How can I extract multiple 7zip archives to folders with the same names in Linux?



I have about 300 7zip archives, each with several files in them, and no directory structure inside.

I need to extract all these archives to folders that match the respective archive.



Extract contents of foo.7z to /foo/
Extract contents of bar.7z to /bar/

I tried this script:

find . -name "*.7z" -type f| xargs -I {} 7z x -o{} {}

But it resulted in:

can not open output file ./foo.7z/file.bin
Skipping    file.bin

What am I doing wrong? I'm using Ubuntu Linux.


Posted 2015-11-12T14:54:31.850

Reputation: 10 813

@platinums Pretty hard to use context menus on a non-graphical operating system. – Moses – 2017-07-23T16:15:25.360



You're trying to create a directory with the same name as the file. That cannot work: There can't be two directory entries with the same name.

One way to fix this is to use basename to strip the .7z extension from the files and create the directories without the .7z suffix.


for archive in *.7z; do 7z x -o"`basename \"$archive\" .7z`" "$archive"; done


Posted 2015-11-12T14:54:31.850

Reputation: 934

When I try that I get "there is no such archive". – Moses – 2015-11-12T15:15:54.887

Did you have any spaces in the archive names? I have fixed the command in the answer to properly handle filenames that contain whitespace. – Vojtech – 2015-11-12T18:21:09.727

Ah, yes that was it. Thanks! Worked beautifully. – Moses – 2015-11-12T18:55:52.147


To extract multiple *.7z files in the same directory with a single command, this will extract them all to separate directories named the same as the 7z archives without the .7z.

7za x -o* -y *.7z


Posted 2015-11-12T14:54:31.850

Reputation: 111

See also this:

– Matthew K. – 2019-11-03T17:48:26.080


for file in *.7z; do
    if mkdir ${directory}; then
        ( cd ${directory}; 7z x ../${file} )
        echo "Unable to create directory ${directory} for archive ${file}" 1>&2

The way this works is first iterating through all the *.7z files using the file variable. Once it grabs a filename, it uses bash string manipulation to strip the .7z off the end, and make a new variable, directory, out of that.

It will then try to create the directory, and, if it can, it will open up a subshell, go into that directory, and extract the 7zip archive.

If it was not able to create that directory, a message is sent to standard error.

I use a subshell so as to not have to worry about losing track of where I am with changes to the working directory.

The most abstruse part of this is this line:


This is the aforementioned bash string manipulation, which will look for .7z at the end of a string, and if present, replace it with nothing. If I wanted to replace it with, say, .zip, I could use ${file/%.7z/.zip}.


Posted 2015-11-12T14:54:31.850

Reputation: 543


Can you expand your answer to explain what this code does, how to run it, and how it addresses the problem? Cautious readers are wary of unexplained code, and it's discouraged, because it doesn't teach the solution. Thanks.

– fixer1234 – 2015-11-12T18:48:59.073

Thanks for the feedback, @fixer1234, I have expanded upon my answer as you have requested. – DopeGhoti – 2015-11-12T19:12:03.197