Tag: chmod

2 Does permission 777 allow scripts outside your server to write on it? 2012-10-17T13:39:46.500

2 Automatically chmod a file when doing git add? 2013-11-21T23:08:54.310

2 How to delete file with no write permissions for any user? 2013-12-24T14:07:05.360

2 Error writing to USB mounted on Raspberry Pi 2014-11-21T14:37:29.677

2 chmod throws missing operand on 764, OK on 664 2015-01-24T20:36:56.723

2 How to correctly set writable the /var/www/ directory of an Ubuntu Linux system? 2015-04-27T11:52:35.920

2 How do I mount as a read-write filesystem and not read-only? 2016-01-20T02:57:46.470

2 MSYS2 permissions 2016-06-01T17:39:54.127

2 Allow root user to read, write execute, folder owner to read only, and everybody else to have no access to a folder ubuntu 2017-02-21T20:03:52.973

2 How to automatically change permissions and owner:group on any file added to a specific directory? 2019-01-03T14:59:52.513

1 How do I find and modify permissions on one filetype in an Ubuntu terminal? 2009-09-12T20:31:31.317

1 chmod doesn't seem to work on Cygwin as expected 2010-07-02T15:33:28.460

1 Can I use `chmod` to change the permission from -rwsr-xr-x to -rwsr-sr-x? 2010-07-19T18:29:34.117

1 Question on chmod in UNIX 2010-08-30T10:34:24.673

1 Making files created by a cronjob readable by apache 2010-10-01T01:03:05.053

1 Parameters to be used with chmod? 2011-01-12T06:39:37.363

1 Permanently changing permission of device 2011-01-21T09:09:27.983

1 chmod: removing "x" permission recursively totally borks the permissions 2011-06-07T16:17:17.043

1 CHMOD Folder and Files recursively but with different values 2011-06-29T11:23:17.760

1 Are rights 7110 equivalent to --S--S--s? 2011-10-31T11:54:15.350

1 Serving NTFS partition on linux through ftp 2011-12-25T07:30:07.690

1 Search for chmod 777 in terminal 2012-03-27T10:46:52.173

1 Why am I unable to change read permissions with chmod? 2012-04-04T11:01:58.520

1 Why doesn't chmod work in this case? 2012-05-20T13:10:28.183

1 find files where group permissions equal user permissions 2012-06-17T23:33:51.963

1 folder permissions on FreeBSD 2012-08-12T12:03:21.907

1 On Linux allow a file to be read/write but not deleted 2012-08-22T16:02:14.620

1 How to give user read/write access to folders? 2012-09-27T21:12:03.503

1 sftp chmod recursive 2012-10-16T14:25:29.713

1 Copy permissions from owner 2012-10-25T12:03:28.347

1 Debian: Removing read permissions to a single user 2012-11-15T23:47:24.217

1 Changing permissions for specific folder 2012-10-30T09:27:14.497

1 how to join paths to {} inside an -exec option of a find command? 2012-11-21T11:57:51.647

1 How to open a file with write access on OSX terminal? 2013-01-22T05:06:51.780

1 Recursive write permissions on files and folders: Prestashop installation 2013-03-23T03:29:42.083

1 chmod symbolic notation: unexpected "=" operation behavior 2013-04-02T02:28:51.290

1 How do I set the default permission of 775 for all new files and directories in server? 2013-05-07T14:35:48.673

1 Can't change folder permissions on FAT32 partition-Mac OSX 2013-05-31T18:39:51.380

1 Clone permissions for all files in a folder 2013-07-29T22:52:41.327

1 chmod 777 no effects on Linux Mint 2013-08-29T16:54:07.940

1 chmod: I own the folders, but I can only delete the folder, not the files inside it 2013-09-06T13:10:32.683

1 Changing access rights of the specific folder for specifeid user 2013-09-11T08:16:56.373

1 Convert ls -ld to chmod/chown commands 2013-09-11T18:31:28.367

1 Changing chmod flags back 2013-09-18T21:57:39.223

1 What does the command "chmod a=w g+x alpha" do? 2013-10-31T12:02:12.293

1 Unable to change access permissions on external ntfs Harddrive 2013-11-13T21:23:44.193

1 Restrict user access to only read from /proc 2013-12-01T03:23:46.783

1 Permission denied altough chmod 777 2013-12-12T22:20:05.357

1 Changing permissions (read-only) for specific user for specific folder and sub-folders/files in RedHat? 2013-12-24T13:50:54.293

