Can't dump to file despite mysqld running as root



I don't understand how mysql running as root@localhost would not be allowed to write to /usr/lib/? Writing a file there is a common step in going from SQL injection to root shell. Details below.

On this challenge I'm doing, I've managed to gain admin access to a wordpress panel. From there I can edit php files, allowing me to run queries on the database at my leisure.

My first step was to check which user was running the mysql server:

$results = $wpdb->get_results( 'select system_user() ', OBJECT );

This showed that mysql is running as root@localhost. In my mind root should have all rights on the system. I confirmed that it had FILE permissions:

...  "'root'@'localhost'" ["privilege_type"]=> string(4) "FILE" ["is_grantable"]=> string(3) "YES" }

Just to be sure I tried to write a file to /tmp/:

select "hello world" into outfile "/tmp/test"

It worked. I now need a root shell on the system so I proceeded to follow this methodology here which involves writing a file to /usr/lib/:

select "hello world" into dumpfile "/usr/lib/test"

But I'm getting a permission-related error:

[Can't create/write to file '/usr/lib/' (Errcode: 13)]

Using a web shell running as a low privilege user I checked the rights on /usr/lib/:

drwxr-xr-x 173 root root 53248 Sep 29  2011 lib

Nothing funky here, root should be able to write.


Posted 2015-10-25T22:39:43.560

Reputation: 1 604



You are using the root MYSQL user which doesn't have the permissions of the root system user.

Try giving the "mysql" user write permissions to the file.

Ammar Bandukwala

Posted 2015-10-25T22:39:43.560

Reputation: 156

Isn't system_user() supposed to return the user the mysql daemon is running as? I would assume it's returning the "system_user". – user2018084 – 2015-10-25T22:47:20.447


@Juicy this is an easy thing to check:

– schroeder – 2015-10-25T23:39:06.147