Tag: amazon-ec2

2 Permission denied in Amazon EC2 while accessing Tomcat 7 folder 2012-07-04T10:14:56.057

2 How to copy files from Linux to Windows with RDP (Vinagre)? 2012-08-08T08:51:57.973

2 How can I pass environment variable in nginx conf? 2012-09-23T18:45:24.260

2 Centos/Redhat XSP4 daemon 2012-11-29T21:36:48.363

2 User management for linux server 2012-12-26T15:50:48.563

2 Cannot scp file to an EC2 instance that I can ssh to 2013-01-09T18:19:32.360

2 How do amazon EC2 instant's random DNS entry gets resolved 2013-01-11T08:47:00.793

2 Connect to Amazon EC2 with NFS 2013-03-12T13:38:29.073

2 installing redis server on an ec2 instance where postgres is installed 2013-05-10T14:31:02.823

2 Keep GUI app running after vncserver shutdown 2013-05-13T20:55:16.190

2 How to estimate compute time on EC2? 2013-05-17T00:47:11.153

2 How to recompile the PHP with --with-pgsql 2013-06-14T05:59:39.327

2 Amazon Opsworks RDS, EC2, Rails 3, Phusion - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (Mysql2::Error) 2013-06-23T00:14:18.857

2 Why would a shutdown script NOT run? 2013-07-10T12:35:13.357

2 rsync via gateway ssh while defining .pem key 2013-09-13T18:31:04.700

2 Linux/SSH - get EC2 instance to read local .bashrc file 2013-09-22T20:36:37.507

2 Broken sudo on amazon web services ec2 linux centOS 2013-10-03T22:32:09.603

2 Apache james email server on EC2 (domain name mapping) 2013-10-07T19:03:32.270

2 Where are these S3 requests coming from? 2013-10-19T09:54:18.767

2 AWS EC2: Compile vim with clipboard support 2014-01-30T08:21:20.303

2 Redmine install on Apache2/Ubuntu 12.04 EC2 instance 2014-02-11T20:53:09.403

2 Cannot Execute FTP commands using ftp.exe client on AWS EC2 Windows Instance 2014-03-05T07:13:44.813

2 Unable to send files via SCP 2014-03-15T07:02:48.670

2 Why would a new EC2 East instance take me to www.google.com.tw? 2014-03-30T00:30:27.633

2 Linux multi-tasking 2014-04-01T13:21:57.520

2 Amazon Linux add user to group 2014-04-09T14:47:37.333

2 Is it safe to work on a server via SSH while uploading files to it via an SFTP file manager? 2014-05-06T00:52:34.683

2 Linux port open locally, but not externally 2014-05-09T00:08:46.083

2 Error message while connecting to EC2 instance via Cygwin 2014-07-11T23:06:54.477

2 Exporting AWS instance 2014-09-18T05:41:13.313

2 Make hidden folders invisible sftp 2014-10-30T08:49:32.833

2 ClamAV shows errors found, but how to find out what they are? 2014-11-20T21:41:54.243

2 ERROR: could not load library "/usr/lib64/pgsql/hstore.so": /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found 2015-03-12T01:21:54.807

2 Amazon-EC2 ports not opened despite Security Groups and iptables configuration 2015-03-29T21:22:56.590

2 DNS , NS and Mail Server configuration for website hosted on Amazon EC2 2015-06-02T05:30:30.957

2 AWS Security Group Rules Limit 2015-07-22T04:04:38.757

2 Issue with key pair while connecting to AWS EC2 Instance 2015-07-22T22:05:11.267

2 Issues resetting the MySQL password on an Amazon EC2 'Amazon Linux' instance 2015-08-30T17:02:10.153

2 Point one Amazon EC2 folder to another instance 2015-09-10T19:40:42.423

2 Issues SSHing between two Amazon EC2 instances of same region in different availability zones 2015-09-21T07:33:17.727

2 Can't ssh into ec2 box (permission denied) - ECDSA issue 2015-10-08T21:11:19.277

2 Run a script during shutdown/termination of an aws instance 2015-12-17T10:51:25.560

2 Getting "rpm: -–import: unknown option" when tryihng to import public key on Amazon Linux 2016-04-11T19:24:23.497

2 Feasiblity to host Tor Hidden Service in Amazon EC2? 2016-04-29T07:06:54.730

2 Is it possible to convert .img to ami for use with amazon EC2 2016-07-31T19:56:07.483

2 Changing the shared memory size of a container instance in Amazon ECS 2016-08-30T20:51:05.627

2 Error attaching volume to amazon ec2 instance 2016-11-23T16:21:21.697

2 Struggling with OpenLDAP configuration 2017-01-18T14:29:01.363

2 Installing ffmpeg in Amazon Linux 2017-02-14T14:56:35.000

2 Amazon ubuntu ssh putty fail, WinScp works 2017-02-27T12:54:13.580

2 Downgrade tomcat 8.5.16 to tomcat 8.0.46 in AWS AMI 2017-10-04T08:56:26.680

2 Connection timed out when SSH to Amazon EC2 instance 2019-05-01T20:01:49.090

2 yum install for postgres 9.6 rpm on Amazon Linux 2 on EC2 is failing due to dependency 2019-05-06T06:01:26.427

