Is there any way to synchronize workspace changes between monitors in Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan)?


Is there a simple method for synchronizing workspace changes between multiple monitors on MacOS with the 'displays have separate Spaces' options enabled?

I.e. I have an equal number of Spaces for both displays and I want cmd + 1 to switch to workspaces 1 & 6 (assuming 5 workspaces on both monitors). Having to manually synchronize them is cumbersome.

ps. "Split View" is the reason I'd like to enable the separate Spaces option so if there is a way to make split view work with the option disabled.


Posted 2015-10-26T11:42:40.237

Reputation: 1



I haven't used El Capitan much at all, so I don't know if there's another way, but I've used TotalSpaces in previous OS's with the Fullscreen feature.

TotalSpaces can sync spaces, even if the Displays have separate spaces is on. There is a Sync grids option in the Layout tab of the preferences (screenshots below).


TotalSpaces2 versions 2.3.5 and above have support for OSX 10.11 El Capitan, but cannot run on a normally configured machine due to system integrity protection, a new security feature in El Capitan.

This article will tell you how to configure your machine by modifying the new setting, so that you can run TotalSpaces2.

It's also cool and good to know that you can have uneven amount of spaces in each screen, like I have in my setup.

For example: If I jump from space 1 to space 5, only my imac space will change. If I then jump to space 2, both screens will switch to that space, as it's available in both.

enter image description here enter image description here


Posted 2015-10-26T11:42:40.237

Reputation: 421