Tag: aspell

34 How do I add missing dictionaries for aspell? 2013-05-31T01:59:15.990

25 How to convert aspell dictionary to simple list of words? 2010-05-05T19:02:11.423

11 How to exclude {{{ ... }}} in flyspell-mode and flyspell-buffer? 2011-10-10T19:23:09.477

4 Spell checking reStructuredText 2011-05-22T17:01:21.377

3 How to set XChat spell checking to use a different language from the system default? 2011-01-19T18:40:12.897

2 Ignore all on set of words (ASPELL) 2011-02-09T12:32:36.623

2 Using a dictionary with aspell and emacs that is not listed by ispell 2012-04-09T07:43:24.917

2 Obtaining a list of words from a GNU aspell dictionary 2012-04-13T06:08:36.353

2 aspell: Domain-specific dictionary (computer science) 2015-04-28T11:18:42.030

2 aspell dictionaries and wordlist 2015-06-15T07:31:58.950

1 MacBook Pro - Aquamacs - spell check 2010-05-04T10:41:46.193

1 How to remove certain Aspell dictionaries? 2012-04-17T14:48:27.013

1 How do I add more words to an existing Aspell dictionary? 2014-06-13T17:21:36.773

1 Using aspell with emacs on Debian 2016-11-20T13:58:35.447

1 How to install spell check dictionaries in Gedit on Windows 2019-07-12T10:59:31.083

0 How do I find out where emacs 24 (OSX) puts my aspell corrections? 2014-07-04T14:33:57.300

0 aspell, contractions, and curved-quotes 2018-09-07T17:04:09.867

0 Aspell dictionary shows up offensive words? 2019-02-13T10:12:44.713

0 Problems with installing 'aspell' 2019-02-17T23:40:46.630

0 Configuring aspell to support UTF-8 encoded texts 2019-10-26T08:31:20.453