2 how to give permission to specific folder in amazon ec2 server 2019-05-12T05:37:43.913

2 Connection blocked because server only allows public key authentication [PuTTY Fatal Error] 2019-07-31T13:51:53.683

2 How to install collectd in AWS EC2 in one step with no failed commands 2019-09-05T22:04:01.653

1 Windows Server not installing audio drivers properly 2010-04-16T20:14:48.973

1 Should I, and how do I, backup my database for a web application that is hosted on an Amazon EC2 server? 2010-12-26T11:48:59.010

1 x windows in a browser. ajaxterm but with X 2011-03-10T20:11:55.920

1 How to install Rails on an EC2 server? 2011-03-23T17:06:02.327

1 Adding Webmin to Bitnami Lamp Stack 2011-05-25T07:52:37.760

1 How to install mongodb on linux? 2011-09-12T06:32:39.130

1 Is there a good way to give ec2-user admin credentials on EC2? I'm sudoing too often 2011-10-29T17:25:13.010

1 How Does One Connect to an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Instance from Windows 7? 2012-01-18T05:39:23.347

1 Bahamut IRCD on Amazon EC2 2012-03-02T03:59:27.987

1 How do I configure a Netgear FVS336g for use with Amazon VPC? 2012-03-18T02:16:50.573

1 Unable to connect to thin server on ubuntu 2012-04-27T15:19:38.043

1 ec2-import-instance of VMWare vmdk of Windows OS success, but can't RDP access the new ec2 instance 2012-06-29T09:22:44.123

1 can I create a symlink from an ec2 disk to S3 bucket? 2012-07-13T18:28:08.697

1 Create directory structure in Amazon Elastic Block Storage(EBS) and save files from Java Servlets? 2012-07-18T10:22:24.503

1 Vim creates strange output when navigating up or down in Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 2012-08-10T20:53:55.523

1 Is there a command to uninstall? 2012-09-14T13:49:29.817

1 Amazon EC2 Windows Server 2008 + “Instance Status Checks failed” 2012-09-21T18:34:05.397

1 Recompiling Ubuntu kernel 12.04 on EC2 2012-09-27T13:58:10.743

1 Remote connection to Amazon Instance (Ubuntu) from my Mac 2012-10-30T07:01:19.713

1 scp over ec2 ignoring a directory? 2012-12-24T00:05:14.980

1 Where should I install binaries that don't come as .deb? 2012-12-26T09:21:48.077

1 Apache2 not responding on Amazon EC2 2013-01-09T22:42:51.880

1 Install and setup FTP for nginx on Amazon EC2? 2013-01-17T10:53:44.050

1 mysql remote connection on Amazon ec2 ubuntu 2013-02-19T06:36:47.683

1 Can't ssh to ec2 after using afw 2013-03-07T11:37:23.810

1 EC2 - run a script immediately after ssh login? 2013-03-24T21:58:19.233

1 How to correct sudo permission? 2013-04-16T06:27:03.433

1 Unable to use sudo su - command 2013-04-19T12:57:43.580

1 Python taking too much memory on server, 2013-04-24T15:37:41.733

1 Cannot find ".ssh" Folder on Mac 2013-06-04T10:42:29.060

1 Adding a disk to an Amazon EC2 instance 2013-06-12T16:22:26.760

1 Creating an 'alias' or 'symlink' to a separate folder in apache 2013-06-20T18:31:36.153

1 Use latest version of package in bash script 2013-07-01T18:37:16.667

1 Finding my network's public IP address range 2013-08-25T17:11:10.270

1 How to login to EC2 Linux instance if sudo password is not known? 2013-09-12T09:27:06.747

1 EC2 instance with two internal IPs - using ifconfig 2013-10-23T02:01:46.340

1 Asterisk preferable CPU usage 2013-11-16T22:00:33.007

1 Getting error "CreateStack failed: Size of the instance" when trying to launch g2.2xlarge on EC2 2013-12-05T17:33:25.940

1 How do I setup a test and dev environment on one same EC2 Linux instance for a drupal site? 2014-01-25T13:58:11.653

1 ssh connection fails with timeout but telnet on port 22 is instant 2014-02-16T12:28:08.957

1 AWS CloudWatch custom metric publishing example 2014-02-21T09:02:36.473

1 mysql_secure_Installation is missing in my mysql installation 2014-03-01T12:24:02.833

1 How do I partition new disk space after upgrading EC2 instance type? 2014-03-17T20:03:35.073