Tag: django

18 brew install gettext, should i force link it? 2014-04-29T00:27:15.657

14 Windows equivalent to xargs? 2013-09-30T20:10:07.330

8 VIM - how to open .html files with django html syntax rather than just html syntax? 2014-01-11T21:53:00.587

6 Deploy in Windows Server using fabric 2012-10-18T06:19:17.303

4 Should I be using vagrant destroy/up/reload/provision or something of the sort every time I want to change one of my source files? 2014-01-21T07:09:36.683

4 debian stretch upgrade - mariadb removed libmysqlclient.so.18 - how to get it back? 2017-06-27T03:16:31.570

3 Simple Dotnetnuke or Django Q&A engine 2010-06-22T10:10:50.663

3 pygraphviz - Install on Ubuntu 10 with django-extensions 2011-07-21T14:42:27.310

3 Where is MYSQL installed on Mac? 2011-08-31T14:48:30.207

3 Installing MySQL Server on a Mac with Homebrew 2013-03-17T22:23:10.577

3 Can't reach Django web dev server from Host OS using VirtualBox 2013-06-18T19:07:44.627

3 Passing parameters to python -c inside a bash function? 2013-11-29T14:58:43.717

3 Can't use pip after download? 2014-07-27T04:40:46.500

3 How do I get Docker to write into a local directory? 2016-04-17T08:50:32.420

2 Cannot type the letter 'b' in Django Shell 2011-05-24T15:08:08.680

2 Deploying django with Nginx 2011-07-07T13:02:48.570

2 How can I fix this ImportError? 2013-03-19T11:56:38.290

2 Access Django dev server from guest VM machine 2013-03-22T20:27:50.987

2 To install and use Django 1.4.1 without sudo access 2014-02-01T20:38:39.200

2 How to add existing django project to Aptana Studio 3 without modifying files? 2014-12-23T23:15:04.490

2 Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /private/tmp/pip-sTRicb-build/ 2017-02-16T02:48:08.970

2 Install mod_wsgi on Ubuntu with Python 3.6, Apache 2.4, and Django 1.11 2017-07-04T19:52:23.157

2 "python" points to Python 2.7 under macOS Homebrew 2018-12-31T15:49:54.710

2 Why is my Django server still serving old files after changing filenames and clearing cache? 2019-03-28T22:19:43.217

2 Where does django look for SQLite instance? (SQLite 3.8.3 or later is required (found 3.7.17)) 2019-04-14T05:21:44.540

2 django + uwsgi + nginx, python files download instead of parse/execute 2019-09-07T17:03:01.427

1 python-imaging and libjpeg on FreeBSD 2010-01-26T13:05:09.740

1 How do I install mod_wsgi2.6 in Ubuntu? 2010-04-16T15:49:24.923

1 How to open python scripts directly by typing in their name in terminal (Mac OS X) 2011-03-01T20:44:05.907

1 Installing software from tar.gz on Linux (Ubuntu) - where to start and where does it end up? 2011-03-04T10:03:48.250

1 Django/Apache/mod_wsgi: how to avoid 403 without making home dir world-executable? 2011-05-04T09:30:14.637

1 Is there a way to install GeoIP from source code on Mac OS X? 2011-06-28T15:41:09.493

1 installing Gevent on OSX 2011-06-29T11:10:36.527

1 Linux -- Django test server running in background... somewhere 2012-01-24T21:39:43.353

1 Can I make my nginx error_log save the whole stacktrace? 2012-06-10T20:03:51.257

1 Can't save Apache httpd.conf file 2013-01-21T16:56:26.973

1 installing Django on a remote server not working 2013-04-04T03:55:27.950

1 How to solve it when make the mod_python? 2013-05-03T03:44:35.440

1 sudo permission issue LoadModule wsgi_module 2013-05-25T21:40:49.600

1 httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name 2013-06-26T07:19:11.823

1 Is it possible to delete unused media from the file system in Django, systematically? 2013-07-06T22:13:05.907

1 What does .mp_1374940675 file extension mean in my django project? 2013-07-28T05:41:31.603

1 Editing the htmldjango.vim file 2014-01-11T20:42:58.203

1 Apache and MySql datbase memory consumption issue with Django 2014-06-11T21:38:46.670

1 Ensure that Gunicorn restarts when the old process dies 2015-02-21T18:16:20.943

1 URLField in django models allowing users to submit blank records, why? 2015-05-13T02:35:06.353

1 Deploying Django using Phusion Passenger - file upload failure 2015-06-15T09:48:49.950

1 Apache virtual host shows "index of" page instead of website 2016-02-04T03:47:27.760

1 Apache Server Running Django Project showing only "Index of /" and the names of project files instead of running the site 2016-04-04T23:12:34.537

