Are emails marked as junk in Outlook passed to the Exchange server to improve its spam filter?



I have been getting more spam emails to my corporate account recently. I have asked our Service Desk to block these at server level – so this is not the issue.

If I mark a message as junk in the Outlook client, are the rules passed up to our Exchange server to improve the spam filter globally?


Posted 2015-10-29T10:10:45.940

Reputation: 5 916

I would say check with your Service Desk. – Xavierjazz – 2015-10-29T15:20:06.427

@Xavierjazz I did and they didn't know – Burgi – 2015-10-29T15:33:44.577



No, they are not used globally. Rules that you add are uploaded to Exchange and the rules check e-mails on the server (less load for your computer) but only for your account.

It is of course possible for the Exchange admins to deploy global filters with Group Policies or Office Custimization Tool, if they use this there might be a process to report offenders and have a spam address added to their list.


Posted 2015-10-29T10:10:45.940

Reputation: 2 282

Do you have any information on the global filters? – Burgi – 2015-11-05T10:19:31.997

Sure, but that's quite an extensive topic perhaps more suited for ServerFault. This is a good place to start

– HoD – 2015-11-05T11:32:14.830

I'll have a dig around in global filters and ask on ServerFault if i need any more information, thanks. – Burgi – 2015-11-08T16:52:03.243