Tag: busybox

43 How to display current path in command prompt in linux's sh (not bash)? 2013-05-29T09:56:16.470

6 Run ifconfig without sudo 2015-01-28T09:36:28.130

5 sed Command on BusyBox expects different syntax? 2012-10-10T11:39:11.867

4 Ubuntu fails to start after system update (displays BusyBox notice on command line) 2010-11-06T07:32:27.073

4 Unmounting Detachable devices (eSATA,USB storage) in Linux 2011-09-07T08:58:57.077

4 Ubuntu system drops to BusyBox prompt while booting, followed by "udevd [94]: timeout: killing '/ sbin / blkid-o udev-p / dev / sda' " error 2012-02-25T14:12:12.030

4 Attempting to test an embedded nand flash chip by filling up a file to drive capacity 2013-05-03T18:05:06.587

4 mount on busybox: invalid argument when trying to mount smb share 2013-06-24T07:09:00.470

4 BusyBox Tar shows different ownership than GNU Tar 2016-12-12T19:15:39.083

3 Ubuntu install boots into BusyBox 2009-10-08T05:36:59.923

3 How to wait for a response on the inbound side of the socket using NC command under BusyBox? 2014-01-02T01:43:32.183

3 Fastest way to transfer data to new QNAP disk? 2016-03-10T23:08:00.797

2 Stop Linux from allocating more memory to a process 2010-12-02T14:21:15.723

2 Are there non-GPL alternatives to Busybox? 2011-07-22T15:52:02.607

2 How can I make the read only file system writable on BusyBox? 2011-08-26T12:45:16.320

2 Search all files containing text 2012-04-13T05:13:03.480

2 How do I gracefully fall back to AutoIP when there is no DHCP service available? 2013-05-02T11:32:16.313

2 sshd throws invalid password after date change 2016-09-05T13:44:24.497

2 Set up git on busybox 2016-10-06T12:33:13.580

2 Determine if a user exists on ESXi (Busybox) 2017-07-11T18:53:34.420

1 Generating a timestamp to usec accuracy in shell (Busybox) 2011-05-18T13:30:47.803

1 Adding udev for embedded linux 2011-06-04T11:56:16.753

1 TFTP an entire directory, problem with spaces in names 2011-09-08T14:18:02.623

1 Actiontec Q1000 missing cp and rm from busybox 2011-12-17T12:08:32.797

1 How i can install BusyBox on Virtual Machine? 2012-01-19T09:51:56.340

1 How to set up git in NAS Server (git, ssh, busybox) 2012-05-27T11:09:25.673

1 how to set adduser home directory permission on busybox 2013-02-02T02:46:42.057

1 udhcpc: How can I get the result of requesting option? 2013-03-27T03:26:59.133

1 Adding a C compiler to BusyBox 2013-11-15T23:06:53.897

1 Is this expected reverse DNS behaviour or something weirder? 2014-03-20T12:52:06.817

1 devmem: can't open '/dev/mem': Permission denied 2014-07-09T01:42:29.803

1 Why does my busybox diff report 'Common subdirectories' for every file pair? 2014-10-05T16:15:28.270

1 How to check if busybox has a command? 2014-10-29T22:43:12.233

1 Allowing ::1 on busybox httpd 2015-05-26T17:46:58.027

1 Ubuntu Machine boots into BusyBox 2016-06-19T23:38:34.793

1 what is default username and passoword for busybox's ftpd 2016-10-15T05:51:23.307

1 How to grep literal match in list of domains 2017-02-18T15:21:04.643

1 Debugging inetd issue on BusyBox 2017-02-21T10:44:08.217

1 busybox' udhcpc can not be killed 2017-04-28T10:54:23.393

1 IF block statement in inside an execlineb script 2017-09-14T16:02:17.240

1 How to configure a listening-only NTP client? 2018-03-07T16:53:06.583

1 moving files and folders to a subfolder 2018-04-11T23:03:03.923

1 Yocto Build Error 2019-04-18T18:55:12.453

1 Allowing internet access overt ppp0 from eth2 2019-11-23T11:29:03.297

0 Any reason why IDE disk hda1 shows up as sda1 under Knoppix Live CD 2009-11-25T08:32:16.357

0 Recursive touch command on BusyBox 1.01 2011-04-24T17:42:48.827

0 dual booting(Windows 7/Ubuntu 10.10/11.04) not seeing any of the OSes 2011-06-15T15:57:36.943

