[Win10 Pro]Bitlocker suspended just after encryption



I have a strange problem. I have TPM (with restrictions - backward compatibility it says, PC upgraded from 8.1 to 10 PRO) and I wanted to encrypt the C: drive. Everything went OK, after reboot encryption has started and finished with no problems, but after entering in the command prompt "manage-bde -status C:" it shows, that protection is OFF.

When I go to the bitlocker function options in the Control Panel I see "bitlocker for C: drive is suspended", I have no option to turn it back on or something, I can just turn off (decrypt drive) or backup the recovery keys. Nothing else.

Is there any way to turn the BitLocker on?

I have Secure Boot enabled and full support for BitLocker. My PC (tablet) is ASUS T200TA with CS_Mode disabled (I use it as a normal PC).

It's bizarre for me because disk is encrypted, but not protected (?) by this encryption. I'm confused a little, how does it work?


Posted 2015-10-22T20:09:40.870

Reputation: 11

1Well, the first, obvious question is what happens if you run manage-bde -protectors -enable C: to un-suspend BitLocker? Usually you could do this from the GUI, but it's certainly possible from an (admin) command line. – CBHacking – 2015-10-22T20:14:29.983

hello, thanks for answer. It says "key protectors are enabled for drive C:" (that's all). But still, if I check status, it seems like there's no effect. Protection stands "OFF". – Notanamber – 2015-10-22T20:18:17.237

Odd. Try suspending it (swap -disable for -enable in the command above) and see if that does anything, then try re-enabling and see if that helped. If not, turn off BL and start again. – CBHacking – 2015-10-22T20:21:49.823

When I set protectors to disabled, an opened lock with warining symbol appeared over C: drive icon (explorer.exe). After changing back to "enabled" it said what I told before, and protection is still OFF. I'll start again and I'll see if something changes.

Is it possible that bitlocker has got bugged? – Notanamber – 2015-10-23T07:19:51.387

Hypothetically possible, sure, but unlikely. Worst case, you might need to re-install Windows, but that really shouldn't be required. Do make sure the encryption process goes as smoothly as possible. – CBHacking – 2015-10-23T10:49:20.057

Okay, now the drive is encrypting again (muuuuch slower than normally, but still). After reboot (system test) something changed - system wasn't asking me for password like before (I was logged in automatically). I don't know if this is correct, but I didn't change anything with netplwiz and so on.

I'll give info when any further progress will occur. – Notanamber – 2015-10-24T06:52:55.970

Nothing changed (still the same problem), but now I'm starting to think that it's supposed to be like this. I've read, that drive is already encrypted (inaccessible for external systems), but Windows is not protecting the drive by password (while my account is password-protected, it is not needed).

So I'll give it a try. I'm downloading Hiren's Boot CD right now and I'll try to get into drive C: via GParted or Parted Magic, whatever (built-in filemanager). – Notanamber – 2015-10-25T19:02:06.297

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