Tag: coreutils

33 Why does the `ls` command sort files like this? 2019-08-26T21:06:51.320

26 What is /usr/bin/[ and how do I use it? 2011-09-12T06:39:29.663

26 Why is xargs necessary? 2013-05-27T03:35:42.610

13 How can I install a more modern version of GNU utils (coreutils) on Debian Linux with no admin rights? 2011-07-01T12:02:04.837

13 Can a file system's logical structure (including symlink targets) be represented in a single lightweight file (non-binary)? 2014-12-19T21:37:19.253

12 Display filesystem's free space available to the root user 2012-07-03T05:56:50.033

11 Linux: ls -l prints only question marks: 2013-01-05T09:36:58.460

11 How does `wc -l` work? 2013-07-08T17:03:55.810

10 /usr/bin/realpath not found in Centos 6.5 2014-06-20T03:20:38.873

9 `locate` wildcard strange behavior - why? 2013-06-29T10:31:26.927

8 more recent build of GNU coreutils for win32? 2015-05-28T17:24:12.127

7 Why does ls wrap some filenames in single quotes? 2018-11-18T01:11:21.860

5 Where is the information retreived by "uname" stored? 2012-11-23T19:29:55.783

4 How to compare two files and output lines which do not appear in the first? 2018-01-10T05:28:03.237

3 find: missing argument to `-exec' when using + form of find 2015-03-16T23:44:51.647

3 Device names in MSYS2 dd 2017-09-02T11:27:15.863

2 Prompt a user and wait for response 2012-06-18T21:55:16.487

2 What does GNU tar "--restrict" option actually restrict? 2013-06-13T08:08:51.720

2 How can I safely remove timeout from a script? 2015-04-29T10:17:20.183

2 In what order does GNU env print environment variables? 2015-05-19T10:49:26.063

2 Linux: how to move a large file tree, deleting files during the copy (not after) 2019-11-23T22:20:32.833

1 How can I have ls follow the content of a directory like tail -f does on a file 2011-07-22T17:59:33.123

1 using coreutils split file into pieces to different directories? 2012-07-02T12:43:30.543

1 Recursively searching for specific text inside specific files but only in specific folders 2013-01-03T09:10:33.587

1 How to make sort consider blanks (GNU coreutils) 2015-02-18T19:42:42.740

1 Displaying unicode emoji in filenames on Ubuntu 2016-01-20T05:06:48.227

1 Alternative to ls to group extensions before sorting 2016-02-19T05:13:49.083

1 ls command not working in the home directory 2018-08-29T19:46:23.673

1 Using 'cut' command on Windows 2019-03-13T07:55:39.283

1 GNU/Linux Date Command Ordinal Suffix 2019-10-26T19:17:47.610

0 gnu coreutils split verbose flushed? 2012-07-02T14:42:42.187

0 df -h showing wrong output in GB 2012-11-02T16:04:09.053

0 Why does "head -3" give the same results as "head -n 3"? 2013-05-22T12:29:15.013

0 Unable to get ls to recognise LS_OPTIONS or LS_COLORS? 2013-11-06T02:38:29.037

0 GNU sort file names with prefix and one or two digit 2014-12-29T13:59:27.797

0 Trying to install coreutils via MacPorts: "Error: Port coreutils not found" 2016-03-28T16:01:41.260

0 df hide ifree etc (GNU) 2018-01-05T03:16:20.973

0 ls *.pdf complains: ls: invalid option -- '_' 2018-03-04T19:06:45.087

0 How to sort a list of numbers and null values in ascending order, with null values at the end? 2018-10-16T10:13:01.437

-3 linux ls show seconds for recent files only 2016-06-14T10:42:30.683