Can't connect to server with Filezilla using SSH keys on Windows 10



In windows 7 I have no problem to connect to my server using filezilla client with SSH keys.

Then, on windows 10, using same process, same servers and same key files I can not log in.

One thing I have noticed is that in Windows 7, the "Passphrase for key" is asked when establishing the connection... On windows 10, it only asks me for a Password, so it's like Filezilla doesn't even detect that I'm trying to use SSH keys.

Any suggestion?

** Yes, I am using same version of filezilla client in both operating systems (version 3.14.1)


Posted 2015-11-03T13:21:37.330

Reputation: 1

Show us a log file (a real log file, not a message log from FileZilla GUI) for both sessions. – Martin Prikryl – 2015-11-03T13:50:47.743

A server-side log would help too, if you have an access to it. – Martin Prikryl – 2015-11-03T13:51:15.687

where do you store the keys? How do you tell filezilla to use them? – Jakuje – 2015-11-03T16:15:50.580

@MartinPrikryl I don't know how to get those log files you are asking me for, but I'm getting into it... once I get them I will show them – user2095819 – 2015-11-03T17:07:04.087

@jakuje, this is what I do:

Edit → Settings → SFTP → add the key file (it's a ppk file generated with Puttygen) ....then: File → Site manager → New site: Host: IP address // Port: 22 // Protocol: SFTP - SSH File transfer protocol // Logon type: Interactive // User: Root //... That works for me in windows 7, but it doesn't in windows 10 – user2095819 – 2015-11-03T17:07:29.247

FileZilla menu: Edit > Settings > Logging > Log to file – Martin Prikryl – 2015-11-04T07:09:16.287

"Log to file" option won't let me add ".ppk" file, only ".log" files... :\ ... I'm still working on getting those log files – user2095819 – 2015-11-05T00:37:47.640

Sure, it's for logging, not authentication. Maybe you are confusing "logging in" (authentication) with "logging" (recording events). – Martin Prikryl – 2015-11-05T07:21:30.787

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