I am accessing a system where some tutorial videos are getting played on VLC player.I want to watch those videos again at a later stage as those are concepts and am not getting them.
So i have a screen recording software can i record those videos?Can the person whose system am accessing catch me?I am using Citrix receiver client.
Help me urgently. Thanks
There's a slight possibility citrix receiver is monitoring your system, but I would highly doubt it. Try downloading a screen recorder for you OS and test it out. Also, wouldn't it just be better to copy the files? I'm assuming you can't.
– ZN13 – 2015-11-03T21:26:08.337I cant copy the data because that's a virtual PC.And if i record the videos i want it to be anonymous.I have tried it,it is able to record but just want to confirm that does it have the access to monitor on my local pc what software i have installed whether am using skype or camera or anything personal?
Really need some experts advice here. Thanks @zn13 for help – Jamie James – 2015-11-03T22:19:17.797
guys any help :( – Jamie James – 2015-11-04T06:06:49.303