How to change the Keyboard Symbols and Numbers?


I am using Windows7 Pro and my Keyboard looks like below

enter image description here

What I need is, I am pressing SHIFT + Symbl for Symbols like !@#$%^&*

Is there any way to change the keyboard setting by only pressing the key for symbols and Shift + Num for Numbers like 12345 ???

Maria Jeysingh Anbu

Posted 2015-11-07T08:24:46.320

Reputation: 115



Normally, you could do this by making some modifications in Registry's key mapping, but since your case involves keys combinations (Shift + number), you can't do it that way.

So, give this a try:

  1. Download AutoHotkey. It's a program that allows making key macros and more complex key remapping, amongst other cool stuff.

  2. Then go to to the Desktop (or wherever you want), right-click, and then choose New > AutoHotkey Script.

  3. Right-click the file you just created, and choose Edit Script. This will open the script file with the Notepad. Erase all its content and paste the following:

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    *5::send `%
    $+1::send 1
    $+2::send 2
    $+3::send 3
    $+4::send 4
    $+5::send 5
    $+6::send 6
    $+7::send 7
    $+8::send 8
    $+9::send 9
    $+0::send 0

Note that the symbols on each keyboard may vary, so keep in mind that the structure is originalkey::replacement. For example, you have question mark (?) on your number 0, instead of the equal sign (=), you should write *0::? instead of *0::=

  1. Save the script and open it (this time by left double-clicking it), and you're done! Every time you want to stop the script, just go to the notification icons, right-click the AutoHotkey icon, and choose "Exit".



How to stop the script


Posted 2015-11-07T08:24:46.320

Reputation: 1 604