exFAT file timestamps


I use external SD cards to backup important data on my PC. I typically use "Robocopy /mir /ndl" so that I get on the SD card a true picture of what's on the disk.

Twice a year, when the clocks change, the copying process gets funny and starts copying the whole set of files, and on investigation it seems that the timestamps on the exFAT formatted SD card are one hour off.

This does not happen with NTFS.

Is this a bug with Windows 7 or some intrinsic flaw with exFAT ? It seems exFAT stores the GMT time regardless of daylight savings, or it seems that Windows reads the times without adjusting, as it does when it reads the times off of the NTFS partitions.


Posted 2015-11-04T07:43:49.307

Reputation: 21



NTFS is a 64 bit time stamp, ex fat uses 3 separate fields to store the time stamp with one byte being the time zone for UTC time.

I'd have to go back and look, but you can get details from the SANS paper or look around rshullic.wordpress.com

Robert Shullich

Posted 2015-11-04T07:43:49.307

Reputation: 41