What fields in exif files provide image Height/Width information


I am writing a simple(??) VB6 program to change a selected file's name. I want to show a small(appx scaled to a 2"X3" ) image of the picture. To avoid distortion of the image (I have to use a VB picture image) I want to alter the height and width of the displayed picture box to fit the size of the picture. To do this I want to extract the height and width of the file, then ratio it down and resize the picture boxes size

Chase Allen

Posted 2015-11-01T16:04:58.053

Reputation: 31



What fields in exif files provide image Height/Width information?

Here are the relevant Exif tags as defined in the Exif 2.3 standard (PDF Link):

| Tag (hex)  | Tag (dec)  |  IFD   |          Key            | Type  |                                                                Tag description                                                                 |
| 0x0100     |       256  | Image  | Exif.Image.ImageWidth   | Long  | The number of columns of image data, equal to the number of pixels per row. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag. |
| 0x0101     |       257  | Image  | Exif.Image.ImageLength  | Long  | The number of rows of image data. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.                                           |

Source Standard Exif Tags


Posted 2015-11-01T16:04:58.053

Reputation: 118 938