Tag: dbus

20 Updating screen session environment variables to reflect new graphical login? 2010-02-07T21:14:12.747

20 How to use headless Skype over DBUS on Debian 2011-05-30T19:55:11.093

11 Custom hotkey/shortcut to open/bring to front an app 2009-07-31T23:08:04.270

10 Ubuntu 15.04: suspend from console without sudo 2015-04-24T09:57:55.637

8 Is there a DBus command to toggle auto-hide on a KDE Plasma panel? 2011-03-05T04:51:12.153

6 Where can I find a full list of wpa-* options for the interfaces file? 2013-11-19T00:37:16.953

5 Use dconf (or comparable) to set configs for another user 2014-03-09T03:18:49.373

5 systemctl debian 8 jessie: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1 2016-07-01T09:18:13.427

4 How to reliably attach to session DBUS over ssh? 2015-11-22T14:30:04.420

3 gnome-terminal new tab dbus 2010-01-12T16:17:29.293

3 Add a hook to run when NetworkManager connects 2010-02-27T01:05:27.670

3 Linking to a chat room via XMPP: URI 2010-04-05T19:53:45.977

3 DBus over Network (TCP) 2015-11-16T13:09:19.220

3 How to auto-rotate the screen using Yoga 900's accelerometer? 2016-11-20T11:50:43.963

3 NFS /usr/share breaks Policykit beause of inotify support 2016-12-07T07:38:02.433

3 dbus-monitoring loop exits automatically 2019-04-05T13:14:36.053

2 Something is blocking audio controls? 2011-03-21T16:24:56.727

2 configure: error: cannot find D-Bus 2011-05-14T04:49:09.350

2 What DBus signals do I send to players to imitate Gnome's multimedia shortcuts? 2011-11-24T08:09:08.707

2 Connection to dbus session failed 2013-11-20T15:32:15.567

2 How to update DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in tmux when that address changes? 2015-02-25T21:49:16.420

2 Getting error: "Error constructing proxy for org.gnome... Could not connect: Connection refused" when running gnome-terminal 2016-05-30T14:04:02.117

2 Use MPRIS/dbus media commands within Firefox on Linux 2018-08-21T08:36:31.467

1 how get hal running on ubuntu server? 2010-01-20T18:33:14.970

1 Useless nm_dbus_manager_init_bus error messages fill log 2011-10-13T15:37:38.370

1 is my dbus setup broken? (or: why aren't the envvars set?) 2012-05-06T02:06:53.140

1 Notifications don't show up (notify-send notify-osd) 2014-05-05T12:49:10.860

1 Is there a DBus command for adding a program start button to a KDE plasma panel? 2014-07-09T19:03:08.013

1 Error in D-BUS session in Ubuntu 2014-10-06T05:25:56.560

1 Unable to switch to greeter 2015-12-20T13:31:02.960

1 I want to inhibit the autostart of kwalletd5 2016-09-30T08:35:29.970

1 lightdm set an wrong DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS 2016-10-06T19:07:34.037

1 Can't start services, probably policykit error 2016-12-07T11:30:25.430

1 map headset button in gnome3 2018-04-30T09:20:49.567

1 Unable to start dunst notification daemon for user 2019-03-03T09:49:58.233

1 Talk to Host machine's Dbus through Docker 2019-06-13T13:34:53.040

0 Gentoo startup error (D-BUS) 2010-06-25T10:59:34.727

0 dbus signal for volume up & down 2011-02-20T01:39:49.487

0 How to play Magnatune.com songs in Amarok via DBus 2011-03-05T08:17:45.667

0 monit fails to support dbus session 2014-02-19T12:52:49.943

0 Trying to run Konsole from XMing (Windows) fails 2015-01-24T02:19:38.860

0 Dbus: How can I monitor process? 2016-05-30T12:26:31.890

0 Centos: there is no ~/.cache/upstart 2016-06-17T11:05:15.797

0 How to bind a key to cycle profiles in roxterm? 2016-08-13T08:07:11.787

0 systemd-stdio-bridge and D-Bus errors when trying to execute 'hostnamectl' remotely 2018-12-27T08:03:14.553

0 xinit for correct start of awesome wm in Manjaro (xrdp) 2019-02-25T14:34:48.687

0 How do I get .service files for gnome-keyring? 2019-05-08T20:46:16.910

0 Failed to get D-Bus connection: Opération non permise 2019-05-21T09:23:41.870

0 Fedora30 upgrade: Cannot run KDE as a specific user 2019-06-21T20:39:19.240

0 How to make dbus commands persistent using GNOME3? 2019-11-23T06:32:14.217

0 Connection reset by peer on systemctl as root 2019-12-13T06:00:32.117