0 Limited password-less user to run a single command 2011-09-29T17:12:42.127

0 How to fork two process in inittab without waiting one to finish? 2011-10-19T09:13:33.640

0 Eject slot-loaded CD in BusyBox 1.18.4 2011-12-02T03:13:27.633

0 How to start init, but not startup scripts? 2012-01-10T15:22:11.987

0 run scrpts on routers with BusyBox 2012-01-19T15:55:52.170

0 smallest possible linux distribution 2012-01-25T12:38:02.910

0 How to make BusyBox running where my backend operating system can be xyz? 2012-04-24T09:27:27.653

0 How to force a longer `reboot` in Busybox v1.13.3? 2013-03-13T09:48:18.140

0 RSS Reader/Downloader on a NAS 2013-03-22T21:17:38.783

0 How to run a script uninterrupted accross power-cycling 2013-05-10T13:18:27.903

0 How can I find out the vfstype of a hard drive partition? 2013-09-18T01:56:18.077

0 Howto Isolate a computer from my network using a billion 7800n and a busybox prompt 2013-10-24T10:01:40.843

0 How to find files that contain a string in its content OR the path? 2014-03-04T16:18:40.790

0 Can ActionTec routers (e.g. FiOS MI424WR) be tweaked? 2015-04-28T16:29:20.253

0 This bash command runs on OSX but not on Busybox ..why? 2015-08-01T23:36:44.930

0 Assigning unique IP ranges for multiple USB Ethernet gadgets on a single host 2015-09-23T14:50:59.703

0 Why would a linux system mount partitions from fstab with one kernel config, but not another? 2016-08-05T01:03:34.743

0 How to test for active options in ash shell? 2016-11-21T10:10:44.573

0 Why does less +F say "can't open '+F'"? 2017-01-10T15:01:23.587

0 Linux/BusyBox multimedia Server 2017-03-06T16:43:06.307

0 Linux BusyBox files 2017-03-06T19:31:37.810

0 How do I use find and execute a command for each file in ash shell? 2017-03-27T22:56:42.737

0 ubuntu boots into busybox tried one of the following but didn't work 2017-04-08T18:22:53.660

0 PPP: Modem hangup on IPCP negotiation 2017-05-08T12:51:42.433

0 BUSYBOX: How do I check if I have a 32 or a 64 architecture? 2017-07-20T18:07:54.743

0 Implement a reverse shell on busybox? 2017-09-13T16:09:37.703

0 Do scripts 'block' when executed from rcS? 2018-02-28T12:49:39.177

0 Instal and setup IKEv2/IPsec on WD PR4100 2018-07-17T19:50:27.597

0 Busybox Recursive Non-Overwriting File Copy? 2018-09-06T04:52:50.740

0 Busybox filter string list 2018-12-11T16:06:58.080

0 Extract line from file in .tar.bz2 Archive 2018-12-16T13:07:39.580

0 Boot automatically into Debian instead of busybox/initrd? 2019-01-12T08:21:52.017

0 No file sourced in non-login shells 2019-01-24T09:40:00.237

0 Bash scripting: how to iterate through all drives? 2019-02-20T15:22:49.720

0 Busybox reports "bad address" for hostnames 2019-03-11T11:37:57.623

0 Enable telnet and telnetd services on Busybox 2019-05-23T12:44:53.573

0 Truncate short day names in variable 2019-07-17T06:21:54.810

0 How to Add Something Extra to a Busybox System? 2019-08-07T20:28:04.577

0 terminal freeze after reboot command 2019-08-15T04:07:57.453

0 how to update Busybox commands by modifying /lib and /bin directly? 2019-11-07T21:06:33.840

0 Installing tarballs on Busybox 2019-12-06T15:56:43.520

0 Ubunutu 16.04 boot stop showing busybox error 2020-01-06T15:36:23.470

0 "Access Denied" as root 2020-01-09T19:59:21.850

0 shell script loop through list line by line 2020-02-07T19:23:54.010

0 loop through a list without array in shell 2020-02-08T12:26:15.093

-1 How to install exe versions of linux utilities on windows? 2015-05-23T09:46:57.803

-1 Parsing JSON with BusyBox tools 2018-08-07T12:53:35.037