Tag: command-line-tool

264 How to get information about an image (picture) from the Linux command-line? 2011-04-26T09:28:39.077

77 How to list the contents of a zip along w/ file sizes and compression ratio via cmd line 2010-09-17T02:54:34.357

35 Quick Method to install DevCon.exe? 2015-11-19T22:12:38.703

12 Is it possible to retrieve magnet link via transmission-remote? 2012-01-20T08:01:05.577

7 How can I remove or deactivate the Windows system32/find.exe? 2014-08-10T11:57:56.580

6 "wput" multiple files from command line? 2013-05-02T02:12:24.420

5 Command line tool for image conversion 2012-10-15T18:41:51.107

5 Interactive search of tmux sessions 2015-03-20T13:56:45.717

3 How can I get an interface's bandwidth at any given second from the Linux command line? 2010-11-06T19:25:41.987

2 Long delay when I run a command for the first time in a DOS window 2011-08-18T00:34:20.070

2 Linux Utility for "Timestamping" Functionality 2013-03-02T22:53:11.493

2 Bash Resize Terminal Xterm 2013-03-31T14:36:59.090

2 Getting "Command Line Tools (OS X 10.10) could not be verified." error when updating from App Store 2015-07-02T04:40:34.290

2 What's the alternative to "nc -l" for HTTPS? 2019-08-11T08:02:29.350

1 Is there any good desktop/application or command line tool to show two different timezone concurrently? 2011-07-18T15:38:48.993

1 Command line Linux any document format to PDF converter? 2011-11-10T00:51:08.843

1 A tool for sending and receiving plain text via TCP? 2014-09-04T16:53:46.577

1 Playing opus files under ubuntu 2015-05-31T12:33:55.333

1 How to create a burp shortcut on your windows desktop 2016-01-11T02:02:31.330

1 What's the tool used by Debian Jessie installer to configure wifi? 2016-05-01T22:34:07.517

1 Getting mmap() error when extracting 7z files 2017-10-09T15:04:29.560

1 GNU find delete files within a directory but keep the directory itself 2018-03-01T21:46:21.683

1 How to open launched executables as new tabs of command line tool? 2018-07-13T10:01:15.303

1 brew install package asks to install command line tools from a path that doesn't exist 2018-07-19T11:12:51.557

0 Running OS X command-line programs on Ubuntu 2013-11-17T21:36:55.920

0 troubleshoot ping failure due to denied MAC address 2013-12-03T04:54:33.067

0 CLI tool to graphically select lines during piped commands 2014-04-16T21:31:53.577

0 Utility to search file contents, open it, and go to relevant line 2014-06-24T02:17:26.117

0 Open source browser with command line option to check for errors retrieving the page? 2014-09-11T19:11:05.407

0 Make backups every N minute via Windows backup tool 2015-02-27T09:21:14.647

0 How to get MBR Wizard 3.0 to work? 2015-10-14T00:24:01.473

0 Turn on/off volume from batch file or command Windows 10 2016-01-24T16:45:04.263

0 heroku cli error: "fork: Resource temporarily unavailable" 2017-06-29T23:41:49.250

0 Why does nano editor prompt me to "save changes" when nothing is changed, and can I change this behavior? 2017-09-24T01:34:03.523

0 Bash: receive messages from background process 2018-08-28T11:33:19.533

0 How to find files with the same name and remove all but the newest one in windows from the command line 2018-09-12T20:01:47.240

0 How to save output of python-swiftclient to file when dowloading a directory? 2019-02-07T10:32:51.033

0 How to put together a simple powershell script(or any other tool) to issue an API command (server standard 2016) 2019-02-28T21:00:36.617

0 pdfchecker: command not found 2019-03-01T13:37:55.943

0 When run any flutter command return just cursor 2019-05-11T20:13:44.343

0 Searching for a way to save and execute often used command lines 2019-09-05T10:19:13.803

-1 I am getting “This program cannot be run in DOS mode” in Windows XP 2012-09-18T23:14:48.280