1 Installing libssl-dev, libffi-dev on OS X? 2016-06-15T07:12:04.517

1 FreeNAS working - WebGUI non existant - services refuse to start 2016-09-30T10:29:28.260

1 Django development server on Raspberry Pi refuses connection 2016-10-22T15:23:20.163

1 Local Django Server Runs from Windows Command Prompt but not Windows Subsystem for Linux 2016-11-18T09:22:56.110

1 When does ec2 switch between public DNS and public IP? 2018-07-11T09:02:34.237

1 Django services and websocket deploying in Amazon EC2 2018-12-19T21:55:51.317

1 How to connect Django running in a container with datadog agent running in host 2019-01-24T20:15:29.430

1 Django + Daphne + Caddy + File Upload = 413 Error 2019-02-04T19:13:03.613

1 Django compressor issue - media assets from the forms.py won't update in the front-end django template 2019-05-26T03:33:33.960

1 Docker is not reading static files from Django 2019-06-29T00:20:26.167

1 I am unable to find Django while creating a project in Pycharm 2019-07-21T13:07:23.933

1 pipenv ModuleNotFoundError: "No module named 'datetime'" after reinstalling Python 2019-08-16T21:19:03.753

1 Run Django cause Pycharm behave unexpectedly 2019-08-26T08:11:48.787

1 Django apache2, & wsgi without vitrualenv (global installation) 2019-09-07T15:24:49.397

1 I can't connect to django in a Docker container (but doing the same thing works for Apache) 2019-10-07T20:19:33.040

0 How to change group to files stored on an NTFS partition from ubuntu? 2010-07-12T06:16:39.243

0 '.htaccess' file Disappeared after i upload it to ftp on alwaysdata.com 2010-12-15T01:50:15.123

0 Python Upgrade Broke Django 2011-02-20T21:33:51.893

0 Cannot access PHPMyAdmin after installing Django 2011-06-05T06:32:06.327

0 Error installing pygraphviz on OSX 2011-10-25T01:54:47.590

0 Is there a way to run django alongside a lampp stack? 2012-04-18T19:18:42.877

0 Windows does not see my command line arguments 2012-05-05T02:25:39.667

0 Django on production server(ubuntu) 2012-05-22T19:36:38.537

0 Build debian package of Django 1.4 for squeeze 2012-06-04T15:20:08.583

0 How can I run Bitnami OSQA with other web service (wordpress, joomla)? 2013-01-16T02:44:08.120

0 Install mysql-python on Mountain Lion 2013-03-07T21:53:09.733

0 What's wrong with the Basic configuration of apache and mod_python? 2013-05-10T04:24:00.847

0 quit tmux server and end all running processes 2013-06-23T12:48:49.300

0 Apache 2.2.22 running a Django app shows error "client denied by server configuration" 2013-10-12T15:02:45.413

0 VIM - How to change color of if, else, endif, for and endfor statements 2014-01-11T22:06:06.597

0 Cannot connect to webserver from outside LAN 2014-06-14T12:41:18.060

0 Creating virtual host with Apache2 2014-07-03T14:29:26.243

0 Keeping the backend code hidden from frontend developers 2014-07-20T12:34:33.890

0 I am not able to send post request properly with 'curl' command 2014-07-21T05:42:48.423

0 Install apache2-dev for mod_wsgi 2015-03-13T19:21:51.257

0 virtualenv cannot create environment 2015-08-19T18:20:10.043

0 Configuring askbot with apache 2016-03-16T05:53:31.947

0 sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:590)? 2016-06-23T01:52:53.617

0 Amazon EC2 suddenly remove access control headers from my packets? 2016-09-19T08:05:01.720

0 Access pycharm server from anywhere on the internet 2016-11-25T05:50:31.430

0 Windows CMD cannot use Python Virtualenv or Django commands 2017-03-06T18:54:35.877

0 Password protecting a folder without zipping or hiding 2017-08-17T14:32:35.677

0 Enable FFMPEG execution under Apache + Django + WSGI on CentOS 7 (SELinux) 2017-10-18T11:39:51.333

0 Using an existing Django project in a new Docker container 2017-11-21T20:18:51.400

0 Controlling access to video stream 2018-01-10T19:24:03.660

0 How to install screen on Linux? 2018-02-26T20:39:56.203

0 Setup timezone for server 2018-04-22T21:58:02.930

0 hosting a local website to the public using a vpn? 2018-05-22T14:45:33.013

0 Create thumbnails of video in django using ffmpeg 2018-08-06T12:28:42.767

0 Firefox 62.0.3 (64-bit) overrides address typed into address bar (OS X 10.12.6) 2018-10-10T18:06:31.107