40.810

0 Passing keyfile to create LUKS header 2017-09-20T09:20:19.090

0 LUKS detached header on RHEL 6 2017-12-15T10:27:52.370

0 Crypted drive, rsync and no space on half used drive 2019-03-05T13:08:14.777

0 Understanding plain dm-crypt, cryptsetup, mapping; securely wiping data using plain dm-crypt 2019-03-10T12:46:59.573

0 disk partition encryption: /etc/crypttab file ignored 2019-06-13T16:09:33.253

0 Is there a easy way to encrypt my /home directory? 2020-02-14T19:24:27.793