I need a configuration for sniffing data packets and accessing the internet from the sniffer machine. The system schema is something like this:
Linksys X1000 modem
/ \
USB 3G Dongle <-> Laptop Custom Device using Ethernet
The modem is used for giving each device an local IP address, I want the custom device to access the internet using USB 3G dongle. And I need to sniff the data from custom device reaching the internet.
How may I accomplish something like this?
you can't sniff on the laptop interface that the dongle is attached to? that is the only segment in your diagram where that would be possible. – Frank Thomas – 2015-10-21T19:48:46.030
the problem is that i can't redirect the custom device's data to some other server on the internet via 3g dongle. How should I configure this system (the modem should be the router) to do something like that? – tpaksu – 2015-10-22T07:38:52.360
easiest answer is to get DSL service (since the modem is an ADSL modem/wifi router), and stop using the 3g dongle. Alternately, you could set up a PC on the WAN side of the router (I'm not certian the rotuer takes Ethernet for WAN though) and use it as an upstream router. I wouldn't recommend using the laptop to do it unless you don't need it for actual use. – Frank Thomas – 2015-10-22T11:47:31.810
Any one who has a idea? – tpaksu – 2015-11-17T12:00:31.157