1 Is there any harm in converting all files to executable? 2014-01-18T05:06:39.610

1 list out owned file/directories and change its permissions 2014-02-12T15:36:42.453

1 Why does 'cd' not work on an entry with 'directory' attribute? 2014-04-08T09:10:04.207

1 chown all files of removed user (symlinks) 2014-04-09T18:21:50.950

1 Linux permissions, mv is denied 2014-04-21T13:02:58.673

1 Disabling chmod for some users 2014-06-11T07:05:43.087

1 Is it possible to disable chmod/chown from sudoers for these specific directories /usr and /etc? 2014-07-31T05:45:43.347

1 How can I skip mounted directories with chmod? 2014-08-07T21:21:13.810

1 Cannot change directory into home directory, although permissions are set correct 2014-08-27T09:34:14.947

1 Is there anyway you can restrict users from executing a command with another name? 2014-09-18T22:02:41.953

1 Chmod doesn't work for all files 2014-12-02T07:11:45.957

1 sudo chmod o+x but still can't run as regular user 2015-02-24T03:13:43.417

1 Making file's mode 000 on cygwin - does not work 2015-03-22T08:29:50.470

1 Automatically chmod a+r on files copied into my (OSX FUSE / sshfs mounted) VFS 2015-05-01T09:15:19.177

1 chmod without modding other user perms 2015-07-13T17:10:14.853

1 Can't connect Nextetender on Mac OS-X El-Captain 2015-10-05T08:32:43.457

1 Prevent deletion of folder but let access to everything inside of it 2016-02-15T11:40:32.687

1 File permissions not preserved on external hard drive 2016-03-29T17:31:43.967

1 Logging into new FTP server, but no directories show up 2016-06-04T13:42:11.917

1 Impact of "chmod g-w,o-w /" on a Linux System 2016-06-17T20:45:51.610

1 How to chmod all folders recursively excluding all folders withing a specific folder? 2017-01-08T04:10:14.920

1 Is copying files from Windows to Cygwin harmful? 2017-01-14T15:02:53.433

1 chmod -R -r not working on macOS High sierra 2017-09-24T08:58:28.213

1 Default permissions for files within directory when using rsync 2017-10-22T16:17:46.383

1 chown -R exclude some directory 2018-03-20T13:43:51.710

1 Give write access to www-data and another user to a folder 2018-05-30T14:30:31.057

1 How to add chmod +x on a file, from right click menu service in mac 2018-09-15T08:33:21.387

1 Can't Make an *.AppImage file Executable 2018-10-17T16:27:39.473

1 How to chmod by file extension to remove execute permission on some file types? 2019-02-10T18:43:53.947

1 FTP User/Group permission on VSFTPD and UBUNTU 2019-03-29T16:14:57.493

1 MacOS switched root Mongodb data folder to system ownership and it cannot be changed back anymore 2019-07-12T07:54:11.353

0 changed directory permissions of 2009-11-03T17:05:12.040

0 Samba shared folder and permissions (CentOS 5.5) 2010-08-07T23:50:57.850

0 after trying to modify permissions I can no longer access localhost 2010-09-02T10:04:14.417

0 What's @ in OS X directory permissions? 2010-10-17T22:54:52.153

0 Can't change owner/group to root:wheel on certain stubborn files 2010-11-05T03:38:31.103

0 Ubuntu Cannot change permissions on files I own and have RW to 2011-01-17T01:30:02.783

0 Chmod, Groups, and Users 2011-03-02T16:31:11.263

0 Homedir inside homedir restricted access 2011-03-09T22:27:20.987

0 OS X smbfs Mount Shows Incorrect Permission, Won't Take chmod 2011-04-05T02:14:51.023

0 a graphic utility in windows to change folder/file permissions like chmod in linux 2011-04-20T21:52:06.607

0 cancel last chmod? 2011-04-20T23:41:54.677

0 chmod problem in ubuntu 2011-04-23T09:59:35.523

0 Allowing multiple users to create directories over SFTP so the new directories keep the same permissions 2011-05-15T10:12:52.727

0 chmod / chown hfs+ Volume 2011-05-31T10:46:44.930

0 How to do an ls as if you were in the group 'other'? 2011-06-06T10:56:00.667

0 CentOS chmod overiding set-group-ID? 2011-06-13T00:41:51.460

0 chmod on /System/Library/ in Mac Snow Leopard - Now Cannot Open Terminal 2011-07-10T07:42:42.230

0 How do I give an admin user full rights to all home folders? 2011-10-02T10:04:07.467

0 Server error 500 due to file permission 2011-10-22T12:42:14.777